Starting in September 2021 with the 2021-2022 club year, the club's website will no longer be updated as it once was. The new executive team has chosen to focus their attention on the club's Discord server and social media channels. As such, the archives will not be updated. For current info, you'll have to piece it together from the Discord server and social media channels.
Archive Directory
To access the archives click on the archive you wish to access.

Deep Archive
Old News Archive
The Deep Archive contains all the old news and announcements from the previous club years. The sections are divided by the club year, not calendar year. A club year starts at the beginning of September and runs until the end of August.
Everything from 2001-2006 was pulled from the old files and may not be complete. The oldest entry on file is April 27th, 2003.
Due to the numerous spelling and grammar errors that for some reason university students still make, all the content in the archive has been spell-checked. However, all the little things are still in place to preserve the old content. Also, all the old email addresses have been removed, but all the old links are still there (some of them no longer work).
2020-2021 Archive Scroll
2019-2020 Archive Scroll
2018-2019 Archive Scroll
2017-2018 Archive Scroll
2016-2017 Archive Scroll
2015-2016 Archive Scroll
2014-2015 Archive Scroll
2013-2014 Archive Scroll
2012-2013 Archive Scroll
2011-2012 Archive Scroll
2010-2011 Archive Scroll
2009-2010 Archive Scroll
2008-2009 Archive Scroll
2007-2008 Archive Scroll
2006-2007 Archive Scroll
2005-2006 Archive Scroll
2004-2005 Archive Scroll
2003-2004 Archive Scroll
2002-2003 Archive Scroll
2001-2002 Archive Scroll
Anime@Carleton Officially Certified as a CUSA Club January 2002
Anime@Carleton Founded Fall 2001
There may be a news post that wasn't collected in the above scrolls. All the news posts between 2001 to 2005 were collected from old website files. You can try looking through the Wayback Machine to see if anything was missed.
A@C Site Designs
Below is a record of the Anime@Carleton website. Contained are images of the site’s design. They are being posted to allow people to see how the site has evolved and improved over time, also to show where we have been.
A@C Site Designs