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2008-2009 Archive
August 31st, 2009: Final Post of the 2008-2009 Year
Various updates around the website been done in preparation for the new club year. Have a look around and see how things have been updated. There will be more updates coming over the next few days and everything should be completed by the weekend.
The showing dates for the coming year are (all dates are Saturdays),
September 12th (11:00am to 11:00pm), 19th, 26th
October 3rd, 17th, 24th, 31st (Halloween)
November 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
December 5th (Christmas Showing)
January 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
February 13th (start of winter break), 20th (winter break), 27th
March 6th, 13th, 20th
April 3rd
With the exception of September 12th which is from 11:00am to 11:00pm the rest of the showings are from 1:30pm to roughly 11:00pm. The schedule for the coming year will be rotating between Schedules A and B. The schedules will consist of the following series,
Armored Trooper Votoms
Lupin III Season 1
Moryo no Hako
Oniisama E…
Umineko no Naku Koro ni
For a detailed layout of the schedules please visit the Schedule topic on the forums.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Kaicho of A@C
August 30th, 2009
Yesterday at the Final Showing of Summer we had a few donations from the Anime Stop that were given away and we watched,
Astro Fighter Sunred 1 and 2
Chocotto Sister 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 (Series Finished)
Hetalia Axis Powers 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19
Lupin III Crisis in Tokyo (Movie)
Toaru Majutsu no Index 21, 22, 23, and 24 (Series Finished)
Toaru Majutsu no Index-tan 1 and 2
Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei 1
That concludes the showings for the 2008-2009 year the next A@C showing will be in the fall-term on Saturday, September 12th. More details will be released within the coming weeks so check back often.
The showing dates for the coming year are posted in the forums and the content may still be debated, so please visit the topics to mark your calendars and to voice your opinions on the selection of shows.
Within the next few days the website will be having various updates so stay tuned.
See you two weeks.
Kaicho of A@C
August 23rd, 2009
The Final Showing of Summer 2009 will be next Saturday, August 29th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 and will be starting sometime between 11:00am and 12:00pm and running until our usual time of 11:00pm. Since it’s an All Day Showing we will have short breaks after every 4-6 episodes, a small break in the late afternoon, and the usual hour long break in mid-evening.
We’ll be finishing up Chocotto Sister which has 8 episodes left and Toaru Majutsu no Index which has 4 episodes and 2 short OVAs, we’ll try and spread them out over the first half of the showing so they don't get too repetitive. Another series that we started at the last showing was Kamen no Maid Guy which has 8 episodes left, we may or may not finish it up at this showing if we don't then it will continue in the fall-term.
Be advised that this showing will have content that is meant for a mature audience, this will be become apparent after we finish up Chocotto Sister, Toaru Majutsu no Index, and any episodes of Kamen no Maid Guy. Not that those three series don’t have mature content, but compared to what will be shown after well it will be apparent is all I’ll say.
See you this coming Saturday for the Final Showing of Summer.
Kaicho of A@C
August 16th, 2009
At yesterday’s showing we watched,
Chocotto Sister 13, 14, 15, and 16
Haibane-Renmei 1
Kamen no Maid Guy 1, 2, 3, and 4
Kujibiki Unbalance 1
Lupin III Island of Assassins (Movie)
Mouryou no Hako 1
Round Vernian Vifam 1
Spice and Wolf II 6
Toaru Majutsu no Index 19 and 20
In addition over the break period from Crunchyroll we streamed,
Japan Tourism Anime Channel 1-6
Japanese Anime Classic Collection 1
The Japan Tourism Anime Channel shows famous tourist spots around Toyama Prefecture with Anime segments coupled with an information video segment, there was six episodes/videos.
Japanese Anime Classic Collection 1 had The Black Cat (Kuro Nyago) a 1929 animation clip about a cat dancing which is the first animation to have music and Our Baseball Match (Oira no Yakyo) from 1931 which is a story about rabbits and raccoon dogs playing baseball.
Coming up next weekend is Anime in the Park it will be held at Alumni Park at Carleton starting at 3:00pm and running until about 10:00pm. For more details visit the SOAP event listing.
