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2010-2011 Archive
September 4th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge ep. 12 and 13 (Finished)
Assemble Insert
Carnival Phantasm ep. 3
Ghost Hunt ep. 22-25 (Finished)
The first showing of the 2011-2012 club year is this Saturday, September 10th where we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Hanasaku Iroha ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Giant Robo ep. 1
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Kamisama Dolls ep. 1 and 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 5:50pm: Mini-Break
5:50pm to 6:15pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 61
6:15pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
I’ll be making a post in the next day or two to officially start the 2011-2012 club year, the schedule will be reposted along with other general information.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 28th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge ep. 11
Carnival Phantasm ep. 1 and 2
Ghost Hunt ep. 20 and 21
Kaiji ep. 24-26 (Finished)
Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? ep. 13 (OVA)
Tiger & Bunny ep. 21
The next showing, which is the last for the 2010-2011 club year, is this Saturday, September 3rd where we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Toaru Majutsu no Index II ep. 23 and 24 (End)
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 59 and 60
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 5:30pm: Orguss 02 ep. 4-6 (End)
5:30pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
This showing is the Summer Spill Over Showing where we’ll be finishing up pretty much everything from summer. The only two series that won’t end this Saturday are Ghost Hunt and Tiger & Bunny. Ghost Hunt has one arc left which we will start shortly into the new schedule and Tiger & Bunny will be ending later in September.
The 2011-2012 Schedule starts on September 10th. As this Saturday is still summer content I’ll be making the new club year post next week after we’ve finished off the 2010-2011 year.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 21st, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge ep. 10
Ghost Hunt ep. 19
Kaiji ep. 22 and 23
Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G
Tiger & Bunny ep. 19 and 20
Young Animator Training Project - Tansuwarashi.
The next showing is this Saturday, August 27th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 417. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Toaru Majutsu no Index II ep. 21 and 22
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 57 and 58
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 5:30pm: Orguss 02 ep. 1-3
5:30pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
This week we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 417 due to exams. As it is exam time we do ask that any noise outside the showing room be kept to a minimum.
Orguss 02 starts this week to fill out the schedule before September 10th, the official start of the 2011-2012 Schedule. It is only 6 episodes so it will be done September 3rd.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 17th, 2011
The Anime@Carleton 2011-2012 Schedule is available on the forums, please look it over and make any comments or suggestions you may have.
There will be some events happening around Ottawa in the coming days and in September so be sure to update your calendars.
A Japanese Film Festival will be held this Friday and Saturday. Friday evening is two movies One Big Hapa Family and Summer Wars followed on Saturday by a collection of shorts and the movie Hospitalite, for more details click on the flyer below.

Dr. Mamoru Mohri, currently the Chief Executive Director of the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) in Tokyo and astronaut, will visit Canada in September. There will be events held in Ottawa, for more information please click on the flyer below.

See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 14th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Babil II ep. 11
Barefoot Gen 2
Fighting Fantasy Girl Rescue Me: Mave-chan
Ghost Hunt ep. 18
Kaiji ep. 20 and 21
Shiki 21.5
The next showing is this Saturday, August 20th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 417. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Toaru Majutsu no Index II ep. 19 and 20
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 55 and 56
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko ep. 11 and 12 (End)
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. ep. 10 and 11 (End)
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
For the next two showings we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 417 due to exams. As it is exam time we do ask that any noise outside the showing room be kept to a minimum.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
August 7th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Barefoot Gen
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season 2 ep. 11 and 12 (Finished)
Kaiji ep. 19
Ruin Explorers ep. 1
Tiger & Bunny ep. 18
We also showed three episodes of Index II in the early part of the schedule.
The next showing is this Saturday, August 13th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Toaru Majutsu no Index II ep. 17 and 18
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 53 and 54
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko ep. 9 and 10
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. ep. 8 and 9
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 31st, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Break Blade Movie 6 (Finished)
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season 2 ep. 10
Kaiji ep. 18
Tiger & Bunny ep. 17
For the movie slot we showed an animation movie that was from UK/Europe, The Secret of Kells.
The next showing is this Saturday, August 6th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Toaru Majutsu no Index II ep. 14 and 15
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 51 and 52
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season ep. 11 and 12 (End)
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. ep. 6 and 7
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
With Denno Coil finished Ano Hana goes weekly, the same thing will happen with Denpa when Kimi ni Todoke finishes.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 24th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season 2 ep. 9
Ghost Hunt ep. 16 and 17
Kaiji ep. 17
Night on the Galactic Railroad
Tiger & Bunny ep. 16
Like last week we also showed three episodes of Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
The next showing is this Saturday, July 30th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Toaru Majutsu no Index II ep. 12 and 13
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 49 and 50
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko ep. 7 and 8
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. ep. 4 and 5
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
This week we will be showing a special movie in the movie slot. It is not Japanese animation, so if you want to skip it show up at 8:20pm.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 17th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season 2 ep. 8
Ghost Hunt ep. 15
Kaiji ep. 16
Tiger & Bunny ep. 15
We also showed three episodes of Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
The next showing is this Saturday, July 23rd we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Toaru Majutsu no Index II ep. 10 and 11
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 46 and 47
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season ep. 9 and 10
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Denno Coil ep. 25 and 26 (End)
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 12th, 2011
Japanese cultural events of note around Ottawa:
Against the Grain: Japanese Woodblock Prints from the University of Alberta Art Collection
Where: Carleton University Art Gallery
Until: July 24th
Hours: Monday – Closed, Tuesday-Friday – 10am-5pm, Saturday-Sunday – 12pm-5pm
Admission: Free
Japanese Graffiti
Where: Canadian Museum of Civilization
When: July 18th – July 24th
The Embassy of Japan will be hosting a special lecture and presentation on the performing arts on July 20th.

