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News Archive
September 16th, 2018
Yesterday’s marathon showing of El-Hazard: The Magnificent World marked the end of the 2017-2018 club year. After the marathon, we concluded the final showing of the club year with a movie and some free showing,
Alice in Cyberland
Galaxy Angel A ep. 5-6
The Girl from Phantasia
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time / Toki o Kakeru Shoujo
With the 2017-2018 club year wrapped, the next showing is this Saturday, September 22nd which will kick off the 2018-2019 club year.
Stay tuned for the opening post for the new club year later this week. If you’re looking for the new schedules, both Schedule A and B’s content can be found on the post on August 31st.
Thanks for a great year of anime.
Kaicho of A@C

September 9th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Case Closed Movie: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital / Meitantei Conan: Meikyuu no Crossroad
Eien no Filerna ep. 5 and 6 (End)
Galaxy Angel A ep. 3-4
The next showing is this Saturday, September 15th in River Building (RB) 2200, directions to the room here. This week is the final showing of the 2017-2018 club year, it will be a marathon showing,
1:30pm to 2:00pm: Setup
2:00pm to 6:30pm: El-Hazard: The Magnificent World ep. 1-7
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Notice: There will be a short break in the middle of El-Hazard.
End of the 2017-2018 Club Year
The end of the 2017-2018 club year is nearly upon us. We’ll be wrapping up this club year on Saturday, September 15th.
The 2018-2019 club year will start on Saturday, September 22nd with all new schedules. See the post on August 31st for the new schedules.
A@C Marketplace
The A@C Marketplace is open.
Anime Movies & Concerts
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
September 15th Cineplex Listing
BanG Dream! 5th LIVE / Roselia -Ewigkeit-
September 16th Cineplex Listing
My Hero Academia: Two Heroes
Dub - End of September
Sub - Early October
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
September 2nd, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Case Closed Movie: The Phantom of Baker Street / Meitantei Conan: Baker Street no Bourei
Eien no Filerna ep. 3 and 4
Fate/Extra: Last Encore ep. 7
The next showing is this Saturday, September 8th in River Building (RB) 2200, directions to the room here. This week is the final regular showing of the 2017-2018 club year, the schedule is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: A Place Further Than the Universe / Sora yori mo Tooi Basho ep. 11, 12, and 13 (End)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner: EXODUS / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus ep. 25 and 26 (End)
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 6:00pm: Persona 5 the Animation ep. 13, 14, 15, and 16
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
End of the 2017-2018 Club Year
The end of the 2017-2018 club year is approaching. We’ll be wrapping up this club year on Saturday, September 15th. The last showing of this year will be a short marathon of El-Hazard: The Magnificent World and likely a movie and short free showing. More details will be posted either later this week or at the start of next.
The 2018-2019 club year will start on Saturday, September 22nd with all new schedules. See the post from August 31st for the new schedules.
A@C Marketplace
The A@C Marketplace is open.
Anime Movies & Concerts
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
BanG Dream! 5th LIVE / Poppin’Party HAPPY PARTY 2018!
September 8th Cineplex Listing
Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
Mid-September Cineplex Listing
BanG Dream! 5th LIVE / Roselia -Ewigkeit-
Mid-September Cineplex Listing
My Hero Academia: Two Heroes
End of September
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
August 31st, 2018
The 2018-2019 Club Year will be starting on Saturday, September 22nd with Schedule A. On Saturday, September 29th Schedule B kicks off. Schedules will rotate week to week. The schedules for the start of the 2018-2019 Club Year are,
Schedule A:
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Chio's School Road / Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Hanebado!
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Persona 5 the Animation cont.
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Attack on Titan Season 3 / Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Schedule B:
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Asobi Asobase
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Revue Starlight / Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Planet With
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Cells at Work! / Hataraku Saibou
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
The 2017-2018 Club Year will be wrapping up on Saturday, September 15th with a small marathon. Stay tuned for more details.
Kaicho of A@C
August 26th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Eien no Filerna ep. 1 and 2
Fate/Extra: Last Encore ep. 6
Galaxy Angel A ep. 1-2
Martian Successor Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness / Kidou Senkan Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness
The next showing is this Saturday, September 1st in Paterson Hall (PA) 215, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Golden Kamuy ep. 11 and 12 (End)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:50pm: Fafner: EXODUS / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus ep. 21, 22, 23, and 24
4:50pm to 5:00pm: Break
5:00pm to 5:50pm: Megalobox ep. 11, 12, and 13 (End)
5:50pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
End of the 2017-2018 Club Year
The end of the 2017-2018 club year is approaching. We’ll be wrapping up this club year on Saturday, September 15th. The last showing of this year will be something a bit different; more details will be posted when we get closer to the date. The 2018-2019 club year will start on Saturday, September 22nd with all new schedules.
A@C Marketplace
The A@C Marketplace is open.
Anime Movies & Concerts
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
BanG Dream! 5th LIVE / Poppin’Party HAPPY PARTY 2018!
September 8th Cineplex Listing
Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
Mid-September Cineplex Listing
BanG Dream! 5th LIVE / Roselia -Ewigkeit-
Mid-September Cineplex Listing
My Hero Academia: Two Heroes
End of September
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
August 19th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Galaxy Angel Z ep. 17-19 (End of Season 2)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 25 and 26 (End)
Sea Prince and the Fire Child / Sirius no Densetsu
Notice: As Kerry is away for the next two Saturdays, I’ll be running the showings. I’ll be sending out an email in the next day or two to find out what attendance will be like. We may only hold the movie and free showing for the next two Saturdays if there isn’t going to be many at the early part.
The next showing is this Saturday, August 25th in Paterson Hall (PA) 215, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: A Place Further Than the Universe / Sora yori mo Tooi Basho ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 25 and 26 (End)
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Persona 5 the Animation ep. 11 and 12
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Hinamatsuri ep. 11 and 12 (End)
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Summer Marathons
The third and final summer marathon is this Sunday, August 19th at 1:00pm in River Building 2200, directions to the room here. The marathon will be the second half (14-26) of Last Exile. We’ll have some sort of movie after we finish.
August Club Dinner: Magic Retaliation, Supercomputers, and Game Addiction
The Club Dinner: August Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner:
Colin-kun has had his life turned upside down due to the mass fandom Dave created. With the inability to go outside without being approached by an endless stream of fans he decides to use his magic against Dave and the fandom that has spread across the globe.
Sean2 isn't satisfied with his VR/AR system being powered by a consumer grade computer and discovers that what he needs is the IBM Summit supercomputer. He starts to buddy up to Stephen who has connections to IBM.
Jasper has become addicted to Monster Hunter: World. In order to spend as much time playing as possible, he is using up his vacation and sick days at work and only sleeps a few hours a day.
What will Dave face in Colin-kun's magic retaliation? Will Sean2 convince Stephen to get him an IBM supercomputer? Will Jasper be able to break away from the Monster Hunter addiction? Stay tuned to find out.
If you'd like to attend, please send me a message ASAP, as the dinner will be this Tuesday, August 21st. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events). Those already on the email list will have been sent an email.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
August 17th, 2018
Since everyone will be away for the early part of the showing tomorrow, we’ll only be holding the movie and free showing period.
All the episodes in the early part will be marked as watched, so you’ll have to watch them outside of club. Fafner: EXODUS will have 4 episodes to fill out the one open slot in the schedule and to speed it along so it gets finished by the end of the club year.
August 12th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Fate/Extra: Last Encore ep. 5
Galaxy Angel Z ep. 15-16
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 23 and 24
Techno Police 21C
The next showing is this Saturday, August 18th in Paterson Hall (PA) 215, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Golden Kamuy ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner: EXODUS / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus ep. 17 and 18
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Megalobox ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: TBD ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Summer Marathons
The third and final summer marathon starts this Sunday, August 12th at 1:00pm in River Building 2200, directions to the room here. The marathon will be the first half (1-13) of Last Exile, the second half will be on Sunday, August 19th. We’ll have some sort of movie after we finish.
August Club Dinner: Magic Retaliation, Supercomputers, and Game Addiction
The Club Dinner: August Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner:
Colin-kun has had his life turned upside down due to the mass fandom Dave created. With the inability to go outside without being approached by an endless stream of fans he decides to use his magic against Dave and the fandom that has spread across the globe.
Sean2 isn't satisfied with his VR/AR system being powered by a consumer grade computer and discovers that what he needs is the IBM Summit supercomputer. He starts to buddy up to Stephen who has connections to IBM.
Jasper has become addicted to Monster Hunter: World. In order to spend as much time playing as possible, he is using up his vacation and sick days at work and only sleeps a few hours a day.
What will Dave face in Colin-kun's magic retaliation? Will Sean2 convince Stephen to get him an IBM supercomputer? Will Jasper be able to break away from the Monster Hunter addiction? Stay tuned to find out.
If you'd like to attend, please send me a message. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events). Those already on the email list will have been sent an email.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie – Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
Sub: Wednesday, August 15th 9:40pm
Dub: Thursday, August 16th 9:30pm
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
August 5th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Case Closed Movie: Countdown to Heaven / Meitantei Conan: Tengoku e no Count Down
Fate/Extra: Last Encore ep. 4
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 22
Today's Menu for Emiya Family / Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan ep. 8
The next showing is this Saturday, August 11th in Paterson Hall (PA) 215, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: A Place Further Than the Universe / Sora yori mo Tooi Basho ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 23 and 24
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Persona 5 the Animation ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Hinamatsuri ep. 9 and 10
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Summer Marathons
The second summer marathon is this Sunday, August 5th starting at 1:00pm in River Building 2200, directions to the room here. The marathon will be the second half (13-24) of Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo. We may do a movie after we finish the series.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Sailor Moon SuperS - The Movie
August 4th dubbed
August 6th subbed
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
August 1st, 2018

