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News Archive
August 30th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
GATCHAMAN Crowds Insight ep. 8 (will be cont. into 2015-2016)
Ghost in the Shell Arise: Alternative Architecture / Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Alternative Architecture ep. 9 and 10
Musashi: The Dream of the Last Samurai / Miyamoto Musashi: Souken ni Haseru Yume
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU Too! / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. Zoku ep. 13 (End)
With that we conclude the 2014-2015 club year. This coming Saturday, September 5th is the start of the 2015-2016 club year which kicks off with a new schedule and timetable. In the next day or two the 2015-2016 year will officially start with the customary post that will contain all the information about the club for any newcomers.
Check the website later in the week for the location of the September 5th showing.
Club Anime Sale
Anime@Carleton will be promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List
Sean McG's List
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 26th, 2015
The schedules for the 2015-2016 club year are as follows,
Schedule A:
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Charlotte
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: School-Live! / Gakkou Gurashi!
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: My Love Story!! / Ore Monogatari!!
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Neon Genesis Evangelion / Shinseiki Evangelion
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Schedule B:
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
3:00pm to 3:10pm: Discussion
3:10pm to 4:00pm: Glass Mask / Glass no Kamen (2005)
4:00pm to 4:10pm: Discussion
4:10pm to 5:00pm: Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers / Rokka no Yuusha
5:00pm to 5:10pm: Discussion
5:10pm to 6:00pm: Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace
6:00pm to 6:10pm: Discussion
6:10pm to 6:30pm: Ninja Slayer from Animation
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Dinner Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
This year we introduce a new timetable to allow for more discussion time between shows on the schedule. Schedule A will start on Saturday, September 5th then Schedule B on Saturday, September 12th rotating between the two each week thereafter.
This information will be reposted along with the regular start of the year post next week after we conclude the 2014-2015 club year.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 23rd, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Angel Beats! Hell’s Kitchen
D-Frag! OVA
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Specials 1-6
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU Too! / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. Zoku ep. 12
Tezuka Osamu - Lion Books Series: Adachigahara
Tezuka Osamu - Lion Books Series: Akuemon
Tezuka Osamu - Lion Books Series: Yamataro Comes Back / Yamatarou Kaeru
The last showing of the 2014-2015 club year is this Saturday, August 29th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 2:35pm: Your Lie in April: Moments / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: Moments OAD
2:35pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor - The New Files / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 13, 14, 15, and 16 (End)
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine / Sidonia no Kishi: Daikyuu Wakusei Sen`eki ep. 11 and 12 (End)
4:50pm to 5:40pm: The World Is Still Beautiful / Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:40pm to 7:30pm: Spillover and Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Anime Sale
Anime@Carleton will be promoting a club member anime sale or swap. More details can be found in the Sale Document.
Member Lists:
Craig's List
Sean McG's List
2015-2016 Club Year
Later this week we’ll be posting the 2015-2016 club year schedule and timetable. The scheduled portion of Schedules A and B is all new. In addition, starting this year the timetable will be altered to allow for more discussion time between the various shows.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 16th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
GATCHAMAN Crowds Insight ep. 7
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU Too! / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. Zoku ep. 10 and 11
Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko II OVA 3 (End)
Tezuka Osamu - Lion Books Series: The Green Cat / Midori no Neko
Tezuka Osamu - Lion Books Series: Lunn Flies into the Wind / Lunn wa Kaze no Naka
Tezuka Osamu - Lion Books Series: Rain Boy / Amefurikozou
The next showing is this Saturday, August 22nd in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep. 21 and 22 (End)
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor - The New Files / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 10, 11, and 12
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine / Sidonia no Kishi: Daikyuu Wakusei Sen`eki ep. 9 and 10
4:50pm to 5:40pm: The World Is Still Beautiful / Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 7:30pm: Spillover and Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
August Club Dinner
The club will be holding a club dinner on Tuesday, August 18th. If you aren’t on the list and would like to attend if your able, send me a message.