See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 10th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season 2 ep. 7
Ghost Hunt ep. 14
Kaiji ep. 15
Tiger & Bunny ep. 14
We also showed three episodes of Toaru Majutsu no Index II, as to get it finished before the start of the new year.
We’ve passed the half-way point for the summer showings, there are seven left. Any current series that are in the schedule now are intended to be finished either on August 27th (last summer showing) or on September 3rd (“spill over”). For those of who are bringing series we’ll do our best to have them done by the end of summer, so new members aren’t starting anything in the middle. Also for anyone who is considering what to bring in, please keep in mind that ideally we want to have stuff finish on August 27th or September 3rd.
The next showing is this Saturday, July 16th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Toaru Majutsu no Index II ep. 8 and 9
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 43 and 44
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko ep. 5 and 6
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. ep. 2 and 3
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
This week Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. makes its way into the schedule to fill Gosick's slot and Legend of the Galactic Heroes goes weekly to fill Rose of Versailles's slot.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
July 3rd, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
C ep. 10 and 11 (Finished)
CLAMP in Wonderland 1 and 2
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season 2 ep. 6
Ghost Hunt ep. 13
Kaiji ep. 14
Tiger & Bunny ep. 13
During the scheduled content portion of the showing we also showed the final episode of Gosick.
The next showing is this Saturday, July 9th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Toaru Majutsu no Index II ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 41 and 42
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season ep. 7 and 8
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Denno Coil ep. 23 and 24
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 26th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
C ep. 9
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season 2 ep. 5
Ghost Hunt ep. 12
Kaiji ep. 13
Shiki ep. 20.5
Tiger & Bunny ep. 12
The next showing is this Saturday, July 2nd we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Toaru Majutsu no Index II ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 39 and 40 (End)
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko ep. 3 and 4
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 22 and 23
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
This week we start Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko from where we left off during its time in free showing.
Just some quick notes about the website. As the forum theme is now a few versions out of date and may be the cause of a few admin issues the theme on the forums will be changing at some point soon. The theme will either go to the basic phpbb style or another “dark” style if I manage to find a nice one. Besides the forums getting a bit of a revamp I’m also considering revamping the main site so I’ll be asking members at the upcoming showing whether there are any suggestions.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 19th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge ep. 9
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. ep. 1
Break Blade Movie 5
C ep. 8
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season 2 ep. 4
Ghost Hunt ep. 11
Kaiji ep. 12
Tiger & Bunny ep. 11
The next showing is this Saturday, June 25th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Toaru Majutsu no Index II ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 39 and 40
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season ep. 5 and 6
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Denno Coil ep. 21 and 22
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
This week we start Toaru Majutsu no Index II which will be shown weekly as the first thing in the schedule.

TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble will be at 7:00pm on Wednesday, June 22nd at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas. This is the only time it will be shown in theatres here in Canada, so if you miss it you’ll have to wait for the DVD/Blu-ray to be released in the fall.
The TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble Digital Promotional Material directory has posters, logos, stills, banners, and press kits. The directory will be online until next Sunday, June 26th.
See those of who are going to the movie on Wednesday and the rest of you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 12th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
C ep. 7
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season 2 ep. 3
Kaiji ep. 11
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Ragan-hen
Tiger & Bunny ep. 10
The next showing is this Saturday, June 18th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Level E ep. 11, 12, and 13 (End)
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 37 and 38
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 24 and 25 (End)
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 20 and 21
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing

As long as I receive the TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble passes by this coming Saturday, shouldn’t be a problem, the club’s giveaway for tickets and posters will be at the showing this Saturday. The passes and posters will only be given out to members of the club and only if you haven’t won one through ANN’s The Great Canadian Trigun: Badlands Rumble Giveaway, which has come to an end.
The Ottawa screening of TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble will be at 7:00pm on Wednesday, June 22nd at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas. This is the only time you’ll be able to catch TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble in theatres, so if you miss out you’ll have to wait for the DVD/Blu-ray release or you’ll have to go down to a theatre in the US when they have their screenings in July.
The TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble Digital Promotional Material directory has been updated with recently released banners. The directory will remain online until the Sunday after the movie.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 7th, 2011

The Great Canadian Trigun: Badlands Rumble Give Away has started on Anime News Network, the giveaway runs until 11:59pm EDT on June 11th.
The club will be getting some tickets to giveaway in the coming week(s), we are going to have our giveaway on June 18th. As with EVA 2.22, if you win a ticket through the ANN giveaway you will not be eligible for one from the club, unless we have any left over. The club’s tickets and posters will only be given out to members of the club.
The Ottawa screening of TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble will be taking place on Wednesday, June 22nd at 7:00pm at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas.
For a bunch of promotional goodies including posters, stills, and press kits see the TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble Digital Promotional Material directory.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 5th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season 2 ep. 2
Ghost Hunt ep. 10
Kaiji ep. 10
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Guren-hen
Tiger & Bunny ep. 9
The next showing is this Saturday, June 11th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? ep. 11 and 12 (End)
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 37 and 38
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season ep. 3 and 4
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Denno Coil ep. 19 and 20
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
June 3rd, 2011

On Wednesday, June 22nd at 7:00pm TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble will be shown for one day only at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas.
Cineplex Ottawa Listing for TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble
Facebook Page for TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble
Twitter for TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble
For a bunch of promotional goodies including posters, stills, and press kits see the TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble Digital Promotional Material directory.
In the coming weeks there will promotional goodies to be given away, posters and some passes. As ANN will also be doing a ticket giveaway if you win one through their contest you will not be eligible to receive one from the club.
See you tomorrow.