The final summer showing for A@C will on Saturday, August 29th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 and it will be an All Day Showing with a start time of sometime between 11:00am to 12:00pm and will be running until our usual time of 11:00pm.
See you this coming Saturday at Anime in the Park.
Kaicho of A@C
August 9th, 2009
At yesterday’s showing we watched,
Chocotto Sister 11 and 12
Gintama 1 and 2 streamed from Crunchyroll
Lupin III The Secret of Twilight Gemini (Movie)
Spice and Wolf II 5
Toaru Majutsu no Index 17 and 18
Umineko no Naku Koro ni 3, 4, and 5
The next A@C showing is on Saturday, August 15th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 with a start time of 11:00am to 12:00pm, this showing is an All Day Showing and will be running up to our usual time.
The schedule for the coming year is online and we would like your opinion of it. The schedule can be found here on the forums. For those of who you don’t know or haven’t been at a recent showing A@C will be in operation for the coming year.
Ponyo on the Cliff
Ponyo on the Cliff a Studio Ghibli film by Hanyao Miyazaki will be opening in North American theaters on Friday, August 14th. Both Empire Theater and SilverCity Gloucester will be screening it, check their respective websites for more details. The North American version is made by Disney you can access their Ponyo website here.
See you this coming Saturday for an All Day Showing.
The Last Executive
August 7th, 2009
Tomorrow is the next A@C showing; we’ll be in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 starting around 3:00pm.
At last Saturday’s showing we watched,
Babil II 3
Chocotto Sister 9 and 10
Lupin III Dead or Alive (Movie)
Spice and Wolf II 4
Toaru Majutsu no Index 15 and 16
Umineko no Naku Koro ni 1 and 2
See you tomorrow.
The Last Executive
August 4th, 2009: Suzaku Festival
The Society for Ottawa Anime Promotion (SOAP) is proud to announce Suzaku Festival. Suzaku Festival is a new event geared toward the mature anime fan (16+). Our goal is to showcase not only the animation, but also many of the other aspects of Japanese culture.
Awareness of anime has been growing in recent years throughout the Ottawa region, Canada and across North America. As it enters into mainstream pop culture, the nuances and background of this art form is often missed. Suzaku Festival will explore this oft-ignored but important part of anime.
Come on out to the Travelodge Ottawa Hotel on March 26-28, 2010 to enrich your Anime experience!
Suzaku Festival: Ottawa's Festival for Japanese Animation and Culture.
July 30th, 2009
The next A@C showing is this Saturday, August 1st we’ll be in Minto Centre (MC) 5050, start time will be sometime between 3-4:00pm and will be going up until 11:00pm.
The rest of the summer showings will be on:
Saturday, August 8th in SP 435 from 3:00pm to 11:00pm
Saturday, August 15th in MC 5050 from 11:00am to 11:00pm
Saturday, August 29th in MC 5050 from 11:00am to 11:00pm
If the majority of people can’t make the All Day Showings then the start time will be pushed back. If you can’t make it at 11:00am please let me know.
See you on Saturday.
The Last Executive
July 26th, 2009
An important topic on the forums for everyone to be aware of, do we have a showing this coming Saturday? Please post a response by the middle of the week as I will be making the decision based on how many people reply.
Yesterday we watched,
Babil II 2
Chocotto Sister 7 and 8
K-On! 12 and 13 (Series Finished)
La Maison en Petits Cubes streamed from Crunchyroll
Lupin III The Pursuit of Harimao’s Treasure (Movie)
Overman King Gainer 1
Spice and Wolf II 3
The Diary of Tortov Roddle 1-7 streamed from Crunchyroll
Toaru Majutsu no Index 13 and 14
Depending on the response to the forum topic linked to above the next showing could be as soon as next Saturday, if not then the next one will be on Saturday, August 8th. Within the next few days I’ll post the remaining summer schedule so keep checking back.
Another important topic on the forums that I would like everyone to respond to is the possibility of an All Day Showing. Please let me know what your thoughts are about this soon so I know how the rest of the summer showings will go.
Perhaps see you this coming Saturday.