Stepping Down from the Club Executive
My time as an executive of Anime@Carleton has come to end. I'll be stepping down from the club's executive after serving the club for 11 years. The final event of the 2017-2018 club year will mark the end of my time as an Anime@Carleton executive.
I've been a club member since 2006-2007 and an executive since the 2007-2008 club year, starting as Vice President. Initially, there was another candidate for the position that volunteered at the previous year's election, however, that candidate did not show up for the 2007-2008 club year and couldn't be contacted. So I was asked whether I could fill the position for that year.
When I started, I took over the website. Over the years I've expanded the club's web presence onto social media channels, in addition, the Steam group and Discord server were setup by me. Even though none of them has a large following, they have gotten club news and news about Ottawa anime and Japanese events out to the community.
Over the years as a club executive, I've done every task at one point or another, sometimes all of them, over the years to keep the club the going. Some years have been smoother than others in running the club as some of the behind the scenes things have changed over the years, mostly relating to Carleton University for room bookings and CUSA for club registration.
From the time I started going to the club in fall 2006 the anime scene in Ottawa and the fandom has changed a fair bit over the years. Back when I started there was no streaming and all the anime that got shown was either fansubs or North American DVD releases, AC-Cubed was run yearly in Ottawa, and we had various events put on by the Society for Ottawa Anime Promotion (SOAP) throughout the year, with a lot of the SOAP events being run in partnership with the club. Access to anime and its popularity has greatly increased over the past decade and it has become more mainstream and easier to enjoy.
Thank you to all the Anime@Carleton executives and members over years.
Craig M.
Executive of Anime@Carleton

July 29th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Eiga Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Take on Me
Fate/Extra: Last Encore ep. 3
Galaxy Angel Z ep. 13-14
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 20 and 21
The next showing is this Saturday, August 4th in Paterson Hall (PA) 215, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Golden Kamuy ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner: EXODUS / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus ep. 15 and 16
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Megalobox ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku / Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii ep. 9, 10, and 11 (End)
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Summer Marathons
The second summer marathon is this Sunday, July 29th starting at 12:45pm in River Building 2200, directions to the room here. The marathon will be the first half of Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo. The second half of the series will be on Sunday, August 5th.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
Japanese w/e.s.t.
Now until Monday, July 30th (may be extended)
NA Site
Cineplex Listing
Sailor Moon R & S – The Movies
July 28th dubbed
July 30th subbed
Cineplex Listing
Sailor Moon SuperS - The Movie
August 4th dubbed
August 6th subbed
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
July 22nd, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Bavi Stock OVAs 1-2 (End)
Fate/Extra: Last Encore ep. 1-2
Galaxy Angel Z ep. 11-12
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 19
The next showing is this Saturday, July 28th in Paterson Hall (PA) 215, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: A Place Further Than the Universe / Sora yori mo Tooi Basho ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 21 and 22
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Persona 5 the Animation ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Hinamatsuri ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
JETAA's Natsu Matsuri
We'll be at JETAA's Natsu Matsuri today (July 22nd) from 11am to 4pm at Marion Dewar Plaza at Ottawa City Hall. All the details and event schedule can be found on the Natsu Matsuri website.

Movie Evenings
On the Sunday evenings of July 15th and 22nd, we’re going to be showing a movie or two. More details are available to those on the email list.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
End of July (no firm dates as of July 22nd, check Cineplex showtimes)
NA Site
Cineplex Listing
Sailor Moon R & S – The Movies
July 28th dubbed
July 30th subbed
Cineplex Listing
Sailor Moon SuperS - The Movie
August 4th dubbed
August 6th subbed
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
July 15th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Galaxy Angel Z ep. 9-10
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 13 (26) (End)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 17 and 18
The Wings of Rean / Rean no Tsubasa ep. 4-6 (End)
Notice about yesterday’s showing: since a number of members were gone, the only series that got shown were Princess Nine and Persona 5.
The next showing is this Saturday, July 21st in Paterson Hall (PA) 215, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Golden Kamuy ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner: EXODUS / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus ep. 13 and 14
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Megalobox ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku / Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Movie Evenings
On the Sunday evenings of July 15th and 22nd, we’re going to be showing a movie or two. More details are available to those on the email list.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open for the spring with refreshed lists.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
End of July
NA Site
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
July 8th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Galaxy Angel Z ep. 7-8
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 12 (25)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 15 and 16
The Wings of Rean / Rean no Tsubasa ep. 1-3
Today's Menu for Emiya Family / Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan ep. 7
The next showing is this Saturday, July 14th in Paterson Hall (PA) 215, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: A Place Further Than the Universe / Sora yori mo Tooi Basho ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 19 and 20
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Persona 5 the Animation ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Hinamatsuri ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Summer Marathons
The first summer marathon is on Sunday, July 8th in River Building 2200, directions to the room here. The marathon is Amagi Brilliant Park.
1:30pm to 2:15pm: Setup
2:15pm to 5:15pm: Part 1
5:15pm to 6:00pm: Dinner Break (may be shorter if people prefer)
6:00pm to 9:00pm: Part 2
Movie Evenings
On the Sunday evenings of July 15th and 22nd, we’re going to be showing a movie or two. More details are available to those on the email list.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open for the spring with refreshed lists.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
End of July
NA Site
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
July 1st, 2018
Happy Canada Day