Kaicho of A@C
May 29th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
C ep. 6
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season 2 ep. 1
Ghost Hunt ep. 9
Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 27
Kaiji ep. 9
Tiger & Bunny ep. 8
Young Animator Training Project - Ojisan no Lamp
Young Animator Training Project - Super Veggie Torracman
The next showing is this Saturday, June 4th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 [Confirmed] and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Level E ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 35 and 36
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 22 and 23
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 18 and 19
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 22nd, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
C ep. 5
Emma: A Victorian Romance Episode 0 Intermission
Ghost Hunt ep. 8
Kaiji ep. 8
Robot Carnival
Tiger & Bunny ep. 7
The next showing is this Saturday, May 28th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 35 and 36
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season ep. 1 and 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Denno Coil ep. 17 and 18
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 18th, 2011

On June 22nd at 7:00pm TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble will be shown for one day only at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas.
Cineplex Ottawa Listing for TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble
Facebook Page for TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble
Twitter for TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble
For a bunch of promotional goodies including posters, stills, and press kits see the TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble Digital Promotional Material directory.
There will be further promotions of TRIGUN: Badlands Rumble in the coming weeks with posters and possibly some tickets to giveaway.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 14th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
C ep. 4
Emma: A Victorian Romance ep. 11 and 12 (Season 1 Finished)
Kaiji ep. 7
Koi Sento
Otona Joshi no Anime Time: Kawamo o Suberu Kaze
The Epic of Zektbach
Tiger & Bunny ep. 6
Episode 11 of Fractale was also shown as that finishes the series.
The next showing is this Saturday, May 21st we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Level E ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 33 and 34
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 20 and 21
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 16 and 17
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 8th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
C ep. 3
Emma: A Victorian Romance ep. 10
Ghost Hunt ep. 7
Kaiji ep. 6
Lupin III: Kiri no Elusive
Tiger & Bunny ep. 5
The next showing is this Saturday, May 14th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 33 and 34
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Fractale ep. 9 and 10
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Denno Coil ep. 15 and 16
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
As hardly any members of the club will be going down to Anime North this year we will be having a showing on May 28th, this could change but is unlikely.
As mentioned below in more detail, the eateries on campus are closed on weekends for the duration of summer so if you are going to be hungry during the showing either bring something with you or be prepared to run off campus during break.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
May 1st, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko ep. 2
Emma: A Victorian Romance ep. 9
Jungle Emperor Leo: The Movie
Kaiji ep. 5
Tiger & Bunny ep. 4
The next showing is this Saturday, May 7th we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 [Confirmed] and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Level E ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 31 and 32
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 18 and 19
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 14 and 15
5:40pm to 6:00pm: Early Free Showing/Early Break Start
6:00pm to 7:00pm: Break
7:00pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
Please be advised of the following, break is now 6:00pm to 7:00pm and there is no easy access to campus eateries this summer. At last report the eateries around campus, except the Fresh Food Company (Res Common buffet), will all be closed on the weekends for the duration of summer. If you want something to eat you’ll either have to run off campus during break or bring something with you when you come.
Yesterday’s showing marks the end of the fall and winter term showings so this coming Saturday’s showing officially begins the summer showings. Like in previous summers once a show that is currently in the schedule ends it will open up more free showing time, with the exception that Toaru Majutsu no Index II and other shows may make their way in. The planned end dates of what we’re showing currently,
Schedule A:
Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? - Ends June 11th
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Doesn’t end before the end of summer
Fractale - Ends May 14th or 28th
Denno Coil - Ends July 23rd
Schedule B:
Level E - Ends June 18th or July 2nd
Rose of Versailles - Ends July 2nd or 16th
Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto - Ends June 18th
Gosick - Ends July 2nd or 16th
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 24th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Babil II ep. 10
C ep. 2
Ghost Hunt ep. 6
Kaiji ep. 4
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika ep. 11 and 12 (Finished)
Tiger & Bunny ep. 3
The next showing is this Saturday, April 30th and we’re back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 31 and 32
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Fractale ep. 7 and 8
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Denno Coil ep. 13 and 14
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 17th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
C ep. 1
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko ep. 1
Emma: A Victorian Romance ep. 8
Ghost Hunt ep. 5
Kaiji ep. 3
Tiger & Bunny ep. 2
Young Animator Training Project - Kizuna Ichigeki
The next showing is this Saturday, April 23rd however due to exam room bookings we are going to be in Loeb (LA) B149 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Level E ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 29 and 30
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 16 and 17
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 12 and 13
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
Exams end on April 21st so come this Saturday there should be no problems with noise outside the showing room. This week will also be the last week we’ll be in Loeb.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 10th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Agent Aika R-16 ep. 3
Emma: A Victorian Romance ep. 7
Ghost Hunt ep. 4 (continued from Halloween showing)
Kaiji ep. 1-2
The Five Star Stories
Tiger & Bunny ep. 1
A slight change in the schedule occurred as there was no decent version of Gosick 12 out, we instead showed three episodes of Star Driver and only one of Gosick. Doing this means we’ve setup Star Driver to finish with two episodes when it does reach that point since it does have an odd number of episodes.
The next showing is this Saturday, April 16th however due to exams we are going to be in Loeb (LA) B243 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 29 and 30
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Fractale ep. 5 and 6
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Denno Coil ep. 11 and 12
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
Fractale has been licensed by FUNimation and is scheduled to be released sometime in Q1 or Q2 of 2012.
As it’s the time of year again when students have exams we ask that any noise outside the showing room be kept to a minimum. Because we’ve been displaced to the other side of the campus there are some directions above as to how to find the rooms we’re in. For those of you who were at the showing yesterday the room for this coming Saturday is located pretty much above the room we were in on the next floor up.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
April 3rd, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Agent Aika R-16 ep. 2
Ah! My Goddess: Itsumo Futari de
Bride of Deimos
Bungaku Shojo Memoir III -Koi Suru Otome no Rhapsody- (Finished)
Emma: A Victorian Romance ep. 6
Tamayura ep. 2 (Finished)
The next showing is this Saturday, April 9th however due to exams we are going to be in Loeb (LA) B149 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Level E ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 27 and 28
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 13 and 14
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 11 and 12
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
This week we start Level E which replaces Kaicho wa Maid-sama! in the schedule as it has come to an end. The schedule may be further updated depending on whether there are enough episodes of Gosick out, so keep an eye on it towards the end of the week. Currently the plan is to perhaps show an extra episode of Star Driver as it has an odd number of episodes.