Club Anime Sale
We’re going to try and hold a sale for club members to clear out anime, manga, and any other related items that they no longer wish to keep in their collections. This sale will advertised on the club’s website with sales or swaps taking place at the showing or at a time/location the seller and buyer agree upon. If you have stuff you’d like to sell start assembling a list, decide on the best contact method for you, and send me a message. The plan currently is to have lists going up in the next week or two. The sale would most likely be advertised on the site until mid-late September or later depending on demand. All lists submitted should follow this format,
-Seller’s Name e.g. Craig’s Anime Sale List
-Seller’s Email/Phone (if you do not have an email you’d like visible to the public, please get in touch and we can arrange to route messages through the club’s email)
-Items for Sale with any relevant notes and prices (also say whether your prices are firm or negotiable)
-Submitted Lists should be in PDF format
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 9th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
GATCHAMAN Crowds Insight ep. 6
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu OVA 6 (End)
Psycho-Pass: The Movie
Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko II OVA 2
André will be back for the showing on Saturday, August 15th. He is in the area for a conference and will be able to attend the showing and the dinner on August 18th. Sean has been collecting lots of 80s and 90s movies for a special hard drive roulette movie slot for the coming showing for André and any attendees to enjoy*.
*This may or may not be true.
The next showing is this Saturday, August 15th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 23 and 24 (End)
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor - The New Files / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 7, 8, and 9
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront / Kekkai Sensen ep. 9, 10, and 11
4:50pm to 5:40pm: The World Is Still Beautiful / Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii ep. 6, 7, and 8
5:40pm to 7:30pm: Spillover and Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
August Club Dinner
The club will be holding a club dinner on Tuesday, August 18th. If you aren’t on the list and would like to attend if your able, send me a message.
Club Anime Sale
We’re going to try and hold a sale for club members to clear out anime, manga, and any other related items that they no longer wish to keep in their collections. This sale will advertised on the club’s website with sales or swaps taking place at the showing or at a time/location the seller and buyer agree upon. If you have stuff you’d like to sell start assembling a list, decide on the best contact method for you, and send me a message. The plan currently is to have lists going up in the next week or two. The sale would most likely be advertised on the site until mid-late September or later depending on demand. All lists submitted should follow this format,
-Seller’s Name e.g. Craig’s Anime Sale List
-Seller’s Email/Phone (if you do not have an email you’d like visible to the public, please get in touch and we can arrange to route messages through the club’s email)
-Items for Sale with any relevant notes and prices (also say whether your prices are firm or negotiable)
-Submitted Lists should be in PDF format
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 6th, 2015

70 years ago today, the first atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima, three days later the second fell on Nagasaki.
News Articles
Japan marks 70th anniversary of Hiroshima atomic bombing
By The Numbers: The atomic bombing of Hiroshima
How The Japan Times reported the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
20 notable locations to commemorate the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
August 2nd, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
GATCHAMAN Crowds Insight ep. 5
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu OVA 5
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU Too! / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. Zoku ep. 8 and 9
Silent Mobius 2
Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko II OVA 1
A few updates on the scheduled portion of the showings; Mobile Police Patlabor - The New Files is up to episode 6, Space Brothers has finished, only 1 episode of The World Is Still Beautiful was shown this week, and episode 25 of Kill la Kill was shown.
The next showing is this Saturday, August 8th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep. 19 and 20
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Kyou kara Ore wa!! ep. 10 (End)
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine / Sidonia no Kishi: Daikyuu Wakusei Sen`eki ep. 7 and 8
4:50pm to 5:40pm: The World Is Still Beautiful / Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii ep. 4 and 5
5:40pm to 7:30pm: Spillover and Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
August Club Dinner
The club will be holding a club dinner again sometime around the middle of the month. An email with a choice of dates will be sent out shortly to those on the list or to those you have contacted me. If you aren’t on the list and would like to attend if your able, send me a message.
Club Anime Sale
We’re going to try and hold a sale for club members to clear out anime, manga, and any other related items that they no longer wish to keep in their collections. This sale will advertised on the club’s website with sales or swaps taking place at the showing or at a time/location the seller and buyer agree upon. If you have stuff you’d like to sell start assembling a list, decide on the best contact method for you, and send me a message. The plan currently is to have lists going up either later this week or next. The sale would most likely be advertised on the site until mid-late September or later depending on demand. All lists submitted should follow this format,
-Seller’s Name e.g. Craig’s Anime Sale List
-Seller’s Email/Phone (if you do not have an email you’d like visible to the public, please get in touch and we can arrange to route messages through the club’s email)
-Items for Sale with any relevant notes and prices (also say whether your prices are firm or negotiable)
-Submitted Lists should be in PDF format
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 26th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
GATCHAMAN Crowds Insight ep. 4
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu OVA 4
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU Too! / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. Zoku ep. 6 and 7
Silent Mobius: The Motion Picture
Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko I OVA 3 (End of Part 1)
The next showing is this Saturday, August 1st in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 21 and 22
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor - The New Files / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 3 and 4
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront / Kekkai Sensen ep. 7 and 8
4:50pm to 5:40pm: The World Is Still Beautiful / Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 98
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
August Club Dinner
The club will be holding a club dinner again sometime around the middle of the month. Once the details are confirmed I’ll be sending out an email to those on the list. If you aren’t on the list and would like to attend if your able, send me a message.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 19th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
D-Frag! ep. 11 and 12 (End)
GATCHAMAN Crowds Insight ep. 3
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu OVA 3
Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko I OVA 2
The Weathering Continent / Kaze no Tairiku
This coming Saturday’s showing picks up where we left off with one exception, it has been decided that Maria the Virgin Witch / Junketsu no Maria will be dropped from the schedule and it’s slot filled with The World Is Still Beautiful / Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii.
