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News Archive
September 4th, 2016
Yesterday’s showing marked the end of the 2015-2016 club year. The showing started later then was planned due to computer problems. Besides the late start, we got through the Gundam 0079 Movie Trilogy and ended at roughly 11:00pm.
We start the 2016-2017 club year showing this coming Saturday, September 10th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050, directions here. The new schedules are posted below. The post to mark the start of the 2016-2017 club year will be made on Monday with all the usual start of year details.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 2nd, 2016
The first showing for the 2016-2017 club year will be on Saturday, September 10th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050, directions here, with Schedule A. Schedule B will start on Saturday, September 17th. More details about the 2016-2017 club year will be posted early next week. The schedules to kick off the 2016-2017 club year will be,
Schedule A
Mob Psycho 100
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water / Fushigi no Umi no Nadia
Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World / Re: Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
91 Days
Schedule B
Sweetness & Lightning / Amaama to Inazuma
Ashita no Nadja
For the 2016-2017 school year, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has decided to have clubs register through a new system, CUSA Hub. The CUSA Hub is designed so club registration and club management is handled all digitally. This means that in order for us to fully register for this coming school year, we must have all members who are able sign into the Hub, sign in and join the club’s group. If you have Carleton ID, alumni included, please go through the process and register with the club via CUSA Hub.
Step 1: Visit CUSA Hub to begin the process.
Step 2: Once your through the quick Hub registration and on the Hub’s homepage, click on Groups in the red bar at the top.
Step 3: Search for Anime@Carleton in the Groups search box, upper left under the CUSA Hub logo.
Step 4: Once you’ve found the club and clicked on it, hit the Join button on the club’s group page.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 28th, 2016
Yesterday’s showing did not have a movie or free showing. The last few episodes of Space Patrol Luluco / Uchuu Patrol Luluco were finished up in the later part of the dinner break, as they had been skipped over the previous week. The only outstanding series from free showing is the final bonus epiosode of Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) which is a standalone episode, it will be shown during the 2016-2017 club year. There is a few other things that may be shown during the 2016-2017 club year that are related to things we did this year, mostly OVAs and movies.
The next showing, which will be final showing of the 2015-2016 club year, is this Saturday, September 3rd in Paterson Hall (PA) 201, directions here. As we’ve concluded all the scheduled content this showing will be a marathon,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 4:30pm: Mobile Suit Gundam I / Kidou Senshi Gundam (2hr 20min)
4:30pm to 4:45pm: Discussion/Break
4:45pm to 7:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow / Kidou Senshi Gundam II: Ai Senshi Hen (2hr 15 min)
7:00pm to 8:00pm: Dinner Break
8:00pm to 10:25pm: Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space / Kidou Senshi Gundam III: Meguriai Sora Hen (2hr 25min)
The times during this marathon showing are approximate, but we will be starting at 2:10pm.
2015-2016 Club Year
The 2016-2017 club year will kick off on September 10th with new schedules. The content for Schedules A and B will be announced later this week. Schedule A will start on September 10th and Schedule B will start on September 17th.
For the 2016-2017 school year, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has decided to have clubs register through a new system, CUSA Hub. The CUSA Hub is designed so club registration and club management is handled all digitally. This means that in order for us to fully register for this coming school year, we must have all members who are able sign into the Hub, sign in and join the club’s group. If you have Carleton ID, alumni included, please go through the process and register with the club via CUSA Hub.
Step 1: Visit CUSA Hub to begin the process.
Step 2: Once your through the quick Hub registration and on the Hub’s homepage, click on Groups in the red bar at the top.
Step 3: Search for Anime@Carleton in the Groups search box, upper left under the CUSA Hub logo.
Step 4: Once you’ve found the club and clicked on it, hit the Join button on the club’s group page.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 21st, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Hackadoll the Animation ep. 11-13 (Early Free Showing, End)
Hozuki no Reitetsu OVAs 1-3
Persona 3 the Movie: Winter of Rebirth (End)
Space Patrol Luluco / Uchuu Patrol Luluco ep. 11-13 (Early Free Showing, End)
The next showing is this Saturday, August 27th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. As we’ve concluded all the scheduled content this showing will be a marathon,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:50pm: Canaan ep. 1-4
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Discussion/Break
4:00pm to 5:40pm: Canaan ep. 5-8
5:40pm to 6:40pm: Dinner Break
6:40pm to 8:35pm: Canaan ep. 9-13
All following is up in the air, we may conclude the showing after Canaan is finished.
8:35pm to 8:45pm: Discussion/Break
8:45pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
The times during this marathon showing are approximate, but we will be starting at 2:10pm.
Marathon Showing
For the last showing of the 2015-2016 club year on September 3rd, we will be doing a marathon of the Gundam 0079 Movie Trilogy (Part I, Part II, and Part III).
2015-2016 Club Year
The 2015-2016 club year is coming to an end with 2 showings left. The 2016-2017 club year will kick off on September 10th with new schedules.
"New" Executive
Kerry will be returning to Carleton for more studies. Kerry served the club as Co-President in 2014-2015 before returning home to Manitoba for the 2015-2016 year. He will be taking over room booking duties. Currently, his plans are to start attending showings again in early September.
For the 2016-2017 school year, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has decided to have clubs register through a new system, CUSA Hub. The CUSA Hub is designed so club registration and club management is handled all digitally. This means that in order for us to fully register for this coming school year, we must have all members who are able sign into the Hub, sign in and join the club’s group. If you have Carleton ID, alumni included, please go through the process and register with the club via CUSA Hub.
Step 1: Visit CUSA Hub to begin the process.
Step 2: Once your through the quick Hub registration and on the Hub’s homepage, click on Groups in the red bar at the top.
Step 3: Search for Anime@Carleton in the Groups search box, upper left under the CUSA Hub logo.
Step 4: Once you’ve found the club and clicked on it, hit the Join button on the club’s group page.
Japan Film Week
The Embassy of Japan will be holding a film week from August 22nd to 26th. The embassy is located at 255 Sussex Drive. The details are as follows,
All films will be presented in Japanese with English subtitles.
No reservations are required and seats will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.
All films are free of charge.
Doors will open at 6PM.
The schedule of films is,
Monday, August 22 at 6:30 pm
Sue, Mai & Sawa
Tuesday, August 23 at 6:30 pm
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Wednesday, August 24 at 6:30 pm
Au revoir l’été
Thursday, August 25 at 6:30 pm
Round Trip Heart
Friday, August 26 at 6:30 pm
Summer Wars
The link to the event's information is here.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 14th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Hackadoll the Animation ep. 10 (Early Free Showing)
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
Mononoke ep. 10-12 (End)
Space Patrol Luluco / Uchuu Patrol Luluco ep. 10 (Early Free Showing)
The next showing is this Saturday, August 20th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Legend of Black Heaven / Kachou Ouji: Hard Rock Save the Space ep. 11, 12, and 13 (End)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:25pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 50 and 51 (End)
4:25pm to 4:35pm: Discussion
4:35pm to 5:25pm: Classroom Crisis ep. 11, 12, and 13 (End)
5:25pm to 5:35pm: Discussion
5:35pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing, Random OVA, and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Farewell Carsten
Yesterday’s showing marked the final showing for Carsten. Carsten started to attend the showings about 5-6 years ago. He did go back and forth to Germany during this time for his PhD studies. For the 2015-2016 club year, he decided to serve as an executive taking on room bookings and storage of the equipment. There is a conference he will be attending in August 2017 at Carleton, so he will be returning for at least for a showing or two in a year’s time. Farewell Carsten, thanks for your service to the club and its members. Safe travels.