The Last Executive
July 19th, 2009
Yesterday we watched,
Babil II 1
Chocotto Sister 5 and 6
K-On! 10 and 11
Lupin III Farewell to Nostradamus (Movie)
Spice and Wolf II 2
Toaru Majutsu no Index 11 and 12
The next A@C showing is this coming Saturday, July 25th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 from 3:00pm to 11:00pm. This would be the last showing in the month of July and the rest of the summer showings will be announced when the topic below has some opinions.
An important topic on the forums that I would everyone to voice their opinions on is the possibility of an All Day Showing. Please let me know what your thoughts are about this soon so I can announce the rest of the summer showings.
See you on Saturday.
The Last Executive
July 12th, 2009
Yesterday we watched,
Chocotto Sister 3 and 4
Eden of the East 3 and 4
K-On! 8 and 9
Lupin III Dragon of Doom (Movie)
Spice and Wolf II 1
Toaru Majutsu no Index 9 and 10
The next A@C showing is this coming Saturday, July 18th we’ll be back in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 from 3:00pm to 11:00pm. Including yesterday’s showing we are having three back to back showings in July.
A big announcement on the SOAP Forums, AC-Cubed is no more, the convention as in the words of the SOAP announcement has been terminated. For the official announcement visit the Shutdown of AC-Cubed Convention post on SOAP’s Forums or you can read the same announcement on the AC-Cubed website.
See you on Saturday.
The Last Executive
July 7th, 2009
The next A@C showing is this Saturday, July 11th in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 from 3:00pm to 11:00pm. Unfortunately for all the showings in July MC 5050 was unavailable, but SP 435 is a good room as well.
We’ll most likely be continuing the series we’ve watched at the previous showings, also your welcome to bring your own content whether it be something you haven’t watched yet or an old favorite.
The other showings in July so you can mark your calendars are on Saturday, July 18th and Saturday, July 25th so we have three back to back showings. The showing on the 18th is a bonus one since we’re nearing the end of summer.
See you on Saturday.
The Last Executive
July 1st, 2009: Happy Canada Day
At last Saturday’s showing we showed,
Chocotto Sister 1 and 2
Hetalia Axis Powers 8-13
K-On! 5, 6, and 7
Lupin III Voyage to Danger (Movie)
Souten Kouro 1 and 2
Toaru Majutsu no Index 7 and 8
The next A@C showing is on Saturday, July 11th. If you have not done so already please visit/register on the forums so ideas/plans can be discussed, at present there is a matter of time frame (i.e. start/end time of the showings) and whether we increase it in order to get more Anime into the schedule. To see the discussion about the time frame so far visit the Summer Showings Time Frame thread.
I will be announcing the time and location of the July 11th showing soon, once the time frame has been discussed more. Should there be little response the time frame will remain close to what it is now.

For the Canada Day events happening in Ottawa see the following sites:
National Capital Commission
Ottawa Kiosk
Enjoy the celebrations around Ottawa.
See you on July 11th.
The Last Executive
June 24th, 2009
The next showing is this Saturday, June 27th we’ll be in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 from 3:00pm to 10:00pm. We’ll most likely be continuing the series that we’ve been watching at the previous summer showings and please feel free to bring content with you. If you have something you have yet to watch or a favorite bring it along and perhaps have it shown.
The showings for July will be on the 11th and 25th. Please visit the forums and let me know your thoughts about the time frame, once I have an idea of what people would like I’ll announce the times because after all we could have longer showings.
See you this Saturday.
The Last Executive
June 14th, 2009
Yesterday at the showing we watched:
Eden of the East 1 and 2
Hanasakeru Seishounen 2
Hatsukoi Limited 2
K-On! 2, 3, and 4
Kemeko DX 2
Toaru Majutsu no Index 3, 4, 5, and 6
Since this was mostly a continuation from the earlier summer showing these series will be continued if people want to continue watching them at the next showing on Saturday, June 27th.
Coming up this Saturday, June 20th is the SOAP Party from 2:00pm to 9:00pm in Tory Building around room 219. For all the details visit the SOAP event listing.
See you at the SOAP Party.
The Last Executive
June 8th, 2009
As announced a couple of days ago the next A@C Showing is on Saturday, June 13th the room we’ll be in is Minto Centre (MC) 5050 from 3:00pm to 10:00pm.