The next showing is this Saturday, July 25th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep. 17 and 18
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Kyou kara Ore wa!! ep. 9
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine / Sidonia no Kishi: Daikyuu Wakusei Sen`eki ep. 5 and 6
4:50pm to 5:40pm: The World Is Still Beautiful / Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 97
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 12th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
D-Frag! ep. 9 and 10
GATCHAMAN Crowds Insight ep. 00, 1, and 2
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu OVA 2
School-Live! / Gakkou Gurashi! ep. 1 (will not be continuing)
Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko I OVA 1
The next showing is this Saturday, July 18th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Free showing only this week. Pretty much everyone will be attending festivals or is out of town; as such the attendance for the early scheduled portion of the showing would be 1 or 2 people.
7:00pm to 7:30pm: Setup
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 5th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
D-Frag! ep. 7 and 8
I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying: 2nd Thread / Danna ga Nani o Itteiruka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sureme ep. 10-13 (End of Season 2)
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu OVA 1
Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade / Little Witch Academia: Mahou Shikake no Parade
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU Too! / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. Zoku ep. 5
Plastic Memories ep. 13 (End)
The next showing is this Saturday, July 11th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 19 and 20
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor - The New Files / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 1 and 2
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront / Kekkai Sensen ep. 5 and 6
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Maria the Virgin Witch / Junketsu no Maria ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 96
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 28th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
D-Frag! ep. 6
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 25 (End)
Plastic Memories ep. 12
Squid Girl / Shinryaku! Ika Musume ep. 11, 12, and Specials 1-2 (End of Season 1)
Suisei no Gargantia: Meguru Kouro, Haruka OVA 2 (End)
The next showing is this Saturday, July 4th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep. 15 and 16
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Kyou kara Ore wa!! ep. 8
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine / Sidonia no Kishi: Daikyuu Wakusei Sen`eki ep. 3 and 4
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Punch Line ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 95
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 21th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
D-Frag! ep. 4 and 5
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 24
Gun Smith Cats
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU Too! / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. Zoku ep. 4
Plastic Memories ep. 11
The next showing is this Saturday, June 27th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 17 and 18
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 45, 46, and 47 (End)
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront / Kekkai Sensen ep. 3 and 4
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Death Parade ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 94
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 14th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
D-Frag! ep. 3
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 23
I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying: 2nd Thread / Danna ga Nani o Itteiruka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sureme ep. 5-9
Ichigeki Sacchuu!! Hoihoi-san
Plastic Memories ep. 10
Riding Bean
Squid Girl / Shinryaku! Ika Musume ep. 9 and 10
The next showing is this Saturday, June 20th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep. 13 and 14
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Kyou kara Ore wa!! ep. 7
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine / Sidonia no Kishi: Daikyuu Wakusei Sen`eki ep. 1 and 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Punch Line ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 92 and 93 (one extra)
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 7th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
D-Frag! ep. 2
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 22
I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying: 2nd Thread / Danna ga Nani o Itteiruka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sureme ep. 1-4
Plastic Memories ep. 9
Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled from Paradise
Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no Zvezda - Shin Zvezda Daisakusen OVA
The next showing is this Saturday, June 13th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 15 and 16
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 44 and 45
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Blood Blockade Battlefront / Kekkai Sensen ep. 1 and 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Death Parade ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 91
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 31st, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
D-Frag! ep. 1
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 20 and 21
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU Too! / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. Zoku ep. 3
Plastic Memories ep. 8
Space Family Carlvinson / Uchuu Kazoku Carlvinson
Squid Girl / Shinryaku! Ika Musume ep. 8
Quick update to the schedule yesterday, 3 episodes of Patlabor were shown.