As it’s the time of year again when students have exams we ask that any noise outside the showing room be kept to a minimum. Since we have been displaced for the rest of April I’ll try and get more clear directions up on where the rooms are in Loeb Building by the end of the week.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 27th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Agent Aika R-16 ep. 1
Bungaku Shojo Memoir II -Sora-Mau Tenshi no Requiem-
Kenya Boy
rain town
Tamayura ep. 1
The next showing is this Saturday, April 2nd we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 27 and 28
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Fractale ep. 3 and 4
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Denno Coil ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
This week we start Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? and Denno Coil resumes in a scheduled slot. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika is on hold until sometime in April according to SHAFT, so we’ll show the final episodes when they do finally get released.
I’m giving some consideration to an idea that has been brought up in the past by club members, that idea is a mailing list. There are two options for a list, one is a newsletter setup where the club will send out news and announcements to anyone on the list, and the second is a true mailing list where everyone on the list can send emails to everyone else on it. Many years ago the club did have a mailing group of some kind but that was forgotten about over time. Currently I’m thinking since we have forums which go mostly unused that a newsletter setup would work best. If you’d like to contribute your two cents please send an email here, I’ll be deciding whether or not to set something up based on the response.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 20th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Bungaku Shoujo Memoir I -Yume-Miru Shoujo no Prelude-
Emma: A Victorian Romance ep. 5
Kirameki Project ep. 5 (Finished)
Lupin III: Seven Days Rhapsody
Senkou no Night Raid ep. 14
The next showing is this Saturday, March 26th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 25 and 26 (End)
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 25 and 26
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 11 and 12
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
Stay tuned for more news later this week.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 13th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Emma: A Victorian Romance ep. 4
Gundam Unicorn ep. 3
Kirameki Project ep. 4
Kurenai ep. 10-12 (Finished)
Ultra-Transforming Magic Robot Ginguiser ep. 1
The next showing is this Saturday, March 19th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 49-52 (End)
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 25 and 26
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Fractale ep. 1 and 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
Katanagatari has come to an end and in its place Fractale will be starting. There is a bunch of series that come to an end in the coming weeks so a bunch of new series will be making their way into the schedule soon.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 11th, 2011
A massive earthquake has hit Northern Japan and tremors can be felt through most of Japan. For various news stories please see Japan Today, The Japan Times, and NHK World.
See you tomorrow.
Kaicho of A@C
March 10th, 2011
This Saturday for the latter half of the showing there are two options, option one is a Lupin III movie and the second is working through more of the free showing content. There will be more discussion about what option we go with later in the break this Saturday, but the reason for the two options is so we can decide whether to get Kurenai finished this week as it has only three episodes left.
Hiroyasu Ishida the animation student from Kyoto Seika University who created "Fumiko's Confession" began streaming his latest work "rain town" earlier this week. "rain town" is the graduation project for Hiroyasu Ishida and Shogo Yoshida which was entered in the Studio 4°C and Kyoto Seika's E-ma Academix competition where it was nominated in the short animation category. From ANN.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 6th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Babil II ep. 9
Break Blade Movie 4
Durarara!! ep. 25
Kirameki Project ep. 3
Kurenai ep. 9
VOTOMS Case;Irvine OVA
The next showing is this Saturday, March 12th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 23 and 24
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 23 and 24
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 9 and 10
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 7 and 8
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
We are currently reviewing a bunch of rare/hard to find movies to see if we want to try and get a special screening of any. The movies are,
Chocolate Underground
The Day The Earth Moved
The Glass Rabbit
My Sister, Momoko
Tracing The Gray Summer
Most of these movies are not available on disc as they were "film festival" only movies. If we do try and get a special screening of any of these it will most likely happen sometime over the summer.
During yesterday’s showing Adam, the President of the uOttawa Club, came by to conduct interviews for his research project, Anime fandom. Even though he mentioned he did get enough responses he may be back at some point to ask if anyone else is interested in giving an interview.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
March 4th, 2011
At tomorrow’s showing Adam (President of the uOttawa Club) will be stopping by to see if anyone is interested in giving an interview for his research project, Anime fandom. He’ll go over it in more detail, but the interviews are recorded and probably about 20-30 minutes.
There will be some discussion over the break if we try and get a screening of a special movie(s), more details tomorrow at the showing.
See you tomorrow.