For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Galaxy Angel Z ep. 5-6
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 11 (24)
Kado: Beyond Information
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 14
The next showing is this Saturday, July 7th in Paterson Hall (PA) 215, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Golden Kamuy ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner: EXODUS / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus ep. 11 and 12
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Megalobox ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku / Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Summer Marathons
The first summer marathon is on Sunday, July 8th in River Building 2200, directions to the room here. The marathon is Amagi Brilliant Park.
1:30pm to 2:15pm: Setup
2:15pm to 5:15pm: Part 1
5:15pm to 6:00pm: Dinner Break (may be shorter if people prefer)
6:00pm to 9:00pm: Part 2
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open for the spring with refreshed lists.
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours 3rd LoveLive! Tour ~WONDERFUL STORIES~
On Thursday, July 5th at 6:30pm is the Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours 3rd LoveLive! Tour ~WONDERFUL STORIES~ concert at Cineplex South Keys.
Cineplex Listing
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Attack on Titan Season 3 World Premiere Event
Notice: May not be playing in Ottawa.
July 10th
Cineplex Listing
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
End of July
NA Site
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
June 24th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Case Closed Movie: Captured in Her Eyes / Meitantei Conan: Hitomi no Naka no Ansatsusha
Galaxy Angel Z ep. 3-4
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 10 (23)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 13
The next showing is this Saturday, June 30th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: A Place Further Than the Universe / Sora yori mo Tooi Basho ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 17 and 18
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Persona 5 the Animation ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Hinamatsuri ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Summer Marathons
The polls are now over. Stay tuned for the marathon announcements.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open for the spring with refreshed lists.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Attack on Titan Season 3 World Premiere Event
July 10th
Cineplex Listing
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
End of July
NA Site
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
June 17th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Galaxy Angel ep. 26 (End of Season 1)
Galaxy Angel Z ep. 1-2
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 9 (22)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 12
The next showing is this Saturday, June 23rd in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Golden Kamuy ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner: EXODUS / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus ep. 9 and 10
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Megalobox ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku / Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
June Club Dinner: Confinement in a Ball, Fans, and Graphics Card are Finally Starting to Normalize Again
The Club Dinner: June Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner:
Across the Pacific, Dr. A Saber von Camelot has departed for the Land Down Under. Before he departed, he and Mahou Shoujo Sean-chan successfully severed their magical contract without Sean-chan losing his magic. However, while visiting the Osamu Tezuka museum he captured in a Poké Ball like device after displaying some of his magic to see the pieces in the museum archive.
Magical Idol Colin-kun has become the new defender since Sean-chan’s whereabouts are unknown. Due to the mass hysteria that Dave has created around Colin-kun, he now finds going outside without a disguise impossible. Dave is named the global #1 fan and runs a massive fan club that produces countless gashapon and other merchandise to sell.
With the decline of the cryptocurrency markets, Sean2 is finally able to acquire graphics cards at near MSRP to complete his VR/AR system. However, being in a headset isn’t enough and he decides to start researching how to create a robot body that he can implant his consciousness into.
What has happened to Sean-chan and will he be treated like a Pokémon? Will Colin-kun decide to use his magical powers against a crazy Dave? What will happen with Sean2’s research? Stay tuned to find out.
If you'd like to attend, please send me a message. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events). Those already on the email list will have been sent an email.
Summer Marathons
The polls are now over. Stay tuned for the marathon announcements.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open for the spring with refreshed lists.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Attack on Titan Season 3 World Premiere Event
July 10th
Cineplex Listing
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
End of July
NA Site
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
June 10th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Case Closed Movie: The Last Wizard of the Century / Meitantei Conan: Seikimatsu no Majutsushi
Galaxy Angel ep. 23, 24, and 25
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 8 (21)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 11
The next showing is this Saturday, June 16th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: A Place Further Than the Universe / Sora yori mo Tooi Basho ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 15 and 16
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Persona 5 the Animation ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Hinamatsuri ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Summer Marathons
We’re looking to hold 2 or 3 marathons over the summer months. There is a poll, available to members only, to help choose the series for the marathons. The poll closes this Friday, May 25th. The series that are up for consideration can be found here. The voting is into the final round so not everything on that list will be on the poll. If you need access to the poll send me an email. The poll closes Wednesday, June 13th.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open for the spring with refreshed lists.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern – Part 1
Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern – Part 1 is showing later today, this may be your last chance to catch the film on the big screen. The movie is playing in Ottawa at Cineplex South Keys in Japanese w/e.s.t. The Cineplex listing can be found here.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
June 3rd, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine - The Tale of Neo Byston Well OVA 1-3 (End of Dunbine)
Galaxy Angel ep. 20 and 21
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 7 (20)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 10
Today's Menu for Emiya Family / Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan ep. 6
The next showing is this Saturday, June 9th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 23 and 24 (End)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner: EXODUS / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus ep. 7 and 8
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: After the Rain / Koi wa Ameagari no You ni ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku / Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Summer Marathons
We’re looking to hold 2 or 3 marathons over the summer months. There is a poll, available to members only, to help choose the series for the marathons. The poll closes this Friday, May 25th. The series that are up for consideration can be found here. The voting is into round 3 so not everything on that list will be on the poll. If you need access to the poll send me an email.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open for the spring with refreshed lists.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern – Part 1

Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern – Part 1 is in theatres June 8th and 9th. The movie is playing in Ottawa at Cineplex South Keys in Japanese w/e.s.t. The Cineplex listing can be found here.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
May 27th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Case Closed Movie: The Fourteenth Target / Meitantei Conan: Juuyonbanme no Target
Galaxy Angel ep. 18 and 19
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 6 (19)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 9
The next showing is this Saturday, June 2nd in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san ep. 11 and 12 (End)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 13 and 14
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Violet Evergarden ep. 11, 12, and 13 (End)
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Hinamatsuri ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Summer Marathons
We’re looking to hold 2 or 3 marathons over the summer months. There is a poll, available to members only, to help choose the series for the marathons. The poll closes this Friday, May 25th. The series that are up for consideration can be found here. The voting is into round 2 so not everything on that list will be on the poll. If you need access to the poll send me an email.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open for the spring with refreshed seller’s lists.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern – Part 1
June 8th and 9th
Japanese w/e.s.t.
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
May 20th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 46-49 (End of TV Series)
Galaxy Angel ep. 17
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 5 (18)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 8
Today's Menu for Emiya Family / Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan ep. 5
The next showing is this Saturday, May 26th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 21 and 22
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner: EXODUS / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus ep. 5 and 6
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: After the Rain / Koi wa Ameagari no You ni ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond / Kekkai Sensen & Beyond ep. 11 and 12 (End)
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Summer Marathons
We’re looking to hold 2 or 3 marathons over the summer months. There is a poll, available to members only, to help choose the series for the marathons. The poll closes this Friday, May 25th. The series that are up for consideration can be found here. If you need access to the poll send me an email.
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open for the spring with refreshed seller’s lists.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern – Part 1
Japanese w/e.s.t.
Early June
Cineplex Listing
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Japanese, no subtitles
May 20th
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
May 13th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Area 88 OVA 2 (End)
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 44 and 45
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 4 (17)
The next showing is this Saturday, May 19th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 11 and 12
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Violet Evergarden ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Kakegurui ep. 11 and 12 (End)
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open for the spring with refreshed seller’s lists.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern – Part 1
Japanese w/e.s.t.
Early June
Cineplex Listing
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Japanese, no subtitles
May 20th
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
May 6th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Area 88 OVA 1
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 42 and 43
Galaxy Angel ep. 16
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 7
The next showing is this Saturday, May 12th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 19 and 20
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner: EXODUS / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus ep. 3 and 4
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: After the Rain / Koi wa Ameagari no You ni ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond / Kekkai Sensen & Beyond ep. 9 and 10
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
A@C Marketplace Spring 2018
The A@C Marketplace is open for the spring with refreshed seller’s lists.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern – Part 1
Japanese w/e.s.t.
Early June
Cineplex Listing
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Japanese, no subtitles
May 20th
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
April 29th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 40 and 41
Galaxy Angel ep. 13-15
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 3 (16)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 6
What's Michael? OVA 2
The next showing is this Saturday, May 5th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 9 and 10
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Violet Evergarden ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Kakegurui ep. 9 and 10
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
End of 2018 Winter-term
Yesterday’s showing marked the end of the 2018 winter-term showings. Summer showings start this Saturday, May 5th.
Over the course of summer, we plan to hold 2-3 marathons. The marathons will be chosen from member suggestions and a vote of interest. More details about the marathons will be released at a later date, but they will likely occur on Sunday afternoons and evenings between June to August.
Lastly, over the summer a change will be occurring with the club executive. Craig will be stepping down from executive duties at the end of the summer and his duties will be transitioned over to Kerry over the course of the coming months.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
English dub
Now until May 3rd (may be extended)
Cineplex Listing
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Japanese, no subtitles
May 20th
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
April 22nd, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 38 and 39
Mobile Suit Gundam: Thunderbolt - Bandit Flower / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Thunderbolt - Bandit Flower
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 2 (15)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 5
The next showing is this Saturday, April 28th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 17 and 18
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner: EXODUS / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus ep. 1 and 2
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: After the Rain / Koi wa Ameagari no You ni ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond / Kekkai Sensen & Beyond ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
End of 2018 Winter-term
The showing this Saturday (April 28th) marks the end of the 2018 winter-term showings. We continue immediately the following Saturday (May 5th) with the start of the summer showings.
This summer we have a few plans that are currently in the early planning stages. The plan we can announce now is marathons of select series. We are looking to hold 2-3 marathons for series that members have an interest in. These would likely be held on Sunday afternoons to mid-evenings.
There are other plans for the summer months, but those are too early in the planning stage to announce anything for.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
English dub
April 25th, 26th, 28th, and 29th
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
April 15th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 36 and 37
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2018) ep. 1 (14)
Pop in Q
Today's Menu for Emiya Family / Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan ep. 4
The next showing is this Saturday, April 21st in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 7 and 8
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Violet Evergarden ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Kakegurui ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
This Saturday, April 21st we're going to show Gundam: Thunderbolt - Bandit Flower as the movie. Please be advised that the film has mature and other heavy content.
April Club Dinner: Magical Idols and Obsessions
The Club Dinner: April Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner:
Magical Idol Colin-kun appears to keep the dastardly plots of the nefarious Dr. C Mango at bay since Mahou Shoujo Sean-chan went off to the land of moon runes.
The international Magical Idol Colin-kun fan club is formed after Dave sees Colin-kun’s musical performance with Dave pledging lifelong devotion to his new idol. Dave immediately starts to make Magical Idol Colin-kun vinyl records and merchandise to promote Colin-kun around the globe.
Still unable to get graphics cards at MSRP for his developing VR/AR system, Sean2 decides to create his own cryptocurrency, the MIC-coin.
Will Colin-kun become an international famous idol? Will Dave take his devotion to Magical Idol Colin-kun to unhealthy levels? Will Sean2’s MIC-coin become the hot new trending cryptocurrency?
If you'd like to attend, please send me a message ASAP. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events). Those already on the email list will have been sent an email.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
English dub
April 25th, 28th, and 29th
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
April 8th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 34 and 35
Galaxy Angel ep. 11 and 12
Macross Plus OVA ep. 3 and 4 (End)
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 4
The next showing is this Saturday, April 14th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 15 and 16
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:40pm: Fafner: Heaven and Earth / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Heaven and Earth Movie
4:40pm to 4:50pm: Break
4:50pm to 5:40pm: After the Rain / Koi wa Ameagari no You ni ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Break
5:50pm to 6:40pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond / Kekkai Sensen & Beyond ep. 5 and 6
6:40pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
April Club Dinner: Magical Idols and Obsessions
The Club Dinner: April Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner:
Magical Idol Colin-kun appears to keep the dastardly plots of the nefarious Dr. C Mango at bay since Mahou Shoujo Sean-chan went off to the land of moon runes.
The international Magical Idol Colin-kun fan club is formed after Dave sees Colin-kun’s musical performance with Dave pledging lifelong devotion to his new idol. Dave immediately starts to make Magical Idol Colin-kun vinyl records and merchandise to promote Colin-kun around the globe.
Still unable to get graphics cards at MSRP for his developing VR/AR system, Sean2 decides to create his own cryptocurrency, the MIC-coin.
Will Colin-kun become an international famous idol? Will Dave take his devotion to Magical Idol Colin-kun to unhealthy levels? Will Sean2’s MIC-coin become the hot new trending cryptocurrency?
Planning for the April Club Dinner is underway. If you'd like to attend, please send me a message. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events). Those already on the email list will have been sent an email.
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Mary and The Witch’s Flower
Mary and The Witch’s Flower is in theatres until April 12th (it may be extended). The movie is playing in Ottawa at Cineplex South Keys in English Dub.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Musical - Le Mouvement Final
Japanese w/e.s.t.
April 8th
Cineplex Listing
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
English dub
April 25th, 28th, and 29th
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
April 1st, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Case Closed Movie: The Time-Bombed Skyscraper / Meitantei Conan: Tokei Jikake no Matenrou
Digimon Adventure: Children's War Game / Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game!
Zone of the Enders: 2167 Idolo
The next showing is this Saturday, April 7th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 5 and 6
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Violet Evergarden ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Kakegurui ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Mary and The Witch’s Flower
Mary and The Witch’s Flower is in theatres until April 5th (it may be extended). The movie is playing in Ottawa at Cineplex South Keys in English Dub.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Musical - Le Mouvement Final
Japanese w/e.s.t.
April 4th, 5th, and 8th
Cineplex Listing
Initial D Legend 1: Awakening & Initial D Legend 2: Racer
April 7th
Japanese w/e.s.t.
Cineplex Listing
Initial D Legend 3: Dream
April 8th
Japanese w/e.s.t.
Cineplex Listing:
Cineplex Listing
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
English dub
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
March 25th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 32 and 33
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 13 (End)
Macross Plus OVA ep. 1 and 2
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 3
The next showing is this Saturday, March 31st in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Due to a number of members being away for Easter weekend, this week’s showing will only be the movie and free showing period, with the free showing content being chosen at that time. The schedule is,
7:00pm to 7:30pm: Setup
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Mary and The Witch’s Flower
Mary and The Witch’s Flower is in theatres until March 29th (it may be extended). The movie is playing in Ottawa at Cineplex South Keys in English Dub.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Musical - Le Mouvement Final
Japanese w/e.s.t.
April 4th and 8th
Cineplex Listing
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
English dub
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
March 18th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 31
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 12
Martian Successor Nadesico / Kidou Senkan Nadesico ep. 1 and 2
Mad Bull 34 ep. 3 and 4 (End)
The next showing is this Saturday, March 24th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 13 and 14
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 26 and OVA
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: After the Rain / Koi wa Ameagari no You ni ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond / Kekkai Sensen & Beyond ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Mary and The Witch’s Flower
Mary and The Witch’s Flower is in theatres until March 21st (it may be extended). The movie is playing in Ottawa at Cineplex South Keys in English Dub.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Musical - Le Mouvement Final
Japanese w/e.s.t.
April 4th
Cineplex Listing
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
English dub
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
March 11th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 29 and 30
Galaxy Angel ep. 10
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 11
Mad Bull 34 ep. 1 and 2
The next showing is this Saturday, March 17th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 3 and 4
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Violet Evergarden ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Kakegurui ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami
7 years ago, today, the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami occured.
Japan Today news article
Japan Times news article 1
Japan Times news article 2
Wikipedia entry
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Mary and The Witch’s Flower

Mary and The Witch’s Flower is in theatres until March 15th (it may be extended). The movie is playing in Ottawa at Cineplex South Keys in English Dub.
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
English dub
Cineplex Listing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
March 4th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 27 and 28
Galaxy Angel ep. 8 and 9
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 10
The Story of White Fang / Shiroi Kiba: White Fang Monogatari
Today's Menu for Emiya Family / Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan ep. 3
The next showing is this Saturday, March 10th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 11 and 12
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 23, 24 and 25
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Land of the Lustrous / Houseki no Kuni ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond / Kekkai Sensen & Beyond ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Mary and The Witch’s Flower

Mary and The Witch’s Flower is in theatres until March 8th (it may be extended). The movie is playing in Ottawa at Cineplex South Keys in English Dub.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: Reflection