The next showing is this Saturday, June 6th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep. 11 and 12
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Kyou kara Ore wa!! ep. 6
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia / Sidonia no Kishi ep. 11 and 12 (End)
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Punch Line ep. 7 and 8
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 90
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 24th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Anime Mirai 2015 - Aki no Kanade
Anime Mirai 2015 - Music Girl / Ongaku Shoujo
Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu OVA
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 19
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU Too! / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. Zoku ep. 2
Plastic Memories ep. 7
Squid Girl / Shinryaku! Ika Musume ep. 7
The next showing is this Saturday, May 30th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 13 and 14
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 41, 42, and 43
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 23 and 24 (End)
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Death Parade ep. 7 and 8
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 89
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 17th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Aquarion / Sousei no Aquarion OVA
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 18
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU Too! / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. Zoku ep. 1
Plastic Memories ep. 6
The next showing is this Saturday, May 23rd in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Kyou kara Ore wa!! ep. 5
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia / Sidonia no Kishi ep. 9 and 10
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Punch Line ep. 5 and 6
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 88
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 10th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 17
Plastic Memories ep. 5
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva / Eiga Layton Kyouju to Eien no Utahime
Squid Girl / Shinryaku! Ika Musume ep. 5 and 6
The next showing is this Saturday, May 16th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 11 and 12
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 39 and 40
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 21 and 22
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Death Parade ep. 5 and 6
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 87
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Spring Club Dinner
On Wednesday, May 13th we're going to be holding the spring club dinner. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP ASAP.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 3rd, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 16
K: Missing Kings / Gekijouban K: Missing Kings
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. OVA
Plastic Memories ep. 4
The Devil is a Part-Timer! / Hataraku Maou-sama! ep. 12 and 13 (End)
The next showing is this Saturday, May 9th in University Centre (UC) 180. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Kyou kara Ore wa!! ep. 4
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia / Sidonia no Kishi ep. 7 and 8
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Punch Line ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 86
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Spring Club Dinner
We're going to be holding another club dinner sometime in May. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP, along with it please state whether you mind your email being visible to others as any discussion about the dinner will be taking place via email.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 26th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 15
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 13 (TV Season 1 End)
Plastic Memories ep. 3
The Cockpit OVAs
The Devil is a Part-Timer! / Hataraku Maou-sama! ep. 11
Yesterday’s showing concludes the 2015 winter-term showings. Starting this Saturday, May 2nd we’re into the summer showings. Be advised that during summer the buildings on campus may be locked earlier and services on campus have reduced hours. Also, check the site weekly on Fridays to confirm the room we’re going to be in, as it may change weekly.
The next showing is this Saturday, May 2nd in St. Patricks (SP) 435. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 36, 37, and 38
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 19 and 20
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Death Parade ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 85
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Spring Club Dinner
We're going to be holding another club dinner sometime in May. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP, along with it please state whether you mind your email being visible to others as any discussion about the dinner will be taking place via email.
Executive Announcement
Sean is going to be running for President for Life. President for Life means he will always be an executive of the club, have a say in how the club is run, and be involved in the content selection process for the scheduled part of the showings and in what movie is shown each week.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 19th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Specials 3-6 (End)
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 14
Plastic Memories ep. 2
R.O.D: Read or Die OVA
The Devil is a Part-Timer! / Hataraku Maou-sama! ep. 10
There was also some changes in yesterday’s scheduled content:
Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu was skipped as Sean forgot to bring the episodes. To fill the time an extra episode of Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor was shown as well as an extra episode of Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai.