2015-2016 Club Year
The 2015-2016 club year is coming to an end with 3 showings left. This year also marks the final year Carsten is with the club before heading back to Germany, his final showing with the club will be the showing on August 13th. The 2016-2017 club year will kick off on September 10th (moved ahead from the 3rd) with new schedules.
"New" Executive
Kerry will be returning to Carleton for more studies. Kerry served the club as Co-President in 2014-2015 before returning home to Manitoba for the 2015-2016 year. He will be taking over room booking duties. Currently, his plans are to start attending showings again in early September.
For the 2016-2017 school year, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has decided to have clubs register through a new system, CUSA Hub. The CUSA Hub is designed so club registration and club management is handled all digitally. This means that in order for us to fully register for this coming school year, we must have all members who are able sign into the Hub, sign in and join the club’s group. If you have Carleton ID, alumni included, please go through the process and register with the club via CUSA Hub.
Step 1: Visit CUSA Hub to begin the process.
Step 2: Once your through the quick Hub registration and on the Hub’s homepage, click on Groups in the red bar at the top.
Step 3: Search for Anime@Carleton in the Groups search box, upper left under the CUSA Hub logo.
Step 4: Once you’ve found the club and clicked on it, hit the Join button on the club’s group page.
Japan Film Week
The Embassy of Japan will be holding a film week from August 22nd to 26th. The embassy is located at 255 Sussex Drive. The details are as follows,
All films will be presented in Japanese with English subtitles.
No reservations are required and seats will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.
All films are free of charge.
Doors will open at 6PM.
The schedule of films is,
Monday, August 22 at 6:30 pm
Sue, Mai & Sawa
Tuesday, August 23 at 6:30 pm
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Wednesday, August 24 at 6:30 pm
Au revoir l’été
Thursday, August 25 at 6:30 pm
Round Trip Heart
Friday, August 26 at 6:30 pm
Summer Wars
The link to the event's information is here.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 7th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Hackadoll the Animation ep. 9 (Early Free Showing)
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 12 (End)
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 23-25
Mononoke ep. 8-9
Space Patrol Luluco / Uchuu Patrol Luluco ep. 9 (Early Free Showing)
Under the Dog
The next showing is this Saturday, August 13th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (2016) ep. 11 and 12 (End)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Legend of Black Heaven / Kachou Ouji: Hard Rock Save the Space ep. 9 and 10
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Joker Game ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: High School Fleet / Haifuri ep. 11 and 12 (End)
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing, Random OVA, and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
2015-2016 Club Year
The 2015-2016 club year is coming to an end with 4 showings left. This year also marks the final year Carsten is with the club before heading back to Germany, his final showing with the club will be the showing on August 13th. The 2016-2017 club year will kick off on September 10th (moved ahead from the 3rd) with new schedules.
For the 2016-2017 school year, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has decided to have clubs register through a new system, CUSA Hub. The CUSA Hub is designed so club registration and club management is handled all digitally. This means that in order for us to fully register for this coming school year, we must have all members who are able sign into the Hub, sign in and join the club’s group. If you have Carleton ID, alumni included, please go through the process and register with the club via CUSA Hub.
Step 1: Visit CUSA Hub to begin the process.
Step 2: Once your through the quick Hub registration and on the Hub’s homepage, click on Groups in the red bar at the top.
Step 3: Search for Anime@Carleton in the Groups search box, upper left under the CUSA Hub logo.
Step 4: Once you’ve found the club and clicked on it, hit the Join button on the club’s group page.
August Mini Golf
Before Carsten concludes his time at Carleton and the club, we’re going to try and squeeze in an evening of mini golf. We are planning on an evening this week. The current thought is, head to Mini Golf Gardens @ Merivale and Colonnade in the early evening for a round then perhaps go to one of the burger restaurants on Merivale. An email has been sent out to those on the list.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 31st, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 23-24 (End)
Galaxy Investigation 2100: Border Planet / Ginga Tansa 2100-nen: Border Planet
Hackadoll the Animation ep. 7 (Early Free Showing)
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 11
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 22
Space Patrol Luluco / Uchuu Patrol Luluco ep. 7 (Early Free Showing)
The next showing is this Saturday, August 6th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 23, 24, and 25 (End)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:25pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 47, 48, and 49
4:25pm to 4:35pm: Discussion
4:35pm to 5:25pm: Classroom Crisis ep. 9 and 10
5:25pm to 5:35pm: Discussion
5:35pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing, Random OVA, and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
2015-2016 Club Year
The 2015-2016 club year is coming to an end with 4 showings left. This year also marks the final year Carsten is with the club before heading back to Germany, his final showing with the club will be the showing on August 13th. The 2016-2017 club year will kick off on September 3rd with new schedules.
For the 2016-2017 school year, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has decided to have clubs register through a new system, CUSA Hub. The CUSA Hub is designed so club registration and club management is handled all digitally. This means that in order for us to fully register for this coming school year, we must have all members who are able sign into the Hub, sign in and join the club’s group. If you have Carleton ID, alumni included, please go through the process and register with the club via CUSA Hub.
Step 1: Visit CUSA Hub to begin the process.
Step 2: Once your through the quick Hub registration and on the Hub’s homepage, click on Groups in the red bar at the top.
Step 3: Search for Anime@Carleton in the Groups search box, upper left under the CUSA Hub logo.
Step 4: Once you’ve found the club and clicked on it, hit the Join button on the club’s group page.
August Mini Golf
Before Carsten concludes his time at Carleton and the club, we’re going to try and squeeze in an evening of mini golf. There is currently no fixed date as it will depend on what evening Carsten is free in early August and the weather. The current thought is, head to Mini Golf Gardens @ Merivale and Colonnade in the early evening for a round then perhaps go to one of the burger restaurants on Merivale. An email has been sent out to those on the list.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 24th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 22
Hackadoll the Animation ep. 6 (Early Free Showing)
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 10
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 21
Space Patrol Luluco / Uchuu Patrol Luluco ep. 6 (Early Free Showing)
Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer
The next showing is this Saturday, July 30th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (2016) ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Legend of Black Heaven / Kachou Ouji: Hard Rock Save the Space ep. 7 and 8
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Joker Game ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: High School Fleet / Haifuri ep. 9 and 10
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing, Random OVA, and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
For the 2016-2017 school year, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has decided to have clubs register through a new system, CUSA Hub. The CUSA Hub is designed so club registration and club management is handled all digitally. This means that in order for us to fully register for this coming school year, we must have all members who are able sign into the Hub, sign in and join the club’s group. If you have Carleton ID, alumni included, please go through the process and register with the club via CUSA Hub.