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: Reflection is in theatres today, March 4th (it may be extended). The movie is playing in Ottawa at Cineplex South Keys in Japanese with English subs.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
February 25th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 25 and 26
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 9
Stormy Night / Arashi no Yoru ni
The next showing is this Saturday, March 3rd in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 23, 24 and 25 (End)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Princess Nine ep. 1 and 2
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Children of the Whales / Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Kakegurui ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Upcoming Anime Movies
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates/times may be added. Check the Cineplex showtimes a day or two before.
Mary and The Witch’s Flower
February 28th and March 1st: English dub
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: Reflection
March 2nd and 4th: Japanese w/e.s.t.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
February 18th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 13 (End)
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 23 and 24
Cosmic Fantasy
Galaxy Angel ep. 5-7
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 8
The next showing is this Saturday, February 24th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 21 and 22
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Land of the Lustrous / Houseki no Kuni ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Inuyashiki Last Hero ep. 9, 10, and 11 (End)
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
February Club Dinner: Consequences, Unknown Sounds and Life in Graphical Possessing Units
The Club Dinner: February Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner:
After scouring many resources, Mahou Shoujo Sean-chan has discovered the cause of his magical powers declining. It turned out that the contract he formed with Dr. A Saber von Camelot to defeat Dr. C Mango had some unknown consequences. The consequence Sean-chan discovered, he must maintain a certain proximity to the person he formed the contract with. With the risk of losing his magical powers completely, he travels to Dr. A Saber von Camelot.
Dave is still unstable from his ordeal of being beliebernapped. His new interests are the 12 Neck Guitar and the Aeolus.
After the success of Sean2’s test of his VR/AR system, he decides to increase the graphical power. To his dismay, he has trouble finding suitable graphics cards at MSRP.
What will happen with Sean-chan and Dr. A Saber von Camelot? Will Dave’s musical tastes keep getting weirder? Will Sean2 find graphics cards at MSRP or will he have to resort to toppling the cryptocurrency markets?
The February Club Dinner will be held this week. If you'd like to attend, please send me a message ASAP. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events). Those already on the email list will have already been sent an email.
Upcoming Anime Movies
Mary and The Witch’s Flower
February 28th: English dub
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: Reflection
March 2nd and 4th: Japanese w/e.s.t.
Notice: Dates/times may change or additional dates may be added.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
February 11th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 12
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 21 and 22
Big Wars / Big Wars: Kami Utsu Akaki Kouya ni
Galaxy Angel ep. 4
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 7
The next showing is this Saturday, February 17th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule A this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 21 and 22
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Ghost Hound / Shinreigari: Ghost Hound ep. 21 and 22 (End)
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Children of the Whales / Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Re:Creators ep. 21 and 22 (End)
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
February Club Dinner: Consequences, Unknown Sounds and Life in Graphical Possessing Units
The Club Dinner: February Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner:
After scouring many resources, Mahou Shoujo Sean-chan has discovered the cause of his magical powers declining. It turned out that the contract he formed with Dr. A Saber von Camelot to defeat Dr. C Mango had some unknown consequences. The consequence Sean-chan discovered, he must maintain a certain proximity to the person he formed the contract with. With the risk of losing his magical powers completely, he travels to Dr. A Saber von Camelot.
Dave is still unstable from his ordeal of being beliebernapped. His new interests are the 12 Neck Guitar and the Aeolus.
After the success of Sean2’s test of his VR/AR system, he decides to increase the graphical power. To his dismay, he has trouble finding suitable graphics cards at MSRP.
What will happen with Sean-chan and Dr. A Saber von Camelot? Will Dave’s musical tastes keep getting weirder? Will Sean2 find graphics cards at MSRP or will he have to resort to toppling the cryptocurrency markets?
The February Club Dinner will be held later this month. If you'd like to attend, please send me a message. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events). Those already on the email list will have already been sent an email.
2018-2019 Executive
For next club year (2018-2019) the club is in need of a few new executives. If you would like to be a club executive for next club year, you need to have your name on the membership list by mid-February to be eligible. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with either Craig or Kerry. The current executives:
- Craig, who has been an executive for quite a number of years, will be retiring from club duties later this club year. Currently, his duties will be taken over by Kerry.
- Kerry, will be finishing his studies at Carleton in December 2018. Once he is finished, he will no longer be able to run the club.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
February 4th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 11
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 20
Galaxy Angel ep. 3
Grey: Digital Target
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 6
Today's Menu for Emiya Family / Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan ep. 2
The next showing is this Saturday, February 10th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. Schedule B this week is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 19 and 20
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Land of the Lustrous / Houseki no Kuni ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Inuyashiki Last Hero ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
February Club Dinner: Consequences, Unknown Sounds and Life in Graphical Possessing Units
The Club Dinner: February Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner:
After scouring many resources, Mahou Shoujo Sean-chan has discovered the cause of his magical powers declining. It turned out that the contract he formed with Dr. A Saber von Camelot to defeat Dr. C Mango had some unknown consequences. The consequence Sean-chan discovered, he must maintain a certain proximity to the person he formed the contract with. With the risk of losing his magical powers completely, he travels to Dr. A Saber von Camelot.
Dave is still unstable from his ordeal of being beliebernapped. His new interests are the 12 Neck Guitar and the Aeolus.
After the success of Sean2’s test of his VR/AR system, he decides to increase the graphical power. To his dismay, he has trouble finding suitable graphics cards at MSRP.
What will happen with Sean-chan and Dr. A Saber von Camelot? Will Dave’s musical tastes keep getting weirder? Will Sean2 find graphics cards at MSRP or will he have to resort to toppling the cryptocurrency markets?
If you'd like to attend, please send me a message. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events).
2018-2019 Executive
For next club year (2018-2019) the club is in need of a few new executives. If you would like to be a club executive for next club year, you need to have your name on the membership list by mid-February to be eligible. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with either Craig or Kerry. The current executives:
- Craig, who has been an executive for quite a number of years, will be retiring from club duties later this club year. Currently, his duties will be taken over by Kerry.
- Kerry, will be finishing his studies at Carleton in December 2018. Once he is finished, he will no longer be able to run the club.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
January 28th, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 10
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 19
Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters / Godzilla: Kaiju Wakusei
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 5
Tsurezure Children ep. 11 and 12 (End)
The next showing is this Saturday, February 3rd in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. This week Schedule A is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 19 and 20
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Ghost Hound / Shinreigari: Ghost Hound ep. 19 and 20
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Children of the Whales / Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Re:Creators ep. 19 and 20
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
2018-2019 Executive
For next club year (2018-2019) the club is in need of a few new executives. If you would like to be a club executive for next club year, you need to have your name on the membership list by mid-February to be eligible. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with either Craig or Kerry. The current executives:
- Craig, who has been an executive for quite a number of years, will be retiring from club duties later this club year. Currently, his duties will be taken over by Kerry.
- Kerry, will be finishing his studies at Carleton in December 2018. Once he is finished, he will no longer be able to run the club.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
January 21st, 2018
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 9
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 18
Catnapped! / Totsuzen! Neko no Kuni Banipal Witt
Galaxy Angel ep. 1 and 2
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 4
Tsurezure Children ep. 10
The next showing is this Saturday, January 27th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. This week Schedule B is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 17 and 18
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Land of the Lustrous / Houseki no Kuni ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Inuyashiki Last Hero ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
2018-2019 Executive
For next club year (2018-2019) the club is in need of a few new executives. The current executives:
- Craig, who has been an executive for quite a number of years, will be retiring from club duties later this club year. Currently, his duties will be taken over by Kerry.
- Kerry, will be finishing his studies at Carleton in December 2018. Once he is finished, he will no longer be able to run the club.
If you would like to be a club executive for next club year, you need to have your name on the membership list within the next month or two, if isn’t already there, to be eligible. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with either Craig or Kerry.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
January 14th, 2018
Yesterday was the first regular showing of 2018, the movie and free showing consisted of,
18if ep. 8
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 16 and 17
The Case Files of Young Kindaichi: Deep Blue Massacre / Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo 2: Satsuriku no Deep Blue
Tsurezure Children ep. 9
The next showing is this Saturday, January 20th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions to the room here. This week Schedule A is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 17 and 18
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Ghost Hound / Shinreigari: Ghost Hound ep. 17 and 18
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Children of the Whales / Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Re:Creators ep. 17 and 18
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Sean’s Departure
This week Sean, who served as club Co-President from 2009-2015 and ran the showings for 2016-2017, is departing Ottawa this week for Japan. Unfortunately, due to organizing and packing for departure he was not able to attend yesterday’s showing. He is slated to be at the 4:40pm Fate movie showing later today. Currently, he is slated to return to Ottawa sometime over summer 2018, but those plans may change. Thank you Sean for your service to the club over the years. Enjoy your travels.
Upcoming Anime Movies
Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] I. presage flower
January 14th through 16th: Japanese with English subs
Notice: Dates and times may change or additional dates may be added.
2018-2019 Executive
For next club year (2018-2019) the club is in need of a few new executives. The current executives:
- Craig, who has been an executive for quite a number of years, will be retiring from club duties later this club year. Currently, his duties will be taken over by Kerry.
- Kerry, will be finishing his studies at Carleton in December 2018. Once he is finished, he will no longer be able to run the club.
If you would like to be a club executive for next club year, you need to have your name on the membership list within the next month or two, if isn’t already there, to be eligible. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with either Craig or Kerry.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
January 7th, 2018
Yesterday was the first showing of 2018, it was a small showing of movies and OVAs. We showed,
Jack and the Beanstalk / Jack to Mame no Ki
Lupin III: The Blood Spray of Goemon Ishikawa / Lupin III: Chikemuri no Ishikawa Goemon
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 14 OVA
Pigtails / Mitsuami no Kamisama
Today's Menu for Emiya Family / Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan ep. 1
Regular showings resume this Saturday, January 13th in Paterson Hall (PA) 215, directions to the room here. This week Schedule B is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 15 and 16
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Land of the Lustrous / Houseki no Kuni ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Inuyashiki Last Hero ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
January Club Ramen Dinner
On Thursday, January 11th the club will be going for a ramen dinner. If you'd like to attend, please send me a message by 3:00pm Wednesday. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events). Those already on the email list will have already received notice.
This dinner is Sean’s last dinner with the club for quite some time or possibly ever. He departs Ottawa next week.
Upcoming Anime Movies
Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] I. presage flower
January 14th at 12:55pm: Japanese with English subs
Notice: Dates and times may change or additional dates may be added.
2018-2019 Executive
For next club year (2018-2019) the club is in need of a few new executives. The current executives:
- Craig, who has been an executive for quite a number of years, will be retiring from club duties later this club year. Currently, his duties will be taken over by Kerry.
- Kerry, will be finishing his studies at Carleton in December 2018. Once he is finished, he will no longer be able to run the club.
If you would like to be a club executive for next club year, you need to have your name on the membership list within the next month or two, if isn’t already there, to be eligible. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with either Craig or Kerry.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
January 5th, 2018
Hope everyone had a good holiday and is ready for the weekly showings to resume.
Tomorrow’s showing (Saturday, January 6th) is in St. Patrick's (SP) 400, directions to the room here. The showing will start at roughly 3:30pm and will be a random assortment of movies and OVAs. You are welcome to bring in stuff to show, but it needs to be in digital format. Dinner break will be around 6pm.
Colin will be transporting the equipment and providing a notebook. Craig will be running the showing.
Kaicho of A@C
January 1st, 2018