The next showing is this Saturday, April 25th in Steacie Building (SC) 103. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Kyou kara Ore wa!! ep. 3
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia / Sidonia no Kishi ep. 5 and 6
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Punch Line ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 84
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 12th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Ariel Visual OVA 1
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ep. 12 (End of TV Series) and Specials 1-2
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 13
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 12
Plastic Memories ep. 1
Squid Girl / Shinryaku! Ika Musume ep. 4
The next showing is this Saturday, April 18th in Steacie Building (SC) 103. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 33, 34, and 35
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 19 and 20 (Skipped)
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Death Parade ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 82 and 83
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Farewell Kerry
Kerry, one of our Co-Presidents this year and member since 2013-2014, has completed his studies at Carleton and will, at least for the time being, be moving back home. Yesterday’s showing was his last with us for the time being, he may return to the club at some point in the future. Thank you for your year of service to the club. Sayonara and safe journeys.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 5th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ep. 10 and 11
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 11
Squid Girl / Shinryaku! Ika Musume ep. 3
The Devil is a Part-Timer! / Hataraku Maou-sama! ep. 8 and 9
Un-Go: Inga-ron
The next showing is this Saturday, April 11th in Steacie Building (SC) 103. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Kyou kara Ore wa!! ep. 2
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia / Sidonia no Kishi ep. 3 and 4
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Yuuki Yuna is a Hero / Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 81
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 29th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Danna ga Nani o Itteiruka Wakaranai Ken ep. 8-13 (End)
Psycho-Pass 2 ep. 11 (End)
Sukeban Deka
The Devil is a Part-Timer! / Hataraku Maou-sama! ep. 7
Un-Go ep. 11
The next showing is this Saturday, April 4th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 31 and 32
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 17 and 18
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero S2 ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 80
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 22nd, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 10
Psycho-Pass 2 ep. 10
Un-Go ep. 10
The next showing is this Saturday, March 28th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Your Lie in April / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Kyou kara Ore wa!! ep. 1
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Knights of Sidonia / Sidonia no Kishi ep. 1 and 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Yuuki Yuna is a Hero / Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 79
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 15th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ep. 9
Persona 3 the Movie: Midsummer Knight's Dream
Psycho-Pass 2 ep. 9
The Devil is a Part-Timer! / Hataraku Maou-sama! ep. 6
Un-Go ep. 9
The next showing is this Saturday, March 21st in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 29 and 30
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 15 and 16
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero S2 ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 78
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 8th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ep. 8
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin / Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin OVA 1
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 9
Psycho-Pass 2 ep. 8
The Devil is a Part-Timer! / Hataraku Maou-sama! ep. 5
Un-Go ep. 8
The next showing is this Saturday, March 14th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 25 and 26 (End)
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 25 and 26 (End)
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 25 and 26 (End)
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Yuuki Yuna is a Hero / Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru ep. 7 and 8
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 77
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time begins today (March 8th) at 2:00am. Advance your clocks forward by 1 hour.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 1st, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ep. 7
Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 8
Psycho-Pass 2 ep. 7
Un-Go ep. 7
The next showing is this Saturday, March 7th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Shirobako ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 27 and 28
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 13 and 14
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero S2 ep. 7 and 8
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 76
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Winter Club Dinner
Later this week we’ll be holding the club dinner. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP by Monday afternoon, along with it please state whether you mind your email being visible to others as any discussion about the dinner will be taking place via email.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
February 22nd, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ep. 6
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 7
Psycho-Pass 2 ep. 6
Tales of Byston Well: Garzey's Wing / Byston Well Monogatari: Garzey no Tsubasa
Un-Go ep. 6
The next showing is this Saturday, February 28th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 23 and 24
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 23 and 24
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 23 and 24
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Yuuki Yuna is a Hero / Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru ep. 5 and 6
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 75
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Winter Club Dinner
Its time again to hold another club dinner. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP, along with it please state whether you mind your email being visible to others as any discussion about the dinner will be taking place via email.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
February 15th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ep. 5
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 6
Psycho-Pass 2 ep. 5
The Devil is a Part-Timer! / Hataraku Maou-sama! ep. 4
Tokyo Marble Chocolate
Un-Go ep. 5
The next showing is this Saturday, February 21st in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Rage of Bahamut: Genesis / Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis ep. 11 and 12 (End)
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 25 and 26
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 11 and 12
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero S2 ep. 5 and 6
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 74
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Winter Club Dinner
Its time again to hold another club dinner. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP, along with it please state whether you mind your email being visible to others as any discussion about the dinner will be taking place via email. Voting is already underway to determine date and place, final decisions will be made sometime this week. If you haven’t voted yet, get your say in now.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
February 8th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Lupin III: Touhou Kenbunroku - Another Page
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 5
Psycho-Pass 2 ep. 4
The Devil is a Part-Timer! / Hataraku Maou-sama! ep. 3
Un-Go ep. 4
The next showing is this Saturday, February 14th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 21 and 22
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 21 and 22
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 21 and 22
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Yuuki Yuna is a Hero / Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 73
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Winter Club Dinner
Its time again to hold another club dinner. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP, along with it please state whether you mind your email being visible to others as any discussion about the dinner will be taking place via email. Those already on the email list will be receiving an email shortly.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
February 4th, 2015
This evening (Feb. 4th) at 8:00pm in St. Patrick’s (SP) 100 the Carleton Film Society will be screening Hayao Miyazaki's "Howl's Moving Castle." There is no fee to attend and there will be free snacks and drinks served by the Film Society. More information about the film can be found here.

