
This news is not current, for current news please go to the Home page.

2001-2002 Archive

April 2/2002

Our next showing is scheduled for 5-11pm, Friday April 5, in 264 LA (Loeb Building - campus map). To get to 264LA from Theatre B (where our last showing was held), just go down the tunnel and the lecture hall will be to your left. This is our third and final showing till next September. =)

The club also has a new home on IRC (that's Internet Relay Chat ^^). Go to #anime@carleton on DALNet. Check out the discussion board if you need help getting started with IRC. We encourage everyone to come to the DALnet channel to get the latest news on the club, just chat anime, or download files. If you have any problems or questions feel free to ask.

Good luck to everyone on exams!

March 21/2002

For those of you looking for that background you saw at the last showing, you can find it here.

January 23/2002

Anime @ Carleton is now an official CUSA club!

This is the most ancient wisdom we’ll receive from these scrolls.
There are no more old news entries on file.