December 25th, 2017

December 17th, 2017
Yesterday was the last showing of 2017, for the movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 14 and 15
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 12 and 13 (End)
Teekyuu ep. 106-108 (End?)
What’s Michael? OVA 1
End of Fall-term
Yesterday’s showing marks the end of another calendar year of showings. We’ll be resuming on Saturday, January 6th 2018 in St. Patrick's (SP) 400. The showing that day will be something different, stay tuned for details. Regular showings will resume on Saturday, January 13th 2018.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
2018-2019 Executive
For next club year (2018-2019) the club is in need of a few new executives. The current executives:
- Craig, who has been an executive for quite a number of years, will be retiring from club duties later this club year. Currently, his duties will be taken over by Kerry.
- Kerry, will be finishing his studies at Carleton in December 2018. Once he is finished, he will no longer be able to run the club.
If you would like to be a club executive for next club year, you need to have your name on the membership list within the next month or two, if isn’t already there, to be eligible. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with either Craig or Kerry.
See you in 2018.
Kaicho of A@C
December 10th, 2017
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 13
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 3
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 11
Napping Princess / Hirune-hime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari
The next showing is this Saturday, December 16th in St. Patrick's (SP) 400, directions to the room here. This week Schedule A is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 15 and 16
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Ghost Hound / Shinreigari: Ghost Hound ep. 15 and 16
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Children of the Whales / Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Re:Creators ep. 15 and 16
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
December Club Dinner: Daily Life Magical Woes & The Augmented
The Club Dinner: December Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner:
During Mahou Shoujo Sean-chan’s period of rest his magical powers start to recede. As he has come to depend on the magical powers for everyday tasks he rushes to find the cause. It is still unclear as to what happened to Dave during his captivity, but he starts to listen to death polka unstop (sample 1, sample 2). Sean2 decides to start wearing a VR headset constantly and has come up with an AR system that allows him to get by in everyday life. Will Sean-chan figure out the cause of his receding powers? Will Dave stabilize? How far will Sean2 take his VR/AR system? Stay tuned to find out!
The December Club Dinner will held on December 14th. If you'd like to attend, please send me a message before 3:00pm, Wednesday. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events).
End of Fall-term
The showing this Saturday, December 16th marks the end of the fall-term showings, we will on break for Christmas and New Years. We will be starting back up in early January, stay tuned for the details as we may have a special showing to start the winter-term.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
December 3rd, 2017
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 7
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 12
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 10
The Night is Short, Walk On Girl / Yoru wa Mijikashi Aruke yo Otome
Tsurezure Children ep. 8
The next showing is this Saturday, December 9th in St. Patrick's (SP) 400, directions to the room here. This week Schedule B is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: The Ancient Magus' Bride / Mahou Tsukai no Yome ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 13 and 14
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Land of the Lustrous / Houseki no Kuni ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Inuyashiki Last Hero ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
December Club Dinner: Daily Life Magical Woes & The Augmented
The Club Dinner: December Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner:
During Mahou Shoujo Sean-chan’s period of rest his magical powers start to recede. As he has come to depend on the magical powers for everyday tasks he rushes to find the cause. It is still unclear as to what happened to Dave during his captivity, but he starts to listen to death polka unstop (sample 1, sample 2). Sean2 decides to start wearing a VR headset constantly and has come up with an AR system that allows him to get by in everyday life. Will Sean-chan figure out the cause of his receding powers? Will Dave stabilize? How far will Sean2 take his VR/AR system? Stay tuned to find out!
The December Club Dinner will held in early to mid-December. If you'd like to attend, please send me a message. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events).
Upcoming Anime Movies
Howl's Moving Castle
December 3rd: English dub
December 6th: Japanese with English subs
Notice: Dates may change or additional dates may be added.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
November 26th, 2017
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 11
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 2
Teekyuu ep. 103-105
The Empire of Corpses / Shisha no Teikoku
Tsurezure Children ep. 7
The next showing is this Saturday, December 2nd in St. Patrick's (SP) 400, directions to the room here. This week Schedule A is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 13 and 14
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Ghost Hound / Shinreigari: Ghost Hound ep. 13 and 14
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Children of the Whales / Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Re:Creators ep. 13 and 14
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
December Club Dinner: Daily Life Magical Woes & The Augmented
The Club Dinner: December Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner:
During Mahou Shoujo Sean-chan’s period of rest his magical powers start to recede. As he has come to depend on the magical powers for everyday tasks he rushes to find the cause. It is still unclear as to what happened to Dave during his captivity, but he starts to listen to death polka unstop (sample 1, sample 2). Sean2 decides to start wearing a VR headset constantly and has come up with an AR system that allows him to get by in everyday life. Will Sean-chan figure out the cause of his receding powers? Will Dave stabilize? How far will Sean2 take his VR/AR system? Stay tuned to find out!
The December Club Dinner will held in early to mid-December. If you'd like to attend, please send me a message. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events).
Upcoming Anime Movies
Howl's Moving Castle
December 3rd: English dub
December 6th: Japanese with English subs
Notice: Dates have changed.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
November 19th, 2017
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Hozuki no Reitetsu (2017) ep. 1
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 9
Tsurezure Children ep. 6
The next showing is this Saturday, November 25th in St. Patrick's (SP) 400, directions to the room here. This week Schedule B is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Poco's Udon World / Udon no Kuni no Kin'iro Kemari ep. 11 and 12 (End)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 11 and 12
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Princess Principal ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Onihei ep. 11, 12 and 13 (End)
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Upcoming Anime Movies
Howl's Moving Castle
December 3rd: English dub
December 6th: Japanese with English subs
Notice: Dates have changed.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
November 12th, 2017
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 6
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 10
Genocidal Organ / Gyakusatsu Kikan
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 8
The next showing is this Saturday, November 18th in St. Patrick's (SP) 400, directions to the room here. This week Schedule A is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 11 and 12
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Ghost Hound / Shinreigari: Ghost Hound ep. 11 and 12
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Classroom of the Elite / Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Re:Creators ep. 11 and 12
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Future Executives
For the next club year (2018-2019) the club will need a few new executives. Craig, will be stepping down from executive duties later this club year. Kerry, will be concluding his studies at Carleton in December 2018. If you would like to be a club executive for next club year, you don’t have to do anything right now except be a regularly attending member at our events throughout the 2017-2018 club year. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with either Craig or Kerry.
Upcoming Anime Movies
Howl's Moving Castle
December 3rd: English dub
December 6th: Japanese with English subs
Notice: Dates have changed.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
November 5th, 2017
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Angel's Egg / Tenshi no Tamago
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 9
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 7
Sakura Quest ep. 24 and 25 (End)
Teekyuu ep. 100-102
Tsurezure Children ep. 5
The next showing is this Saturday, November 11th in St. Patrick's (SP) 400, directions to the room here. This week Schedule B is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Poco's Udon World / Udon no Kuni no Kin'iro Kemari ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 9 and 10
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Princess Principal ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Onihei ep. 9 and 10
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Upcoming Anime Movies
Pokémon The Movie: I Choose You
November 5th and 6th: English dub
A Silent Voice
November 10th and 11th: Japanese with English subs
Howl's Moving Castle
November 26th: English dub
November 29th: Japanese with English subs
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
October 29th, 2017
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 7 and 8
Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregotozukai OVAs 5-8 (End)
Happy Halloween