Step 1: Visit CUSA Hub to begin the process.
Step 2: Once your through the quick Hub registration and on the Hub’s homepage, click on Groups in the red bar at the top.
Step 3: Search for Anime@Carleton in the Groups search box, upper left under the CUSA Hub logo.
Step 4: Once you’ve found the club and clicked on it, hit the Join button on the club’s group page.
August Mini Golf
Before Carsten concludes his time at Carleton and the club, we’re going to try and squeeze in an evening of mini golf. There is currently no fixed date as it will depend on what evening Carsten is free in early August. The current thought is, head to Mini Golf Gardens @ Merivale and Colonnade in the early evening for a round then perhaps go to one of the burger restaurants on Merivale. An email has been sent out to those on the list.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 17th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 21
Hackadoll the Animation ep. 5 (Early Free Showing)
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 9
Mobile Suit Gundam: Thunderbolt - December Sky / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Thunderbolt - December Sky
Mononoke ep. 6-7
Space Patrol Luluco / Uchuu Patrol Luluco ep. 5 (Early Free Showing)
The next showing is this Saturday, July 23rd in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 21 and 22
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:25pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 44, 45, and 46
4:25pm to 4:35pm: Discussion
4:35pm to 5:25pm: Classroom Crisis ep. 7 and 8
5:25pm to 5:35pm: Discussion
5:35pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing, Random OVA, and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
For the 2016-2017 school year, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) has decided to have clubs register through a new system, CUSA Hub. The CUSA Hub is designed so club registration and club management is handled all digitally. This means that in order for us to fully register for this coming school year, we must have all members who are able sign into the Hub, say they are members of the club. If you have Carleton ID credentials, alumni included, please go through the process and register with the club via CUSA Hub.
Step 1: Visit CUSA Hub to begin the process.
Step 2: Once your through the quick Hub registration and on the Hub’s homepage, click on Groups in the red bar at the top.
Step 3: Search for Anime@Carleton in the Groups search box, upper left under the CUSA Hub logo.
Step 4: Once you’ve found the club and clicked on it, hit the Join button on the club’s group page.
August Mini Golf
Before Carsten concludes his time at Carleton and the club, we’re going to try and squeeze in an evening of mini golf. There is currently no fixed date as it will depend on what evening Carsten is free in early August. The current thought is, head to Mini Golf Gardens @ Merivale and Colonnade in the early evening for a round then perhaps go to one of the burger restaurants on Merivale. An email has been sent out to those on the list.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 10th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Hackadoll the Animation ep. 4 (Early Free Showing)
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 8
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 18-20
Mononoke ep. 3-5
RS Keikaku: Rebirth Storage
Space Patrol Luluco / Uchuu Patrol Luluco ep. 4 (Early Free Showing)
The next showing is this Saturday, July 16th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (2016) ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Legend of Black Heaven / Kachou Ouji: Hard Rock Save the Space ep. 5 and 6
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Joker Game ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: High School Fleet / Haifuri ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing, Random OVA, and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
August Mini Golf
Before Carsten concludes his time at Carleton and the club, we’re going to try and squeeze in an evening of mini golf. There is currently no fixed date as it will depend on what evening Carsten is free in early August. The current thought is, head to Mini Golf Gardens @ Merivale and Colonnade in the early evening for a round then perhaps go to one of the burger restaurants on Merivale. An email will be sent out in a couple days to those on the list.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 3rd, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 20
Hackadoll the Animation ep. 3 (Early Free Showing)
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 7
High School Agent 1-2 (End)
Mononoke ep. 2
Ojisan and Marshmallow ep. 9-13 (End)
Space Patrol Luluco / Uchuu Patrol Luluco ep. 3 (Early Free Showing)
Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou ep. 1
The next showing is this Saturday, July 9th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 19 and 20
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:25pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 41, 42, and 43
4:25pm to 4:35pm: Discussion
4:35pm to 5:25pm: Classroom Crisis ep. 5 and 6
5:25pm to 5:35pm: Discussion
5:35pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing, Random OVA, and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 26th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 19
Hackadoll the Animation ep. 2 (Early Free Showing)
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 6
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 17
Mononoke ep. 1
Ojisan and Marshmallow ep. 7-8
Space Patrol Luluco / Uchuu Patrol Luluco ep. 2 (Early Free Showing)
Vampire Hunter D (1985)
The next showing is this Saturday, July 2nd in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (2016) ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Legend of Black Heaven / Kachou Ouji: Hard Rock Save the Space ep. 3 and 4
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Joker Game ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: High School Fleet / Haifuri ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing, Random OVA, and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Constitution and Policies Update
The club’s Constitution and Policies have been updated. Both were officially ratified on June 19th, 2016. If you wish to read over the amended documents, they are linked below,
Constitution 2016
Policies 2016
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 19th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 18
Go! Samurai
Hackadoll the Animation ep. 1 (Early Free Showing)
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 5
Jellyfish Diner / Kurage no Shokudou
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 16
Ojisan and Marshmallow ep. 5-6
Parol's Future Island / Parol no Miraijima
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 49-52 (End)
Space Patrol Luluco / Uchuu Patrol Luluco ep. 1 (Early Free Showing)
Tabimachi Late Show ep. 1-4 (End)
The next showing is this Saturday, June 25th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 17 and 18
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 39 and 40
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Classroom Crisis ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: The Lost Village / Mayoiga ep. 11 and 12 (End)
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing, Random OVA, and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Constitution and Policies Update
The club’s Constitution and Policies have been updated. Both are officially ratified as of today June 19th, 2016. If you wish to read over the amended documents, they are linked below,
Constitution 2016
Policies 2016
Farewell Nick
A longtime member will be calling this coming Saturday’s showing their last with the club. Nick, one of the founders of the club back in September 2001, will be departing Ottawa and heading off to B.C. for the foreseeable future. Nick has been a regular attending member of the club over the years since he stepped down from being an executive. Farewell Nick and perhaps the club will see you again at some point in the future.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 12th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 17
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 4
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 15
Ojisan and Marshmallow ep. 3-4
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 48
The Hard: Bounty Hunter
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 19-20 (End)
The next showing is this Saturday, June 18th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (2016) ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Legend of Black Heaven / Kachou Ouji: Hard Rock Save the Space ep. 1 and 2
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Joker Game ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: High School Fleet / Haifuri ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Random OVA and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
June Club Dinner: M.A.N.G.O.
The Club Dinner: June Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner: After enduring many explosions to perfect the water and paper mango device, Carsten finally decides to pursue a safer alternative, WORLD DOMINATION to convert all the world’s farms to mango farms in a plan he calls Project Mangifera. In order to achieve this he has enlisted the help of Chris with his engineering background, D’Arcy the math expert for programming, and Nick for advanced aerospace engineering and biomechanical systems to build Mango Alpha Neon Gamma Omega, a giant mech. Will Carsten succeed in his plan? Will the world be doomed to eat nothing but mangoes? Stay tuned to find out!