Kaicho of A@C
February 1st, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Ai City
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ep. 4
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 4
Psycho-Pass 2 ep. 3
Un-Go ep. 3
This week on Wednesday, February 4th at 8:00pm in St. Patrick’s 100 the Carleton Film Society will be screening Hayao Miyazaki's "Howl's Moving Castle." There is no fee to attend and the Film Society will also be serving free snacks and drinks at the screening.
The next showing is this Saturday, February 7th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Rage of Bahamut: Genesis / Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 23 and 24
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 9 and 10
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero S2 ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 72
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 25th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ep. 3
Danna ga Nani o Itteiruka Wakaranai Ken ep. 5, 6, and 7
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 3
Psycho-Pass 2 ep. 2
Suisei no Gargantia: Meguru Kouro, Haruka OVA 1
The Devil is a Part-Timer! / Hataraku Maou-sama! ep. 2
Un-Go ep. 2
The next showing is this Saturday, January 31st in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 19 and 20
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 19 and 20
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 19 and 20
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Yuuki Yuna is a Hero / Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 71
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 18th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ep. 2
Harbour Light Story: Fashion Lala yori
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 2
Psycho-Pass 2 ep. 1
The Devil is a Part-Timer! / Hataraku Maou-sama! ep. 1
Un-Go ep. 1
The next showing is this Saturday, January 24th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Rage of Bahamut: Genesis / Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 21 and 22
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 7 and 8
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero S2 ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 70
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 11th, 2015
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Anime Mirai 2014 - Chronus
Brigadoon ep. 25 and 26 (End)
Daily Lives of High School Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ep. 1
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 12 (End of Season 1)
My Teen Romantic Comedy: SNAFU / Yahari Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatte Iru. ep. 1
Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time Special 2 (End)
The next showing is this Saturday, January 17th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 3380. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 17 and 18
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 17 and 18
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 17 and 18
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Spread Wixoss ep. 11 and 12 (End)
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 69
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 4th, 2015
The first showing of 2015 is this Saturday, January 10th in St. Patrick's (SP) 303. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Rage of Bahamut: Genesis / Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 19 and 20
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 5 and 6
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Spread Wixoss ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 68
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 1st, 2015

December 24th, 2014

December 21st, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 23 and 24
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 10 and 11
Minami-ke Natsuyasumi
Santa Company
Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time OAD 1 and Special 1
That’s it for the showings for 2014. We hope you enjoyed them and look forward to seeing you back with us when we resume in 2015. On that note, the first showing of 2015 will be on Saturday, January 10th. We were going to have a showing on January 3rd but the university is closed, so we cannot get a room for that day.
The schedule for the January 10th showing will be up in early January.
Enjoy the holidays and we’ll see you in 2015.
Kaicho of A@C
December 14th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 21 and 22
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 9
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 13 (End)
Lupin the IIIrd: Jigen Daisuke no Bohyou
Minami-ke Omatase
The last showing of 2014 is on Saturday, December 20th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 15 and 16
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 15 and 16
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 15 and 16
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Spread Wixoss ep. 7 and 8
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 67
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
After this showing we’ll be on break until Saturday, January 3rd 2015. One week off for the Christmas and New Year’s, there won’t be another break until Anime North weekend.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
December 7th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 20
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 8
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 12
Miyori no Mori
The next showing is this Saturday, December 13th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Rage of Bahamut: Genesis / Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 17 and 18
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 3 and 4
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Spread Wixoss ep. 5 and 6
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 66 (corrected)
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 30th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 19
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 7
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 11
Key the Metal Idol ep. 15 (End)
The next showing is this Saturday, December 6th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 13 and 14
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 13 and 14
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 13 and 14
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Spread Wixoss ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 64
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Anime North Trip
If you’re planning on going to Anime North 2015 and do not have accommodations or transportation sorted out, there is a group of anime fans from Ottawa going down to Toronto together for it. If you’re interested, the trip’s total cost would be $250 per person and a deposit of $40 would be required by Saturday, December 6th. The hotel the group will be staying at is the Fairfield Inn & Suites. If you’d like to go via this offer, please get in touch with Kerry.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 23rd, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 17 and 18
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 6
Key the Metal Idol ep. 14
The next showing is this Saturday, November 29th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. New Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Rage of Bahamut: Genesis / Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 15 and 16
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Parasyte - the maxim / Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu ep. 1 and 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Spread Wixoss ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 63
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Anime North Trip
If you’re planning on going to Anime North 2015 and do not have accommodations or transportation sorted out, there is a group of anime fans from Ottawa going down to Toronto together for it. If you’re interested, the trip’s total cost would be $250 per person and a deposit of $40 would be required by Saturday, December 6th. The hotel the group will be staying at is the Fairfield Inn & Suites. If you’d like to go via this offer, please get in touch with Kerry.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 16th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 16
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 5
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 10
Key the Metal Idol ep. 12 and 13
Zetsumetsu Kigu Shoujo: Amazing Twins OVAs 1 and 2
The next showing is this Saturday, November 22nd in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 11 and 12
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 11 and 12
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 11 and 12
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Infected Wixoss ep. 11 and 12 (End of Season 1)
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 62
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
November Club Dinner
On Wednesday, November 19th we’ll be holding the November Club Dinner. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP by Monday, November 17th.