Kaicho of A@C
February 27th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Emma: A Victorian Romance ep. 3
Kurenai ep. 8
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika ep. 6
Yuri Seijin Naoko-san
The next showing is this Saturday, March 5th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 45-48
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 23 and 24
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 12 (End)
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika ep. 7 and 8
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
This week Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika becomes part of the schedule as Shiki has come to an end.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
February 20th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Bungaku Shojo - Kyo no Oyatsu~Hatsukoi~
Denpa teki na Kanojo ep. 2 (Finished)
Emma: A Victorian Romance ep. 2
Kirameki Project ep. 2
Kurenai ep. 7
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika ep. 5
Strawberry Marshmallow OVA 3 (Finished)
The next showing is this Saturday, February 26th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 21 and 22
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 21 and 22
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 7 and 8
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 5 and 6
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
February 13th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Denpa teki na Kanojo ep. 1
Emma: A Victorian Romance ep. 1
Hokago no Pleiades ep. 1-4 (Finished)
Kara no Kyoukai - the Garden of sinners Epilogue
Kurenai ep. 6
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika ep. 4
Strawberry Marshmallow OVA 2
The next showing is this Saturday, February 19th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 41-44
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 21 and 22
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 11
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 21 and 22 (End)
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
February 6th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Babil II ep. 8
Break Blade Movie 3
Kuragehime ep. 10 and 11 (Finished)
Kurenai ep. 5
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika ep. 3
Occult Academy Special 4
Yumekui Merry ep. 1
The next showing is this Saturday, February 12th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 19 and 20
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 19 and 20
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 5 and 6
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 30th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Angel Beats! Specials
Kirameki Project ep. 1
Kuragehime ep. 9
Kurenai ep. 4
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika ep. 2
One Outs ep. 23-25 (Finished)
The next showing is this Saturday, February 5th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 37-40
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 19 and 20
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 10
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 19 and 20
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 23rd, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Jewel BEM Hunter Lime ep. 3 (Finished)
Kuragehime ep. 8
Kurenai ep. 3
One Outs ep. 22
Strawberry Marshmallow OVA 1
Toki no Tabibito: Time Stranger
The next showing is this Saturday, January 29th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 17 and 18
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 17 and 18
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 3 and 4
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Gosick ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
This week we start Gosick, which will be in the schedule until at least the start of summer.
The EVA 2 Digital Promotional Material directory will remain online for the rest of the week, it will be coming down in a week’s time when I do the post next Sunday, so if you have yet to grab the content please do so before it comes down.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 19th, 2011

Tomorrow Thursday, January 20th 2011 is your one and only chnace to see EVANGELION 2.0: YOU CAN (NOT) ADVANCE is theaters and for the Ottawa screening in IMAX. The movie will be starting at 7:00pm at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas.
The final release of EVA 2.0 promotional material is two high res images of Asuka Shikinami Langley and Mari Makinami Illustrious. Just like yesterday the files can be accessed in the EVA 2 Digital Promotional Material directory.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 18th, 2011
Today's EVA 2.0 release is a collection of high res movie stills and version 1 of the logo. Just like yesterday the files can be accessed in the EVA 2 Digital Promotional Material directory. Check back again tomorrow for the final release.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 17th, 2011
Today's EVA 2.0 release is the press releases, both English and Japanese, and poster. Just like yesterday the files can be accessed in the EVA 2 Digital Promotional Material directory. Check back again tomorrow for more releases.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 16th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Kuragehime ep. 7
Kurenai ep. 2
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika ep. 1
Mazinkaizer SKL
One Outs ep. 21
Orguss 02 ep. 1
Ring ni Kakero ep. 1
Strawberry Marshmallow Encore OVA 2
The next showing is this Saturday, January 22nd we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 33-36
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 17 and 18
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 9
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 17 and 18
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing

EVANGELION 2.0: YOU CAN (NOT) ADVANCE will only have one screening on Thursday, January 20th 2011 at 7:00pm at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas.
For the next couple of days I’m going to be releasing the digital promotional material for the film. Today’s release is the banners, all releases will be posted in the EVA 2 Digital Promotional Material directory. Check back again tomorrow for more releases.
The last thing we have to give away for EVANGELION 2.0 is a Japanese Movie Program sometimes called a press book that was available to Japanese movies goers at the advanced and initial screenings of EVA 2.0 in Japan. It’s a book that was only produced in limited numbers and is even rarer in North America. This item will be up for grabs at this week’s showing (Jan. 22nd).
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 9th, 2011
During yesterday’s movie and free period we showed,
Babil II ep. 7
Kurenai ep. 1
Lupin III: Angel Tactics
Occult Academy Specials 1-3
Strawberry Marshmallow Encore OVA 1
The next showing is this Saturday, January 15th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 15 and 16
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 15 and 16
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 1 and 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Filler
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
The 4:50-5:40pm slot will be filler/free showing until enough episodes are out for the new winter season, at which point we’ll be introducing a brand new series into the schedule.
This week we’ll be giving away some tickets to EVANGELION 2.0: YOU CAN (NOT) ADVANCE which will be showing for one day only at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas on Thursday, January 20th in IMAX. Anime News Network is also having a ticket give-away in their Great Canadian Evangelion Ticket Give-Away, so if you don’t win one through ANN there is still a chance to get one at the club. The club’s tickets will only be given away to club members and only if you didn’t win one through the ANN give-away.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
January 7th, 2011

EVANGELION 2.0: YOU CAN (NOT) ADVANCE will be released nationwide on Thursday, January 20th 2011.
The Ottawa screening will be taking place at SilverCity Gloucester Cinemas. For more information about the movie please read over the official EVA 2.0 Press Kit.
The club will be giving away some tickets to the screening at next week’s showing (Jan. 15th). We will also have some posters to hand out as well as a very unique piece of EVA 2.0 memorabilia from Japan, which I have yet to decide how to give away.
See you tomorrow.
Kaicho of A@C
January 3rd, 2011
Hopefully everyone had a good holiday and is enjoying winter so far.
The first showing of 2011 is this Saturday, January 8th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A that starts us off this calendar year. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 29-32
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 15 and 16
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 8
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 15 and 16
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
As we finished a number of things in the fall-term the most requested free showing content stands at,
Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge ep. 8/13
Kuragehime ep. 6/11
One Outs ep. 19/25
Strawberry Marshmallow 5 OVAs
We are going to try and aim to finish off some of the requested series quickly so we can introduce new stuff into the free showing period. Feel free to bring stuff with you however the above may be more requested until finished.
Next week on Saturday, January 15th when its Schedule B a new series will be starting Star Driver. There is a second opening in Schedule B which will be filler for a week or two until enough episodes are out for the new winter season that we can introduce a brand new series into the schedule. There is some more info on the forums so if you’d like to look things over visit this topic.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
December 31st, 2010: Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
2011 is the year of the rabbit.