The June Club Dinner will be taking place on Wednesday, June 15th, the other details about the dinner have already been set. If you’d like to attend, send confirmation by 3:00pm on Tuesday. If you are not on the email list, send me a message.
Club Constitution and Policies Update
Its been decided that the club’s Constitution and Policies were in need of an update. Until June 18th, 2016 members may make comments and suggestions on the newly amended documents, see below. Comments and suggestions may be made at the upcoming Saturday’s showing and/or by emailing the club.
Notice: By mid-week the below documents will be updated with any comments, suggestions, and corrections members have made so far. This coming Saturday is the final day where members may make comments or suggestions before the documents are ratified without further process.
New Documents
Constitution 2016 Updated: June 17th evening
Policies 2016
Update/Changes Log Updated: June 17th evening
Current Documents
Current Constitution
Current Policies
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 5th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 16
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 3
Lashed by the Black Rain / Kuroi Ame ni Utarete
Ojisan and Marshmallow ep. 1-2
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 46-47
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 18
The next showing is this Saturday, June 11th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 15 and 16
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 37 and 38
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Classroom Crisis ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: The Lost Village / Mayoiga ep. 9 and 10
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Random OVA and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
June Club Dinner: M.A.N.G.O.
The Club Dinner: June Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner: After enduring many explosions to perfect the water and paper mango device, Carsten finally decides to pursue a safer alternative, WORLD DOMINATION to convert all the world’s farms to mango farms in a plan he calls Project Mangifera. In order to achieve this he has enlisted the help of Chris with his engineering background, D’Arcy the math expert for programming, and Nick for advanced aerospace engineering and biomechanical systems to build Mango Alpha Neon Gamma Omega, a giant mech. Will Carsten succeed in his plan? Will the world be doomed to eat nothing but mangoes? Stay tuned to find out!
The June Club Dinner will be taking place on Wednesday, June 15th, the other details about the dinner have already been set. An email to the group will be going out in the next day or two. If you are not on the email list and are interested in going, send me a message.
Club Constitution and Policies Update
Its been decided that the club’s Constitution and Policies were in need of an update. Until June 18th, 2016 members may make comments and suggestions on the newly amended documents, see below. Comments and suggestions may be made at the upcoming Saturday’s showing and/or by emailing the club.
New Documents
Constitution 2016
Policies 2016
Update/Changes Log
Current Documents
Current Constitution
Current Policies
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 29th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Alice in the Country of Hearts / Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World
Concrete Revolutio ep. 15
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 2
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 14
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 44-45
The next showing is this Saturday, June 4th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (2016) ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju ep. 12 and 13 (End)
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Joker Game ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: High School Fleet / Haifuri ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Random OVA and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
June Club Dinner: M.A.N.G.O.
The Club Dinner: June Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner: After enduring many explosions to perfect the water and paper mango device, Carsten finally decides to pursue a safer alternative, WORLD DOMINATION to convert all the world’s farms to mango farms in a plan he calls Project Mangifera. In order to achieve this he has enlisted the help of Chris with his engineering background, D’Arcy the math expert for programming, and Nick for advanced aerospace engineering and biomechanical systems to build Mango Alpha Neon Gamma Omega, a giant mech. Will Carsten succeed in his plan? Will the world be doomed to eat nothing but mangoes? Stay tuned to find out!
The June Club Dinner will be taking place on Wednesday, June 15th, the other details about the dinner have already been set. An email to the group will be going out in the next day or two. If you are not on the email list and are interested in going, send me a message.
New Speakers
Carsten decided that he would order new speakers for the club. The old ones we have been using are somewhat falling apart and some of the cords are starting to come out from the sockets. If you are interested in chipping in for the new ones, talk to or email Carsten.
Japanese Snack Time
Before the next Japanese Snack Time, we’d like to collect some feedback. If you are interesting in the next one and would like to have a say in what kind of snacks get picked up, please take this brief survey. It is open until June 5th. If you’d like bigger images or would like to recall what was at the first JST, go here.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 22nd, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 12 (End of Season 1)
Concrete Revolutio ep. 14
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto / Sakamoto desu ga? ep. 1
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin / Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin OVA 3
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 42-43
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 17
The next showing is this Saturday, May 28th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 13 and 14
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 35 and 36
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 23, 24, and 25 (End)
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: The Lost Village / Mayoiga ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Random OVA and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
New Speakers
Carsten decided that he would order new speakers for the club. The old ones we have been using are somewhat falling apart and some of the cords are starting to come out from the sockets. If you are interested in chipping in for the new ones, talk to or email Carsten.
Japanese Snack Time
Before the next Japanese Snack Time, we’d like to collect some feedback. If you are interesting in the next one and would like to have a say in what kind of snacks get picked up, please take this brief survey. It is open until June 5th. If you’d like bigger images or would like to recall what was at the first JST, go here.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 15th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 11
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 45-48 (End)
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 13
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 40-41
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 16
The next showing is this Saturday, May 21st in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime ep. 11 and 12 (End of Season 1)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju ep. 10 and 11
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Erased / Boku dake ga Inai Machi ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash / Hai to Gensou no Grimgar ep. 11 and 12 (End)
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Random OVA and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
New Speakers
Carsten decided that he would order new speakers for the club. The old ones we have been using are somewhat falling apart and some of the cords are starting to come out from the sockets. If you are interested in chipping in for the new ones, talk to or email Carsten.
Japanese Snack Time
The second part of the snacks was yesterday. Carsten is accepting donations to help split up the cost. A survey from this JST will be out either later this week or next.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 8th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 10
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 42-44
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 12
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 36-39
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 15
The next showing is this Saturday, May 14th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 11 and 12
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 33 and 34
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 21 and 22
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: The Lost Village / Mayoiga ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Random OVA and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Minor May Club Dinner
This week we’ll be holding a dinner for anyone who’d like to come. It will be at a Chinese buffet, so something different from what we normally do. If you’d like to attend, send me a message by Monday afternoon.
New Speakers
Carsten decided that he would order new speakers for the club. The old ones we have been using are somewhat falling apart and some of the cords are starting to come out from the sockets. If you are interested in chipping in for the new ones, talk to or email Carsten.
Japanese Snack Time
The first part of the second Japanese Snack Time was yesterday. The second part will be this coming Saturday.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 1st, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 9
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 40-41
Joker: Marginal City
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 11
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 33-35
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 14
The next showing is this Saturday, May 7th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju ep. 8 and 9
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Erased / Boku dake ga Inai Machi ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash / Hai to Gensou no Grimgar ep. 9 and 10
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Random OVA and Overspill Slot
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
New Speakers
Carsten decided that he would order new speakers for the club. The old ones we have been using are somewhat falling apart and some of the cords are starting to come out from the sockets. If you are interested in chipping in for the new ones, talk to or email Carsten.