Anime North Trip
If you’re planning on going to Anime North this year and do not have accommodations or transportation sorted out, there may be a group on anime fans from Ottawa going down to Toronto together for it. If you’re interested in this let me know via email so I can forward you along.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 9th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 14 and 15
Del Power X Bakuhatsu Miracle Genki!
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 4
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 9
Key the Metal Idol ep. 10 and 11
The next showing is this Saturday, November 15th in Mackenzie Building (ME) 4494. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun ep. 11 and 12 (End)
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 12, 13, and 14
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Terror in Resonance / Zankyou no Terror ep. 11 (End)
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero ep. 11 and 12 (End of Season 1)
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 61
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
November Club Dinner
On Wednesday, November 19th we’ll be holding the November Club Dinner. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP, along with it please state whether you mind your email being visible to others as any discussion about the dinner will be taking place via email.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 2nd, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 12 and 13
Danna ga Nani o Itteiruka Wakaranai Ken ep. 1-4
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 3
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 8
Lily C.A.T.
The next showing is this Saturday, November 8th in St. Patrick's (SP) 435. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 9 and 10
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 9 and 10
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Infected Wixoss ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 60
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
November Club Dinner
On Wednesday, November 19th we’ll be holding the November Club Dinner. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP, along with it please state whether you mind your email being visible to others as any discussion about the dinner will be taking place via email. Those already on the email list will be receiving an email shortly.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 31st, 2014

See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 26th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 10 and 11
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 2
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 7
Key the Metal Idol ep. 9
Orenchi no Furo Jijou ep. 1-3
Ringing Bell / Chirin no Suzu
The next showing is this Saturday, November 1st in St. Patrick's (SP) 435. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 9, 10, and 11
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Terror in Resonance / Zankyou no Terror ep. 9 and 10
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 59
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 19th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 9
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ep. 00 and 1
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 5 and 6
Key the Metal Idol ep. 8
The next showing is this Saturday, October 25th in St. Patrick's (SP) 435. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 7 and 8
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 7 and 8
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Infected Wixoss ep. 7 and 8
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 58
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 12th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 8
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 4
K-On! The Movie / Eiga K-On!
Key the Metal Idol ep. 7
The next showing is this Saturday, October 18th in St. Patrick's (SP) 435. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 7 and 8
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Terror in Resonance / Zankyou no Terror ep. 7 and 8
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero ep. 7 and 8
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 57
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing

October Club Dinner
On Wednesday, October 15th we’ll be holding the October Club Dinner. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP, along with it please state whether you mind your email being visible to others as any discussion about the dinner will be taking place via email.
Club Projector
Sean recently purchased a new projector for the club as the one we were using was showing its age. As we do not charge membership fees or run any fund raising drives, Sean purchased this new projector with his own money. As such, he will be taking donations to recoup the cost. If you’d like to contribute anything towards the new projector, that improves the quality of what we show, then please speak with Sean.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 5th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 6 and 7
Key the Metal Idol ep. 6
Maroko (Movie adaptation of Gosenzosama Banbanzai!)
Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time ep. 21
The next showing is this Saturday, October 11th in St. Patrick's (SP) 435. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 5 and 6
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 5 and 6
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Infected Wixoss ep. 5 and 6
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 57 (skipped)
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
October Club Dinner
In mid-October we’ll be holding the October Club Dinner. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP, along with it please state whether you mind your email being visible to others as any discussion about the dinner will be taking place via email.