The showings resume next Saturday, January 8th 2011 we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435. An updated schedule will be posted sometime in the next couple of days, it should be up by mid-week. If you want to know what’s happening with the schedule as some shows ended before Christmas visit this topic on the forums.
The Executives of A@C
December 24th, 2010: Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, have a safe and happy holiday.
The Executives of A@C
December 19th, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Hoshi ni Negai o ep. 2
Jewel BEM Hunter Lime ep. 2
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed ep. 12 and 13 (Finished)
Christmas Content:
Sgt. Frog ep. 39 “Keroro Christmas Battle” (first half of episode)
Tokyo Godfathers
The showings for 2010 are finished, A@C will be on holidays for the next two weeks. We will resume in the New Year on Saturday, January 8th 2011. As we have some openings in the schedule and some series in free showing have ended please visit this topic so we can discuss what’s going to make its way into the schedule.
Have a Safe and Happy Holiday and we’ll see you in 2011.
Kaicho of A@C
December 17th, 2010
Update for Tomorrow
Updated at 6:40pm
I will be picking up a cake, it’s a standard cake with cream filling and buttercream icing. Depending on time and what I feel like doing there may be other stuff. *Update* At present there should be enough plates and utensils available that no one has to worry about bringing their own, thanks goes to André for doing some leg work.
If you have disposable plates/utensils that you are willing to bring in send me an email and I’ll update the info here.
See you tomorrow.
Kaicho of A@C
December 12th, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge ep. 8
Durarara!! ep. 12.5
Jewel BEM Hunter Lime ep. 1
Kuragehime ep. 6
One Outs ep. 20
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed ep. 10 and 11
Strawberry Marshmallow ep. 12 (TV Series Finished)
Tatami Galaxy OVA 3
The next showing is the Christmas Showing which is Saturday, December 18th, it is the final showing for 2010, we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 13 and 14
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 13 and 14
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 5:15pm: Senkou no Night Raid ep. 12, 13, and Special
5:15pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing or Break
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Christmas Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
As its exam time on campus, we ask that any noise outside the showing room be kept to a minimum.
This showing is the Christmas Showing as such we will primarily be focusing on Christmas content during the free showing. We’re welcome to bring in stuff to show with you, at moment there is Tokyo Godfathers and the Love Hina Christmas Special. If we run out of Christmas stuff or you’d rather see more of the most requested series then we will switch over.
As I mentioned this past Saturday I’m debating as to whether or not I’ll pick up a Christmas cake for the showing. Whatever I decide to do will be announced later in the week, most likely Friday evening. If I do pick up a cake we will try and have plates and utensils available, however it may be wise to bring your own in case. As it was asked, it will most likely be a standard sheet cake i.e. normal cake w/ butter cream icing, however that may change depending on what is available.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
December 5th, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Kuragehime ep. 5
Locke the Superman
One Outs ep. 19
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed ep. 9
The next showing is this Saturday, December 11th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 25-28
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 13 and 14
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 7
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 13 and 14
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Late Free Showing
As its exam time on campus, we ask that any noise outside the showing room be kept to a minimum.
Since we have a number of series in free showing that keep getting shown and not enough time for all of them each week, sometimes depends on the length of the movie, this week we won’t be showing a movie. Instead we’ll be using this extra time to show more episodes of requested series and hopefully be closer to finishing some so new stuff can make its way in. For the record the requested series are,
Kuragehime ep. 5/11
One Outs ep. 19/25
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed ep. 9/13
Strawberry Marshmallow ep. 11/12 TV + 5 OVAs
The last showing of the calendar year is on December 18th which is also the planned Christmas Showing. However since we have a number of free showing series that keep on getting requested its up in the air at the moment as to whether instead of showing Christmas stuff we continue with the most requested series. If it matters to you one way or another please let us know at the upcoming showing.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
December 2nd, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Kuragehime ep. 4
Lupin III: Stolen Lupin
Oh My Goddess! ep. 5 (Finished)
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed ep. 8
Strawberry Marshmallow ep. 11
The next showing is this Saturday, December 4th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435, yes the booking has been confirmed, and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 11 and 12
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 11 and 12
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Senkou no Night Raid ep. 10 and 11
4:50pm to 6:30pm: Occult Academy ep. 11, 12, and 13 (End)
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
This week we do not have an early free showing period as the time is going to be used to show the final episode of Occult Academy.
The Christmas Showing will be coming up on December 18th. Like the Halloween Showing only the later half will be devoted to Christmas content. Like in years past there will be some options available for what is shown. More information will be provided at the upcoming showings on the 4th and 11th.
For those of you who are fans of Ken Akamatsu he has started a website project, currently in beta, where he hopes to offer old out of print manga for free. The site is, currently you can download the complete Love Hina manga series in either high or low quality PDFs. The funding for this project comes from ad revenue. Keep in mind that the website and the manga are in Japanese.
Can you name all the series that are shown in this video?