Yesterday’s showing was the last for the winter-term, summer showings start this Saturday, May 7th. Please be advised that the timetable may be alternated or shows may go week to week over the summer to ensure they get finished by the end of August. Also, campus eateries have either reduced hours or are not open on Saturdays.
Over summer there will be a few different events planned, things like mini golf, go karts, laser tag, or a trap room are all possible. For club dinners, the next official one will be in June. For May, I’m going to see about holding an unofficial dinner for anyone who is interested.
Japanese Snack Time
The next Japanese Snack Time will be occurring in the next few weeks. If you'd like to suggest anything, get in touch with Carsten.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 24th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 38-39
Love Position, Legend of the Halley
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 29-32
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 13
The next showing is this Saturday, April 30th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 31 and 32
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 19 and 20
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: The Lost Village / Mayoiga ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 26 (End)
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
New Speakers
Carsten decided that he would order new speakers for the club. The old ones we have been using are somewhat falling apart and some of the cords are starting to come out from the sockets. If you are interested in chipping in for the new ones, talk to or email Carsten.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 17th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 8
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 36-37
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 9-10
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 28
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 12
The next showing is this Saturday, April 23rd in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju ep. 6 and 7
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Erased / Boku dake ga Inai Machi ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash / Hai to Gensou no Grimgar ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 25
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Japanese Snack Time
Before the next Japanese Snack Time, we’d like to collect some feedback on the first one. If you are interesting in the next one and would like to have a say in what kind of snacks get picked up, please take this survey. It is open until April 17th.
Executive Announcement
The club is looking to find new executives for training. We are hoping to find some students members who will be attending club for the next few years that are interested in running the club when the current executives depart. If you are interested, please get with touch with Sean or Craig. We’d be looking to find at least one student who’d be interested, training/minor executive duties would start over the course of the 2016-2017 club year.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 10th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 7
Exper Zenon
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 33-35
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 26-27
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 11
The next showing is this Saturday, April 16th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 29 and 30
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 17 and 18
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: The Lost Village / Mayoiga ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 24
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
April Club Dinner: Fabrications, Imaginings, and Questions
The Club Dinner: April Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner: Dave reveals a shocking truth, his true love of music is classic opera mixed with disco. Carsten presents a device that materializes mangos out of water and used paper; he may or may not have singed hair. And Miitomo fever has taken over D’Arcy and Nick.
The April Club Dinner will be taking place on Wednesday, April 13th. If you have not already sent in confirmation, please do so by 3:00pm Tuesday. If you are not on the email list and are interested in going, send me a message.
Japanese Snack Time
Before the next Japanese Snack Time, we’d like to collect some feedback on the first one. If you are interesting in the next one and would like to have a say in what kind of snacks get picked up, please take this survey. It is open until April 17th.
Executive Announcement
The club is looking to find new executives for training. We are hoping to find some students members who will be attending club for the next few years that are interested in running the club when the current executives depart. If you are interested, please get with touch with Sean or Craig. We’d be looking to find at least one student who’d be interested, training/minor executive duties would start over the course of the 2016-2017 club year.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 3rd, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 32
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 24-25
Potemayo Special 6 (End)
The Anthem of the Heart / Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda.
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 10
The next showing is this Saturday, April 9th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju ep. 4 and 5
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Erased / Boku dake ga Inai Machi ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash / Hai to Gensou no Grimgar ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 24 (skipped)
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
April Club Dinner: Fabrications, Imaginings, and Questions
The Club Dinner: April Edition returns this month. On this month’s Club Dinner: Dave reveals a shocking truth, his true love of music is classic opera mixed with disco. Carsten presents a device that materializes mangos out of water and used paper; he may or may not have singed hair. And Miitomo fever has taken over D’Arcy and Nick.
The April Club Dinner will be taking place around mid-April. If you are not already on the email list, send me a message. An email will be going out in the next day or two to those on the list. Since we’ve been to Sushi Kan and Bai Du for the last two dinners, those places will be off the selection this time around.
Japanese Snack Time
Before the next Japanese Snack Time, we’d like to collect some feedback on the first one. If you are interesting in the next one and would like to have a say in what kind of snacks get picked up, please take this survey. It is open until April 17th.
Executive Announcement
The club is looking to find new executives for training. We are hoping to find some students members who will be attending club for the next few years that are interested in running the club when the current executives depart. If you are interested, please get with touch with Sean or Craig. We’d be looking to find at least one student who’d be interested, training/minor executive duties would start over the course of the 2016-2017 club year.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 27th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 6
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 31
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 8
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 22-23
She and Her Cat: Everything Flows / Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows ep. 4 (End)
Venus Wars / Venus Senki
The next showing is this Saturday, April 2nd in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 27 and 28
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 15 and 16
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash / Hai to Gensou no Grimgar ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 24 (skipped)
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Executive Announcement
The club is looking to find new executives for training. We are hoping to find some students members who will be attending club for the next few years that are interested in running the club when the current executives depart. If you are interested, please get with touch with Sean or Craig. We’d be looking to find at least one student who’d be interested, training/minor executive duties would start over the course of the 2016-2017 club year.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 20th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 5
Ajin: Impulse
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 30
She and Her Cat: Everything Flows / Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows ep. 3
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 9
The next showing is this Saturday, March 26th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju ep. 2 and 3
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Erased / Boku dake ga Inai Machi ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:40pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion Gekijouban: The End of Evangelion
6:40pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 13th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 4
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 29
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 21
She and Her Cat: Everything Flows / Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows ep. 2
The Wave of Rage / Soliton no Akuma
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 8
The next showing is this Saturday, March 19th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 25 and 26
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 13 and 14
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash / Hai to Gensou no Grimgar ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 24 (skipped)
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Japanese Snack Time
Yesterday was the last of the snacks from T&T. Either towards the end of March or beginning of April we’ll be conducting a brief survey to find out what was liked and what was not. The next run to T&T for snacks will be in April.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 6th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 3
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 27 and 28
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 7
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 19 and 20
She and Her Cat / Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko OVA
She and Her Cat: Everything Flows / Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows ep. 1
The Restaurant of Many Orders / Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (1994)
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 7
Schedule update about yesterday’s showing, the OVA for Sunday Without God was shown in place of Ninja Slayer.