The next showing is this Saturday, November 4th in St. Patrick's (SP) 400, directions to the room here. This week Schedule A is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Ghost Hound / Shinreigari: Ghost Hound ep. 9 and 10
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Classroom of the Elite / Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Re:Creators ep. 9 and 10
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Upcoming Anime Movies
Spirited Away
October 29th: English dub
November 1st: Japanese with English subs
Pokémon The Movie: I Choose You
November 5th and 6th: English dub
A Silent Voice
November 10th and 11th: Japanese with English subs
Howl's Moving Castle
November 26th: English dub
November 29th: Japanese with English subs
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
October 22nd, 2017
Yesterday was the fourth showing of Schedule A for the 2017-2018 club year. This coming Saturday’s showing will be the fourth showing of Schedule B. More details below and in the previous posts.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 5
Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregotozukai OVAs 1-4
Sakura Quest ep. 22 and 23
The next showing is this Saturday, October 28th in St. Patrick's (SP) 400, directions to the room here. This week Schedule B is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Poco's Udon World / Udon no Kuni no Kin'iro Kemari ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 7 and 8
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Princess Principal ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Onihei ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Upcoming Anime Movies
Spirited Away
October 29th: English dub
November 1st: Japanese with English subs
Pokémon The Movie: I Choose You
November 5th and 6th: English dub
Howl's Moving Castle
November 26th: English dub
November 29th: Japanese with English subs
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
October 15th, 2017
Yesterday was the third showing of Schedule B for the 2017-2018 club year. This coming Saturday’s showing will be the fourth showing of Schedule A. More details below and in the previous posts.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 4
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 6
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 6
Sakura Quest ep. 21
Wan Wan Chuushingura
The next showing is this Saturday, October 21st in St. Patrick's (SP) 400, directions to the room here. This week Schedule A is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Ghost Hound / Shinreigari: Ghost Hound ep. 7 and 8
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Classroom of the Elite / Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Re:Creators ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
October Club Dinner: Magical Contracts Make the Mango Go Away
The Club Dinner: October Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner: After a prolonged battle between Dr. C Mango and Mahou Shoujo Sean-chan at the last dinner, Sean-chan was able to unlock his full mahou shoujo powers, with the help of Dr. A Saber von Camelot, and defeat Dr. C Mango and his dastardly plot for human mangoification. Having been foiled, Dr. C Mango returns to his secret lab in Europe to contemplate his next plot for human mangoification. In order for Sean-chan to utilize his full powers he had to form a magical contract with Dr. A Saber von Camelot. Colin, having trained Sean-chan in the ways of mahou shoujo, decides that he will start up a mahou shoujo dojo. Dave reappears after months from being beliebernapped singing "Funkytown" and appearing quite exuberant. Will there be some unforeseen effect from Sean-chan forming a magical contract? Will Colin’s dojo be successful? What will happen now that an exuberant Dave is back and what happened to those who beliebernapped him? Stay tuned to find out!
The October Club Dinner will be taking place this week. If you'd like to attend, please send me a message ASAP. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for club dinner planning and other club events).
Upcoming Anime Movies
No Game, No Life Zero
October 15th: Japanese with English subs
Tokyo Ghoul (Live Action)
October 16th, 17th and 21st: Japanese with English subs
Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours 2nd LoveLive! HAPPY PARTY TRAIN TOUR
October 21st: Japanese only
Spirited Away
October 29th: English dub
November 1st: Japanese with English subs
Pokémon The Movie: I Choose You
November 5th and 6th: English dub
Howl's Moving Castle
November 26th: English dub
November 29th: Japanese with English subs
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
October 8th, 2017
Yesterday was the third showing of Schedule A for the 2017-2018 club year. This coming Saturday’s showing will be the third showing of Schedule B. More details below and in the previous posts.
Notice about location: Yesterday’s showing had to be moved up to the 4th floor of St. Pats, SP 415, due to unforeseen issues with SP 100. We are looking into switching rooms for the rest of the semester. Check back later in the week to see where we’ll be.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 3
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 5
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 5
Sakura Quest ep. 20
Seikimatsu: Humane Society - Jinrui Ai ni Michita Shakai
Tsurezure Children ep. 4
Happy Thanksgiving