Club Projector
Sean recently purchased a new projector for the club as the one we were using was showing its age. As we do not charge membership fees or run any fund raising drives, Sean purchased this new projector with his own money. As such, he will be taking donations to recoup the cost. If you’d like to contribute anything towards the new projector, that improves the quality of what we show, then please speak with Sean.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 28th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 5
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 3
Key the Metal Idol ep. 5
Sword of the Stranger / Stranger: Mukou Hadan
Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time ep. 19 and 20
The next showing is this Saturday, October 4th in St. Patrick's (SP) 435. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 5 and 6
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Terror in Resonance / Zankyou no Terror ep. 5 and 6
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero ep. 5 and 6
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 56
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
October Club Dinner
In mid-October we’ll be holding the October Club Dinner. If you’d like to attend please send an RSVP, along with it please state whether you mind your email being visible to others as any discussion about the dinner will be taking place via email. Those already on the email list will get an email shortly.
Club Projector
Sean recently purchased a new projector for the club as the one we were using was showing its age. As we do not charge membership fees or run any fund raising drives, Sean purchased this new projector with his own money. As such, he will be taking donations to recoup the cost. If you’d like to contribute anything towards the new projector, that improves the quality of what we show, then please speak with Sean.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 21st, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 3 and 4
Ghost in the Shell: Arise OVA 4
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 2
Key the Metal Idol ep. 3 and 4
The next showing is this Saturday, September 27th in St. Patrick's (SP) 435. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 3 and 4
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 3 and 4
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Infected Wixoss ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 55
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 14th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 2
Giovanni's Island / Giovanni no Shima
Hozuki no Reitetsu ep. 1
Key the Metal Idol ep. 2
Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time ep. 18
The next showing is this Saturday, September 20th in Leeds (LE) 118 or 124. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 3 and 4
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Terror in Resonance / Zankyou no Terror ep. 3 and 4
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 54
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 7th, 2014
For yesterday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Brigadoon ep. 1
Key the Metal Idol ep. 1
Majokko Shimai no Yoyo to Nene
NieA Under 7 ep. 1
Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time ep. 17
The next showing is this Saturday, September 13th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050. Schedule B this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 1 and 2
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 1 and 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Infected Wixoss ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 53
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Farewell André
André, one of our Co-Presidents since 2011-2012 and Member since 2010-2011, has experienced his last showing with A@C. André has completed his Ph.D. and will be leaving this week to continue his research at a university in Japan. Thank you for your years of service to the club. Have a safe journey.
Theatrical Screening

On Sunday, September 7th at 12:30pm and Thursday, September 11th at 7:30pm is Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie which will be shown at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas. More information about the film can be found in the press kit.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 1st, 2014
Welcome to the 2014-2015 club year. For this club year we will continue to hold weekly showings with rotating schedules. Showings are held every Saturday from 1:30pm until 11:00pm, unless otherwise posted. The showings start this Saturday, September 6th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050. Schedule A this week,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Mobile Police Patlabor / Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor ep. 1 and 2
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Terror in Resonance / Zankyou no Terror ep. 1 and 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Aldnoah.Zero ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 52
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Schedule B on Saturday, September 13th is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Nagi no Asukara ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Future Boy Conan / Mirai Shounen Conan ep. 1 and 2
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Blazers 2199 / Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 ep. 1 and 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Selector Infected Wixoss ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Space Brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai ep. 53
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Free Showing
Club Executives
This year the executives for the club are,
Craig M. – Kaicho
Sean M. – Co-President
André R. – Co-President (until departure)
Kerry B. – Co-President
Expo Carleton
The club will be attending Expo Carleton this year. Expo Carleton is taking place on Wednesday, September 3rd in the University Fieldhouse from 1:00pm to 4:30pm. If you’re going to be going through there as part of your orientation activities, stop by our table and say hi. The executives who will attend Expo are Sean (Co-President) and André (Co-President until departure).
Social Networks
If you would like to follow the other outlets of news from the club there is a Google+ Page, Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, and a Steam Group.
Theatrical Screening

On Sunday, September 7th at 12:30pm and Thursday, September 11th at 7:30pm is Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie which will be shown at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas. More information about the film can be found in the press kit.
At the showing on September 6th we will be giving away some posters and passes for this film. The giveaway is open to any club member. The giveaway will be done either just prior to 7:30pm or after the movie.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C