The next showing is this Saturday, March 12th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Snow White with the Red Hair / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju ep. 1 (40 min)
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Erased / Boku dake ga Inai Machi ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 25 and 26 (End)
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 23
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Japanese Snack Time
As noted in the previous post, the club has decided to do a run to T&T Supermarket to pick up some Japanese and Asian snacks. The first bit of snacks was put out at yesterday’s showing. The second and final bit of snacks from this run will be put out at this coming week’s showing. The next run to T&T for snacks will be done in April.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
February 28th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 2
Bayonetta: Bloody Fate
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 26
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 6
The next showing is this Saturday, March 5th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom: Second Season / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Second Season ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 23 and 24
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 11 and 12
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Sunday Without God / Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi ep. 11 and 12 (End)
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 23
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Japanese Snack Time
Recently the club ordered a Japan Crate, a subscription box with Japanese candy. Unfortunately, the box was disappointing and did not have the quantity needed to provide enough snacks to interested club members, with some of the snack items being a one person only snack. Japan Crate has been deemed not worth it due to the expense vs. quantity. There are other avenues that the club will be pursuing, 1) when available, André will be sent out on a mission to collect and mail snacks from Japan and 2) we’re going by T&T Supermarket to get a selection of Japanese and Asian snacks. The first trip to T&T will be done this week with a sample selection of snacks available for the break period at this week’s showing. We’ll gauge interest and determine how to proceed after this Saturday. Currently, the thought is a snack trip to T&T once a month, with André Snack Mail on occasion.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
February 21st, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 25
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 6
Potemayo Special 5
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 18
Riki-Oh OVA 1-2
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 5
The next showing is this Saturday, February 27th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: One Punch Man ep. 11 and 12 (End)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation / Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatte Iru ep. 11 and 12 (End)
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 23 and 24 (End)
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 22 and 23
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 22
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
February 14th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari ep. 1
Gulliver no Uchuu Ryokou
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 23-24
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 5
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 16-17
The next showing is this Saturday, February 20th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 21 and 22
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 21 and 22
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Sunday Without God / Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi ep. 9 and 10
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 21
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
February 7th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 13 (End of Season 1)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 22
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 4
Potemayo Special 4
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 14-15
Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai
The next showing is this Saturday, February 13th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: One Punch Man ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation / Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatte Iru ep. 9 and 10
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 21 and 22
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 20 and 21
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 20
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
LOVE LIVE! The School Idol Movie Theatrical Showing

On Saturday, February 13th at 12:55pm is LOVE LIVE! The School Idol Movie which will be shown at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas. This is your last chance to see this movie in theatres.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 31st, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 12
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 21
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 3
Persona 3 the Movie: Falling Down
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 4
The next showing is this Saturday, February 6th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 19 and 20
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 19 and 20
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Sunday Without God / Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 19
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
February Club Dinner: The Return of the Endless Avocado
The February Club Dinner returns tomorrow. Will Sean be forced to eat a ton of avocado or wasabi balls? Will Sean 2 eat heaps of tempura? Will Carsten seek out everything mango on the menu? Attend to find out.
The February Club Dinner will be taking place tomorrow, Monday (Feb. 1st). If you would like to attend, send me a message by 3:00pm today, Sunday (Jan. 31st).
LOVE LIVE! The School Idol Movie Theatrical Showing

On Thursday, February 4th at 7:00pm and Saturday, February 13th at 12:55pm is LOVE LIVE! The School Idol Movie which will be shown at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 29th, 2016
There are two upcoming special events in the Ottawa-area that may be of interest,
LOVE LIVE! The School Idol Movie Theatrical Showing

On Thursday, February 4th at 7:00pm and Saturday, February 13th at 12:55pm is LOVE LIVE! The School Idol Movie which will be shown at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas.
The club will be holding a giveaway for some posters and a few passes. Passes will be given away this Saturday, January 30th and posters will follow on an upcoming Saturday. Standard giveaway rules apply, you must be a member of Anime@Carleton and you must be present when the giveaway happens. The giveaway for the passes will be conducted at 7:25pm, any winners must provide me with their full name to forward on for the winners to claim their passes at the theatre. Winners may select either of the showing dates.
Special thanks to Azoland Pictures for providing the posters and passes.
Eye on the Enlightenment: John Cooper Robertson Photographs from Meiji-Taisho Japan
From January 30th through to February 14th the Embassy of Japan will be hosting a special photograph exhibit. The photographs are from Japan’s Meiji-Taisho era and were taken by John Cooper Robinson, a Canadian photographer and missionary that was one of the first foreigners to enter and photograph Japan during these eras.

There will also be two lectures during the exhibit,
When Modern Japan was Young: A Historical Journey through Meiji and Taisho
Dr. Jacob Kovalio, Associate Professor of History at Carleton University & Jill Cooper Robinson
February 4th, 6:30 PM Registration Required to Attend
John Cooper Robinson and Global Photography in the Late Nineteenth Century
Dr. Carol Payne, Associate Professor of Art History at Carleton University
February 10th, 6:30 PM Registration Required to Attend
January 24th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 11
Garakowa: Restore the World / Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 20
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 2
Potemayo Special 3
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 13
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 3
The next showing is this Saturday, January 30th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115, directions here. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: One Punch Man ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation / Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatte Iru ep. 7 and 8
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 19 and 20
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 18 and 19
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 18
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
February Club Dinner: The Return of the Endless Avocado
Its time for the return of the exciting February Club Dinner. Will Sean be forced to eat a ton of avocado or wasabi balls? Will Sean 2 eat heaps of tempura? Will Carsten seek out everything mango on the menu? Attend to find out.
As you may have surmised, it’s time for another club dinner. This time around, due to everyone’s schedules, the dinner will be taking place during the first week of February. Everyone on the list already will get a survey to determine date and place within the next day. If you’re not on the list but would like to attend, send me a message. If you’d like to be included on the list automatically (i.e. your email included in the email list) for future club dinners and other events, please say so in the email.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 17th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 19
Lupin III: Part 4 (2015) ep. 1
Potemayo Special 2
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 11 and 12
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 2
You Are Umasou / Omae Umasou Da na
The next showing is this Saturday, January 23rd in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 17 and 18
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 17 and 18
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Sunday Without God / Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 17
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 10th, 2016
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Amuri in Star Ocean / Hoshi no Umi no Amuri OVA 1-3 (End)
Concrete Revolutio ep. 10
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 18
Potemayo Special 1
Twin Spica / Futatsu no Spica ep. 1
Ninja Slayer episode count was off, somehow I don’t how it’s a mystery, so this Saturday’s episode is number 16.
The next showing is this Saturday, January 16th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: One Punch Man ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation / Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatte Iru ep. 5 and 6
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 17 and 18
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 16 and 17
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 16
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 5th, 2016
Hope everyone had a good holiday break.
The first showing of 2016 is this Saturday, January 9th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 15 and 16
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 15 and 16
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Sunday Without God / Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 16
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 1st, 2016

December 25th, 2015

December 20th, 2015
Yesterday’s showing was the last for the 2015 calendar year. Due to a number of members not being able to attend, i.e. left Ottawa or holiday commitments, we did a marathon of Everything Becomes F: The Perfect Insider / Subete ga F ni Naru. Following the marathon it was decided that we’d do a couple cheesy 1980s films/OVAs,
Girl Detective Club / Katsugeki Shoujo Tanteidan
The Curse of Kazuo Umezu / Umezu Kazuo no Noroi
The Tokyo Project: Tokyo Vice
The regular schedules will return on Saturday, January 9th 2016. More information will be posted in early January.
Enjoy the holidays and see you in 2016.
Kaicho of A@C
December 13th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
After School Midnighters / Houkago Midnighters
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 16 and 17
Potemayo ep. 12 (End)
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 10
Yesterday’s showing concludes the normal showings for the 2015 calendar year. Schedules A and B will resume in January 2016.