The next showing is this Saturday, October 14th in St. Patrick's (SP) 400, directions to the room here. This week Schedule B is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Poco's Udon World / Udon no Kuni no Kin'iro Kemari ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 5 and 6
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Princess Principal ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Onihei ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
October Club Dinner: Magical Contracts Make the Mango Go Away
The Club Dinner: October Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner: After a prolonged battle between Dr. C Mango and Mahou Shoujo Sean-chan at the last dinner, Sean-chan was able to unlock his full mahou shoujo powers, with the help of Dr. A Saber von Camelot, and defeat Dr. C Mango and his dastardly plot for human mangoification. Having been foiled, Dr. C Mango returns to his secret lab in Europe to contemplate his next plot for human mangoification. In order for Sean-chan to utilize his full powers he had to form a magical contract with Dr. A Saber von Camelot. Colin, having trained Sean-chan in the ways of mahou shoujo, decides that he will start up a mahou shoujo dojo. Dave reappears after months from being beliebernapped singing "Funkytown" and appearing quite exuberant. Will there be some unforeseen effect from Sean-chan forming a magical contract? Will Colin’s dojo be successful? What will happen now that an exuberant Dave is back and what happened to those who beliebernapped him? Stay tuned to find out!
The October Club Dinner will be taking place later this month. If you'd like to attend, please send me a message as soon as possible. Also, state whether you’re okay with having your email put on the email list (the list is for dinner planning and other club events). An email will be sent out to those already on the email list within the next day or two.
Upcoming Anime Movies
No Game, No Life Zero
October 8th: English dub
October 14th: Japanese with English subs
Tokyo Ghoul (Live Action)
October 16th: Japanese with English subs
Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours 2nd LoveLive! HAPPY PARTY TRAIN TOUR
October 21st: Japanese only
Spirited Away
October 29th: English dub
November 1st: Japanese with English subs
Pokémon The Movie: I Choose You
November 5th and 6th: English dub
Howl's Moving Castle
November 26th: English dub
November 29th: Japanese with English subs
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
October 1st, 2017
Yesterday was the second showing of Schedule B for the 2017-2018 club year. This coming Saturday’s showing will be the third showing of Schedule A. More details below and in the previous posts.
Notice about location: Yesterday’s showing had to be moved up to the 4th floor of St. Pats, SP 415, due to issues with SP 100. We are going to try and make sure those issues do not arise again in the future. If we have to do a last minute room change, the new location will be posted on the chalk board of the room we were supposed to be in. A notice will be sent out as soon as possible via our social media channels and Discord. Sorry for any inconvenience today.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 2
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 4
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 4
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin / Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin OVA 5
Sakura Quest ep. 19
Tsurezure Children ep. 3
The next showing is this Saturday, October 7th in St. Patrick's (SP) 100, directions to the room here. This week Schedule A is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Ghost Hound / Shinreigari: Ghost Hound ep. 5 and 6
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Classroom of the Elite / Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Re:Creators ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
September 24th, 2017
Yesterday was the second showing of Schedule A for the 2017-2018 club year. This coming Saturday’s showing will be the second showing of Schedule B. More details below and in the previous posts.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
18if ep. 1
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 3
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 3
Sakura Quest ep. 18
The Ancient Magus' Bride: Those Awaiting a Star / Mahou Tsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito OVAs 1-3
Tsurezure Children ep. 2
The next showing is this Saturday, September 30th in St. Patrick's (SP) 100, directions to the room here. This week Schedule B is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Poco's Udon World / Udon no Kuni no Kin'iro Kemari ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 3 and 4
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Princess Principal ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Onihei ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
September 17th, 2017
Yesterday was the first showing of Schedule B for the 2017-2018 club year. This coming Saturday’s showing will be the second showing of Schedule A. More details below and in the previous posts.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 2
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 2
Princess Arete / Arete-hime
Sakura Quest ep. 17
Tsurezure Children ep. 1
The next showing is this Saturday, September 23rd in St. Patrick's (SP) 100, directions to the room here. This week Schedule A is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Ghost Hound / Shinreigari: Ghost Hound ep. 3 and 4
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Classroom of the Elite / Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Re:Creators ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
FAQ and Contacting the Club
If you have a question about the club please view the FAQ. If you don’t see your answer there, please send us an email at Anime [dot] at [dot] Carleton [at] gmail [dot] com. Likewise, if you need to reach us for any reason please send an email.
Club Membership
Membership with the club is free. However, in order to be considered an official member you do need to sign the membership list, which will be available at the showings throughout the club year. You are welcome to attend a few showings without signing up to see if the club is for you.
In addition to the above club membership, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has decided to use CUSA Hub. CUSA Hub is supposed to be designed to allow club registration and club management to be handled all digitally. If you have Carleton ID, alumni included, please go through the process and register with the club via CUSA Hub.
Step 1: Visit CUSA Hub to begin the process.
Step 2: Once you’re through the quick Hub registration and on the Hub’s homepage, click on Groups in the red bar at the top.
Step 3: Search for Anime@Carleton in the Groups search box, upper left under the CUSA Hub logo.
Step 4: Once you’ve found the club and clicked on it, hit the Join button on the club’s group page.
Social Networks
If you would like to follow the other outlets of news from the club there is a Google+ Page, Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, Steam Group and a Discord Server, the server invite can be found in the right side column.
Future Executives
For the next club year (2018-2019) the club will need a few new executives. Craig, will be stepping down from executive duties later this club year. Kerry, will be concluding his studies at Carleton in December 2018. If you would like to be a club executive for next club year, you don’t have to do anything right now except be a regularly attending member at our events throughout the 2017-2018 club year. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with either Craig or Kerry.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
September 10th, 2017
Yesterday was the first showing of Schedule A for the 2017-2018 club year. This coming Saturday’s showing will be the first showing of Schedule B. More details below and in the previous post.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
A Silent Voice / Eiga Koe no Katachi
Aura Battler Dunbine / Seisenshi Dunbine ep. 1
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep. 1
The next showing is this Saturday, September 16th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050, directions to the room here. This week Schedule B is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Poco's Udon World / Udon no Kuni no Kin'iro Kemari ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 1 and 2
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Princess Principal ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Onihei ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
FAQ and Contacting the Club
If you have a question about the club please view the FAQ. If you don’t see your answer there, please send us an email at Anime [dot] at [dot] Carleton [at] gmail [dot] com. Likewise, if you need to reach us for any reason please send an email.
Club Membership
Membership with the club is free. However, in order to be considered an official member you do need to sign the membership list, which will be available at the showings throughout the club year. You are welcome to attend a few showings without signing up to see if the club is for you.
In addition to the above club membership, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has decided to use CUSA Hub. CUSA Hub is supposed to be designed to allow club registration and club management to be handled all digitally. If you have Carleton ID, alumni included, please go through the process and register with the club via CUSA Hub.
Step 1: Visit CUSA Hub to begin the process.
Step 2: Once you’re through the quick Hub registration and on the Hub’s homepage, click on Groups in the red bar at the top.
Step 3: Search for Anime@Carleton in the Groups search box, upper left under the CUSA Hub logo.
Step 4: Once you’ve found the club and clicked on it, hit the Join button on the club’s group page.
Social Networks
If you would like to follow the other outlets of news from the club there is a Google+ Page, Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, Steam Group and a Discord Server.
Future Executives
For the next club year (2018-2019) the club will need a few new executives. Craig, will be stepping down from executive duties later this club year. Kerry, will be concluding his studies at Carleton in December 2018. If you would like to be a club executive for next club year, you don’t have to do anything right now except be a regularly attending member at our events throughout the 2017-2018 club year. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with either Craig or Kerry.
ARIA Kickstarter for NA Blu-ray and Dub

Nozomi Entertainment (Right Stuf) is running a Kickstarter for ARIA The ANIMATION. The Kickstarter is for a North American Blu-ray release and an English dub. The campaign is already fully funded with multiple tiers for however much of the series you want. The finished product will have a bunch of never released outside of Japan OVAs and Picture Dramas. The Kickstarter ends on September 11th at 6:30pm EDT.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C
September 4th, 2017
2017-2018 Club Year
Welcome to the 2017-2018 club year. For this club year we will continue to hold weekly showings with rotating schedules. Showings are held every Saturday from 1:30pm until 11:00pm, unless otherwise posted. The showings start this Saturday, September 9th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050, directions to the room here. Schedule A, which will start this Saturday is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Little Witch Academia ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Ghost Hound / Shinreigari: Ghost Hound ep. 1 and 2
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Classroom of the Elite / Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Re:Creators ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Schedule B, which will start on Saturday, September 16th is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Poco's Udon World / Udon no Kuni no Kin'iro Kemari ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Break
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Fafner / Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ep. 1 and 2
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Break
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Princess Principal ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Break
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Onihei ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Executives
This year the executives for the club are,
Craig M. – Kaicho
Kerry B. – President
FAQ and Contacting the Club
If you have a question about the club please view the FAQ. If you don’t see your answer there, please send us an email at Anime [dot] at [dot] Carleton [at] gmail [dot] com. Likewise, if you need to reach us for any reason please send an email.
Expo Carleton
The club will be attending Expo Carleton this year. Expo Carleton is taking place on Tuesday, September 5th in the University Fieldhouse from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. If you’re going to be going through there as part of your orientation activities, stop by our table and say konnichiwa.
Club Membership
Membership with the club is free. However, in order to be considered an official member you do need to sign the membership list, which will be available at the showings throughout the club year. You are welcome to attend a few showings without signing up to see if the club is for you.
In addition to the above club membership, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has decided to use CUSA Hub. CUSA Hub is supposed to be designed to allow club registration and club management to be handled all digitally. If you have Carleton ID, alumni included, please go through the process and register with the club via CUSA Hub.
Step 1: Visit CUSA Hub to begin the process.
Step 2: Once you’re through the quick Hub registration and on the Hub’s homepage, click on Groups in the red bar at the top.
Step 3: Search for Anime@Carleton in the Groups search box, upper left under the CUSA Hub logo.
Step 4: Once you’ve found the club and clicked on it, hit the Join button on the club’s group page.
Social Networks
If you would like to follow the other outlets of news from the club there is a Google+ Page, Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, Steam Group and a Discord Server.
Future Executives
For the next club year (2018-2019) the club will need a few new executives. Craig, will be stepping down from executive duties later this club year. Kerry, will be concluding his studies at Carleton in December 2018. If you would like to be a club executive for next club year, you don’t have to do anything right now except be a regularly attending member at our events throughout the 2017-2018 club year. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with either Craig or Kerry.
Website Update
The website has received a bit of an update. For a list of changes, visit the site design archive.
ARIA Kickstarter for NA Blu-ray and Dub

Nozomi Entertainment (Right Stuf) is running a Kickstarter for ARIA The ANIMATION. The Kickstarter is for a North American Blu-ray release and an English dub. The first season is already fully funded. However, if enough stretch goals are hit the entire ARIA series could be included along with some never released out of Japan content. The Kickstarter ends on September 11th at 6:30pm EDT.
We hope to see you at the weekly showings.
Kaicho of A@C