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 23rd, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Macross Frontier ~The false Songstress~
One Outs ep. 18
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed ep. 7
Trava - Fist Planet ep. 4 (Finished)
The next showing is this Saturday, November 27th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 21-24
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 11 and 12
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 6
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 11 and 12
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 16th, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Break Blade Movie 2
Genshiken ep. 2
Kuragehime ep. 3
Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit ep. 1
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed ep. 6
Shinryaku! Ika Musume ep. 2
Strawberry Marshmallow ep. 10
The next showing is this Saturday, November 20th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 9 and 10
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 9 and 10
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Senkou no Night Raid ep. 8 and 9
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Occult Academy ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 7th, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Genshiken ep. 1
Gundam Unicorn ep. 2
Hoshi ni Negai o ep. 1
Kuragehime ep. 2
One Outs ep. 17
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed ep. 5
Strawberry Marshmallow ep. 9
The next showing is this Saturday, November 13th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 17-20
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 9 and 10
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 5
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 9 and 10
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
November 1st, 2010
Hope everyone enjoyed the Halloween weekend. During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Early Free Showing:
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun EX OVA
Halloween Content:
Doomed Megalopolis ep. 1
Ghost Hunt ep. 1-3
Hakaba Kitaro ep. 1
Iczer-One ep. 1
The next showing is this Saturday, November 6th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 7 and 8
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 7 and 8
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Senkou no Night Raid ep. 6 and 7
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Occult Academy ep. 7 and 8
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 31st, 2010

See you at today’s Umineko no Naku Koro ni Marathon, schedule below.
Kaicho of A@C
October 27th, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Bungaku Shojo
Kuragehime ep. 1
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed ep. 4
Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 2
Strawberry Marshmallow ep. 8
The next showing is this Saturday, October 30th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule A this week. This Saturday’s showing is also the Halloween showing, so for the period after the break it’s all Halloween content. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 13-16
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 7 and 8
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 4
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 7 and 8
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Halloween Content
This Sunday, October 31th in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 is the final part of the Umineko no Naku Koro ni Marathon. The schedule for this Sunday is,
1:30pm to 2:00pm: Setup
2:00pm to 3:15pm: Episodes XII-XIV
3:15pm to 3:30pm: Mini-Break
3:30pm to 5:10pm: Episodes XV-XVIII
5:10pm to 6:10pm: Break
6:10pm to 7:50pm: Episodes XIX-XXII
7:50pm to 8:00pm: Mini-Break
8:00pm to 9:40pm: Episodes XXIII-XXVI
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 21st, 2010
This Sunday, October 24th in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 we start the Umineko no Naku Koro ni Marathon. The marathon is divided into two parts with the second part on October 31st. The schedule for this Sunday is,
2:30pm to 3:00pm: Setup
3:00pm to 5:00pm: Episodes I-V
5:00pm to 6:00pm: Break
6:00pm to 7:15pm: Episodes VI-VIII
7:15pm to 7:30pm: Mini-Break
7:30pm to 8:45pm: Episodes IX-XI
See below for the normal Saturday schedule.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 20th, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Gravitation ep. 1
Oh My Goddess! ep. 4
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt ep. 1
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed ep. 3
Shinryaku! Ika Musume ep. 1
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatte Iru ep. 1
Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto ep. 1
Strawberry Marshmallow ep. 7
Tokko ep. 2
The next showing is this Saturday, October 23rd we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it is Schedule B this week. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 5 and 6
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 5 and 6
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Senkou no Night Raid ep. 4 and 5
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Occult Academy ep. 5 and 6
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
The Umineko no Naku Koro ni Marathon is starting up this Sunday, October 24th. The timetable for the showing will be released within the next few days.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 14th, 2010
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving weekend. We resume the showings this Saturday, October 16th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it will be Schedule A. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 9-12
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 5 and 6
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 3
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 5 and 6
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
The Umineko no Naku Koro ni Marathon is going ahead on October 24th and 31st, both of which are Sundays. The details about times and which room we’ll be in will be released later.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
October 8th, 2010

Have a great Thanksgiving weekend and we’ll see you on Saturday, October 16th for the next showing, schedule below.
See you after Thanksgiving weekend.
Kaicho of A@C
October 4th, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge ep. 7
Bottle Fairy ep. 1
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed ep. 1-2
Strawberry Marshmallow ep. 6
There is no showing on Saturday, October 9th as its Thanksgiving weekend. The next showing will be on Saturday, October 16th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and it will be Schedule A. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 9-12
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 5 and 6
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 3
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 5 and 6
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
Later in October we are considering doing a Umineko no Naku Koro ni Marathon, which would be divided into two parts as it’s a 26 episode series. At the moment, we’re looking at October 24th and 31st both of which are Sundays. To discuss this further please post your thoughts in the Umineko no Naku Koro ni Marathon discussion thread on the forums or send an email to the club. We are going to put in the booking request soon as it has to be processed before the event, so if you have any thoughts about it please let us know as soon as possible.
See you after Thanksgiving weekend.
Kaicho of A@C
September 28th, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Lupin III: Operation Return the Treasure
Oh My Goddess! ep. 3
One Outs ep. 16
Sakigake!! Otokojuku ep. 9
Strawberry Marshmallow ep. 5
Trava - Fist Planet ep. 3
The next showing is this Saturday, October 2nd we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and this week is Schedule B. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 3 and 4
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 3 and 4
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Senkou no Night Raid ep. 2 and 3
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Occult Academy ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
An upcoming special showing we are considering doing is a Umineko no Naku Koro ni Marathon, which would be divided into two parts as it’s a 26 episode series. At the moment, we’re looking at October 24th and 31st both of which are Sundays. To discuss this further please post your thoughts in the Umineko no Naku Koro ni Marathon discussion thread on the forums. Nothing is written in stone yet as we’d like to see if anyone has any suggestions or would in fact come out on a Sunday.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 20th, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge ep. 6
Denno Coil ep. 8
Millennium Actress
Oh My Goddess! ep. 2
Sakigake!! Otokojuku ep. 8
Trava - Fist Planet ep. 2
The next showing is this Saturday, September 25th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and this week is Schedule A. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 5-8
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 3 and 4
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 2
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 3 and 4
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 13th, 2010: The End of an Era
The Society for Ottawa Anime Promotion (SOAP) has officially announced the closure of the organization this evening.
SOAP has been with the Ottawa Anime community since 1999 and originally held All Night Anime Showings, which over time became the starting point of AC-Cubed. SOAP will be truly missed; it was an organization that promoted Anime in Ottawa and helped the community grow.