We’re not done for 2015 yet though. We’ll be holding a marathon showing this Saturday, December 19th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. The marathon will be,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to ~4:10pm: Everything Becomes F: The Perfect Insider / Subete ga F ni Naru First Half
~4:10pm to ~5:10pm: Dinner Break
~5:10pm to ~7:30-8:00pm: Everything Becomes F: The Perfect Insider / Subete ga F ni Naru Second Half
~8:00pm to End: Possible Movie
Everything Becomes F: The Perfect Insider / Subete ga F ni Naru
Premiering on October 9th, 2015 on the Noitamina programming block. The story revolves around Saikawa Souhei, a member of the Saikawa Research Lab. He goes on a vacation held by the lab, and Nishinosono Moe, the daughter of his mentor, joins the group on their vacation despite not being a part of the lab. There, the two end up finding a corpse. The two work together to solve the mysteries of what becomes a serial murder case. -from ANN
The only definitive* time is going to be the start time of 2:10pm (*if someone is expected to be there but running late, we may start 10-15 minutes past 2:10pm). There will be discussion/mini breaks throughout the showing and a dinner break roughly around the halfway point. After the marathon is completed, there may be a movie shown, this will depend on how people feel after the marathon. If a movie is shown it will probably be a cheesy 80s movie.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
December 5th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror ep. 9, 10, and 11 (Bakeneko - Part 1-3, End)
Concrete Revolutio ep. 9
Ishida & Asakura ep. 1-2
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 15
Potemayo ep. 11
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 7-9
The next showing is this Saturday, December 12th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: One Punch Man ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation / Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatte Iru ep. 3 and 4
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 15 and 16
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 14 and 15
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 15
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Steam Game Giveaway
I’ve decided to hold a giveaway for some Steam games. If you’re interested, please read this.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 29th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror ep. 8 (Yotsuya Ghost Story - Part 4, End of Arc)
Concrete Revolutio ep. 8
Delinquent in Drag / Oira Sukeban
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 14
Judge / Yami no Shihoukan Judge
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 4-6
Due to file issues only one episode of EVA was shown and to fill up the extra time an extra episode of Ninja Slayer was shown.
The next showing is this Saturday, December 5th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 13 and 14
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 13 and 14
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans / Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Sunday Without God / Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 14
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 22nd, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror ep. 6 and 7 (Yotsuya Ghost Story - Part 2 and 3)
Concrete Revolutio ep. 7
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 13
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin / Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin OVA 2 (cont. from 14-15)
Potemayo ep. 10
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki ep. 1-3
The next showing is this Saturday, November 28th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: One Punch Man ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation / Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatte Iru ep. 1 and 2
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 13 and 14
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 13
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 12 and 13
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 15th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror ep. 5 (Yotsuya Ghost Story - Part 1)
Concrete Revolutio ep. 6
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 12
Lupin III: Princess of the Breeze - The Hidden City in the Sky / Lupin Sansei: Princess of the Breeze - Kakusareta Kuuchuu Toshi
Potemayo ep. 9
Episode 11 of Ninja Slayer was skipped as the final episode of Charlotte took up extra time this week.
The next showing is this Saturday, November 21st in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 11 and 12
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 11 and 12
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers / Rokka no Yuusha ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace ep. 10 and 11 (End)
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 11
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
November Club Hot-pot
The November Club Hot-pot will be held on Tuesday, November 17th. If you’d like to attend, send me a message by Monday morning.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 8th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 5
Ghost in the Shell New Movie / Koukaku Kidoutai: Shin Gekijouban
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 10 and 11
There was also episode 10 of Ninja Slayer from Animation, which was shown before the break.
The next showing is this Saturday, November 14th in Paterson Hall (PA) 234. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Charlotte ep. 11, 12, and 13 (End)
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: School-Live! / Gakkou Gurashi! ep. 11 and 12 (End)
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 11 and 12
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 11 and 12
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 11
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
November Club Hot-pot
The November Club Hot-pot will be held on Tuesday, November 17th. If you’d like to attend, send me a message by November 13th.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 1st, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Concrete Revolutio ep. 4
Fight! Iczer-One / Tatakae!! Iczer 1 Special Compilation
Inuki Kanako Zekkyou Collection: Gakkou ga Kowai!
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 9
The next showing is this Saturday, November 7th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 9 and 10
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers / Rokka no Yuusha ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 5:35pm: Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace ep. 9
5:35pm to 5:45pm: Discussion
5:45pm to 6:45pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront / Kekkai Sensen ep. 12 (End, cont. from 14-15)
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Anime Sale
Notice: The anime sale will be concluding on November 7th. If there is anything you are after, please get in touch with the seller. The sale will likely be back at some point in the winter-term or the spring.
Anime@Carleton is promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List [Updated - Sept. 13th]
Sean McG's List [Updated - Oct. 18th]
November Club Hot-pot
We’re going to hold a dinner for anyone who may be interested in going to hot-pot sometime in mid-November. If you’d like to attend, send me a message. An email will be going out to everyone on the list in the next day or two.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 31st, 2015

October 25th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror ep. 4 (The Legend of Tenshu - Part 4 – End of Story Arc)
Concrete Revolutio ep. 3
Gekijouban Kyoukai no Kanata: I’ll Be Here: Mirai-hen
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 8
Potemayo ep. 8
The next showing is this Saturday, October 31st in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Charlotte ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: School-Live! / Gakkou Gurashi! ep. 9 and 10
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 9 and 10
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 9 and 10
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 9
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Anime Sale
Notice: The club member anime sale or swap will be coming to an end in the next few weeks. If there is anything you are after, please get in touch with the seller. The sale and swap will most likely be back at some point in the winter-term or the spring.
Anime@Carleton is promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List [Updated - Sept. 13th]
Sean McG's List [Updated - Oct. 18th]
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 21st, 2015
On October 21st, 2015 at 4:29pm (Pacific Time) in Hill Valley, California, Doc Brown, Marty McFly, and Jennifer Parker arrive in the future from 1985.

October 18th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror ep. 3 (The Legend of Tenshu - Part 3)
Concrete Revolutio ep. 2
Gekijouban Kyoukai no Kanata: I’ll Be Here: Kako-hen
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 7
Potemayo ep. 7
The next showing is this Saturday, October 24th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 7 and 8
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers / Rokka no Yuusha ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 8
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Anime Sale
Notice: The club member anime sale or swap will be coming to an end in the next few weeks. If there is anything you are after, please get in touch with the seller. The sale and swap will most likely be back at some point in the winter-term or the spring.
Anime@Carleton is promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List [Updated - Sept. 13th]
Sean McG's List [Updated - Oct. 18th]
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 11th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror ep. 2 (The Legend of Tenshu - Part 2)
Concrete Revolutio ep. 1
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 6
Potemayo ep. 6
Shakugan no Shana: The Movie / Gekijouban Shakugan no Shana
The next showing is this Saturday, October 17th in Paterson Hall (PA) 115. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Charlotte ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: School-Live! / Gakkou Gurashi! ep. 7 and 8
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 7 and 8
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 7 and 8
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 7
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Anime Sale
Anime@Carleton is promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List [Updated - Sept. 13th]
Sean McG's List [Updated - Sept. 6th]
Fall Club Dinner
This coming Thursday, October 15th is the Fall Club Dinner. For those who are not familiar, the dinner is held during a weekday evening at an all-you-can-eat sushi/Asian restaurant. If you’d like to attend, send me a message by 12:00pm on Tuesday.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 4th, 2015
Yesterday was the fifth showing of 2015-2016 and the third showing of Schedule A. Hopefully those of you who attended enjoyed it. If you missed it don’t worry, Schedule A will be back on October 17th, so there is time to catch up. This coming Saturday, October 10th Schedule B returns for its third showing. For newcomers, more information about the club and this year’s schedules can be found below in the September 1st post.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Andromeda Stories
Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror ep. 1 (The Legend of Tenshu - Part 1)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 5
Polar Bear Café / Shirokuma Café ep. 1
Potemayo ep. 5
The next showing is this Saturday, October 10th in St. Patrick's (SP) 417. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 5 and 6
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers / Rokka no Yuusha ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 6
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Anime Sale
Anime@Carleton is promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List [Updated - Sept. 13th]
Sean McG's List [Updated - Sept. 6th]
Fall Club Dinner
Coming up in October the club will holding a dinner. For those who are not familiar, the dinner is held during a weekday evening at an all-you-can-eat sushi/Asian restaurant. An email will be sent out to those on the list within the next few days to select the restaurant and date. If you aren’t on the list and would like to attend if your able, send me a message.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 27th, 2015
Yesterday was the fourth showing of 2015-2016 and the second showing of Schedule B. Hopefully those of you who attended enjoyed it. If you missed it don’t worry, Schedule B will be back on October 10th, so there is time to catch up. This coming Saturday, October 3rd Schedule A returns for its third showing. For newcomers, more information about the club and this year’s schedules can be found below in the September 1st post.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Fastening Days
GATCHAMAN Crowds Insight ep. 11 and 12 (End)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 4
Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku: The Legend of Koizumi
Ookii 1 Nensei to Chiisana 2 Nensei
Potemayo ep. 4
Taifuu no Noruda
The next showing is this Saturday, October 3rd in Minto (MC) 5050. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Charlotte ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: School-Live! / Gakkou Gurashi! ep. 5 and 6
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 5 and 6
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 5 and 6
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 5
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Anime Sale
Anime@Carleton is promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List [Updated - Sept. 13th]
Sean McG's List [Updated - Sept. 6th]
Fall Club Dinner
Coming up in October the club will holding a dinner. For those who are not familiar, the dinner is held during a weekday evening at an all-you-can-eat sushi/Asian restaurant. An email will be sent out to those on the list within the next few days to select the restaurant and date. If you aren’t on the list and would like to attend if your able, send me a message.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 20th, 2015
Yesterday was the third showing of 2015-2016 and the second showing of Schedule A. Hopefully those of you who attended enjoyed it. If you missed it don’t worry, Schedule A will be back on October 3rd, so there is time to catch up. This coming Saturday, September 26th Schedule B returns for its second showing. For newcomers, more information about the club and this year’s schedules can be found below in the September 1st post.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
GATCHAMAN Crowds Insight ep. 10 (cont. from 2014-2015)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 3
Potemayo ep. 3
The Case of Hana & Alice / Hana to Alice: Satsujin Jiken
The next showing is this Saturday, September 26th in River Building (RB) 1201. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 3 and 4
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers / Rokka no Yuusha ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 4
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Anime Sale
Anime@Carleton is promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List [Updated - Sept. 13th]
Sean McG's List [Updated - Sept. 6th]
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 13th, 2015
Yesterday was the second showing of 2015-2016 and the first showing of Schedule B. Hopefully those of you who attended enjoyed it. If you missed it don’t worry, Schedule B will be back on September 26th, so there is time to catch up. This coming Saturday, September 19th Schedule A returns for its second showing. For newcomers, more information about the club and this year’s schedules can be found below in the September 1st post.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin OAD: A Choice with No Regrets 1 and 2
Fumiko’s Confession / Fumiko no Kokuhaku
GATCHAMAN Crowds Insight ep. 9 (cont. from 2014-2015)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 2
Paulette’s Chair / Paulette no Isu
Potemayo ep. 2
Rain in the Sunshine / Hinata no Aoshigure
rain town
The next showing is this Saturday, September 19th in River Building (RB) 1201. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Charlotte ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: School-Live! / Gakkou Gurashi! ep. 3 and 4
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 3 and 4
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 3 and 4
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 3
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Anime Sale
Anime@Carleton is promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List [Updated - Sept. 13th]
Sean McG's List [Updated - Sept. 6th]
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 6th, 2015
Yesterday was the first showing of Schedule A of 2015-2016. We hope those of you who attended enjoy it. If you missed it don’t worry, Schedule A will be back on September 19th, so there is time to catch up. This coming Saturday, September 12th we start Schedule B. For newcomers, more information about the club and this year’s schedules can be found below in the September 1st post.
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders ep. 1
Potemayo ep. 1
Summer Days with Coo / Kappa no Coo to Natsuyasumi
The next showing is this Saturday, September 12th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 1 and 2
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers / Rokka no Yuusha ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 2
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Anime Sale
Anime@Carleton is promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List
Sean McG's List [Updated - Sept. 6th]
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 1st, 2015
2015-2016 Club Year
Welcome to the 2015-2016 club year. For this club year we will continue to hold weekly showings with rotating schedules. Showings are held every Saturday from 1:30pm until 11:00pm, unless otherwise posted. The showings start this Saturday, September 5th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050. Schedule A, which will start this Saturday is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Charlotte ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: School-Live! / Gakkou Gurashi! ep. 1 and 2
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!! ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 1
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Schedule B, which will start on Saturday, September 12th is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005) ep. 1 and 2
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers / Rokka no Yuusha ep. 1 and 2
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace ep. 1 and 2
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation ep. 2
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Executives
This year the executives for the club are,
Craig M. – Kaicho
Sean M. – Co-President
Carsten G. – Co-President
FAQ and Contacting the Club
If you have a question about the club please view the FAQ. If you don’t see your answer there, please send us an email at Anime [dot] at [dot] Carleton [at] gmail [dot] com. Likewise, if you need to reach us for any reason please send an email.
Expo Carleton
The club will be attending Expo Carleton this year. Expo Carleton is taking place on Tuesday, September 1st in the University Fieldhouse from 1:00pm to 4:30pm. If you’re going to be going through there as part of your orientation activities, stop by our table and say hi. The executives who will attend Expo are Sean (Co-President) and Carsten (Co-President).
Social Networks
If you would like to follow the other outlets of news from the club there is a Google+ Page, Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, and a Steam Group.
Club Anime Sale
Anime@Carleton is promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List
Sean McG's List
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C