We would like to thank all the SOAP members for everything they have done over the years, the events will be missed.
Anime@Carleton Executives
September 13th, 2010
During last Saturday’s movie and free showing period we showed,
Lupin III: Episode 0 ‘First Contact’
Oh My Goddess! ep. 1
Strawberry Marshmallow ep. 4
Tokko ep. 1
Trava - Fist Planet ep. 1
The next showing is this Saturday, September 18th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and this week is Schedule B. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Kaicho wa Maid-sama! ep. 1 and 2
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Rose of Versailles ep. 1 and 2
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Senkou no Night Raid ep. 0 and 1
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Occult Academy ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
Missed an Episode
If you missed last week’s showing and don’t want to be stumped figuring out the storylines you can request to get what you missed. In order to make this request make sure you have a USB key with adequate free space and speak with Sean at the showing. Any requests for missed episodes or entire showings can be made either during the main break or at the tail end of the showing. These requests only cover the scheduled content portion of the showings as movies and free showing content are often DVDs and things people brought in.
Please keep in mind that this will only be done to a point. The more content you miss means longer file transfer times and larger space requirements.
Club Membership
Since a few people have been asking about club membership I will quickly go over club membership here. Membership with the club is free, but in order to be considered a member of the club your signature must appear on the membership list. Once your name appears on the list you’re a member of the club for the rest of the club year, i.e. until the end of August 2011. The reason we have a club membership list is that it is required when the club re-certifies with CUSA, i.e. it shows the club has student members. In addition to being part of the re-certification process club events are for members only, even though you can come out and see what the club is like before you sign up you’ll be asked to sign the list if you continue to come out and haven’t signed up.
Club Officers
The club is always looking for those you would like to assist the executives. Club Officers can do a variety of tasks from helping at the showings to graphic design. If you’d like to assist the club, please speak with the executives about what you’d be able to do for the club.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C
September 7th, 2010
During last Saturday’s free showing we showed,
Detroit Metal City ep. 10-12 (End)
Nana Toshi Monogatari ep. 1
One Outs ep. 13-15
Sakigake!! Otokojuku ep. 7
Space Adventure Cobra ep. 9
Tatami Galaxy Special
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Specials
Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE The Movie: Princess of the Birdcage Kingdom
xxxHOLiC the Movie: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
With that, the all free showings have come to end, at least until next summer; we hope you enjoyed them and the various series/episodes/movies that were shown. There will be some continuation from the summer free showings into the upcoming evening free showings, but don’t worry if your new to the club as we’ve made sure that you won’t be stumped coming in mid story as we’re continuing with arcs and series that have episodes that can stand alone.
Later today, September 7th, A@C will be at Expo Carleton. If you haven’t been out to the club already this is a great chance to meet the club executives, find out about the club, and even become a member. Expo Carleton will be in the Athletics Fieldhouse from 7:00pm to 10:30pm.
The next showing is this Saturday, September 11th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and this week is when we start back up with the regular schedule, this week being Schedule A. The schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm: Setup
2:10pm to 3:00pm: Tentai Senshi Sunred ep. 1-4
3:00pm to 3:50pm: Legend of the Galactic Heroes ep. 1 and 2
3:50pm to 4:00pm: Mini-Break
4:00pm to 4:50pm: Katanagatari ep. 1
4:50pm to 5:40pm: Shiki ep. 1 and 2
5:40pm to 6:30pm: Early Free Showing
6:30pm to 7:30pm: Break
7:30pm to 11:00pm: Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
*Timetable updated.
Unfortunately the new room booking procedures are still being finalized so make sure to check the website Friday evening in case we hear anything. If for any reason, we are unable to use SP 435 we will post notices on the room doors about where we are.
See you on Saturday and/or at Expo Carleton.
Kaicho of A@C
September 3rd, 2010: First Post of the 2010-2011 Club Year
Welcome to the 2010-2011 Club Year, this year we are going to be continuing our weekly showings with scheduled content during the first half and a movie plus free showing during the latter. The schedule for this year will be rotating schedules on a weekly basis that will consist of,
Schedule A:
Tentai Senshi Sunred
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Schedule B:
Kaicho wa Maid-sama!
Rose of Versailles
Senkou no Night Raid
Occult Academy
The showing dates for the year are,
September 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
October 2nd, 16th, 23rd, 30th
November 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
December 4th, 11th, 18th
January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
February 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
April 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
Of course all the showing dates are on Saturdays. The times of the showings will remain, 1:30pm to 11:00pm. We also have a few planned Holiday Showings and some Special Showings that are currently in the works,
October 24th - Umineko no Naku Koro ni Marathon Part 1 (unofficial)
October 30th - Halloween Showing
October 31st - Umineko no Naku Koro ni Marathon Part 2 (unofficial)
December 4th - Christmas Showing
The Umineko Marathons are on Sundays and will most likely happen, as there are a few club members that want to see the whole series in one go or close to it. The Christmas Showing might be later in the month depending on when people would most like to have it.
Website Update
As you may have noticed the website has a new style. Along with a conversion back to black text, there have been organizational improvements (most noticeable in the nav menu), and a number of sections have been updated/revamped. So have a look around and let me know what you think.
First Showing of the Club Year
We are not going to be starting the official schedule until at least September 11th so any new members don’t miss out. So for this Saturday, September 4th we will be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 and the schedule for the showing is,
1:30pm to 2:10pm : Setup
2:10pm to 5:00pm : Early Free Showing
5:00pm to 6:00pm : Doc Hour
6:00pm to 7:15pm : Break
7:15pm to END : Movie(s) and Late Free Showing
The only things that will be shown at some point during the showing since we didn’t get them done last Saturday will be the final three episodes of DMC and the DVD specials from Railgun.
See you on Saturday.
Kaicho of A@C