The other A@C Showing that is on the schedule is Saturday, June 27th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 from 3:00pm to 10:00pm.
As for the content of these showings I’m just going to go by what people want most. So for those of you who have yet to register on the forums I would suggest doing so, so your suggestions are heard.
See you on Saturday.
The Last Executive
June 5th, 2009
The next A@C Showing is on Saturday, June 13th. I’m just waiting on the booking confirmation so the room we’ll be in will be announced early next week.
For those who haven’t registered on the forums yet I suggest you do if you want your suggestions heard. At the moment it’s looking like Guin Saga and K-On! are going to be a major part of the schedule. I’m just going to go by what people want most.
See you on Saturday, June 13th.
The Last Executive
June 2nd, 2009
The next A@C Showing date will be announced soon so check back often.
In the mean time an event to look forward to is the Saturday, June 20th SOAP Party. The party will be running from 2:00pm to 9:00pm in the usual Tory Building rooms. This party will feature many events that are sure to please:
Video Game Tournaments
Street Fighter IV
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Live Events
Manga Madlibs
Anime Jeopardy
Dub This!
Of course there will be all the other usual events, Anime showings, video game room, etc…. Admission is just $5 so come out for an afternoon and evening to hang out with fellow Anime fans.
See you at the next A@C Showing, date will be announced soon.
The Last Executive
May 11th, 2009
Last Saturday was the first showing of the summer months, we showed:
Gokujou!! Mecha Mote Iinchou 1
Guin Saga 1
Hanasakeru Seishounen 1
Hatsukoi Limited 1
K-On! 1
Kemeko DX 1
Marie & Gali 00, 1, and 2
Ristorante Paradiso 1 streamed from Crunchyroll
Spice and Wolf II 00
Toaru Majutsu no Index 1 and 2
*Alphabetic order not the showing order
Check back here often for the next showing date which will be announced in late May or early June. As a reminder the forums are now online so I suggest to all those who have not done so already to register on them.
The status of the club is that whatever happen over this summer will be the final events. Yes, that means come the fall the club will not be recertifying with CUSA and as such will not be in operation (i.e. not holding events) come September. What is planned for the rest of summer is not official yet, but there will be a small schedule of events and a major final showing (the final showing is official but the date it yet to be determined). This website and the forum will be remaining online for as long as SOAP exists so in case the club restarts at some point in the future the website and forum will already be in place, also the forums provide a meeting place for any possible people wanting to restart the club and of course a hang out for all the long time members.
The main factors that contributed to this decision were the lack of Carleton students wanting to become Executives and the changing Anime industry. For the past few years most of the attendees have been non-Carleton students with dwindling student attendees over the course of the year, this past April when Club Elections were held there were no Carleton students present. Certainly over the past year and half or so the Anime industry here in North American and Japan has changed substantially, companies are declaring bankruptcy, the number of produced shows has gone down, a good number of titles are being insta-licensed (i.e. getting licensed quickly), and online streaming with simulcast is gaining traction. So with these factors in mind the club will be having its final showings over the summer, its better that the club ends on a high note instead of floundering around in the coming years due to the trouble of finding Executives and the possible further changes to the industry.
See you in June.
The Last Executive
May 8th, 2009
Tomorrow Saturday, May 9th in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 from roughly 3:00pm to 10:00pm will be the first showing of the summer months. Starting at roughly 3:00pm will be a meeting to outline the future of the club and to make everyone aware of it. This meeting will also serve to take suggestions and any possible ideas people may have. If you’re unable to be there for 3:00pm you may email your thoughts to me, but please do so before 11:00am tomorrow. The email address can be found under the ‘Contact’ page.
After the meeting concludes there will be a showing. I’ll be bringing some of the new series as well as a few titles off the shelf. You are welcome to bring along some DVDs if you wish, I can’t however guarantee that they will be shown. There is no schedule so its all going to be random content and people may chose when the break period is and how long.
Tomorrow in the same rooms there will be a SOAP meeting starting at 12:30pm. Your welcome to attend if you wish to help SOAP out.
The A@C Forums are online and can be accessed through the navigation menu to the right. I suggest visiting them, voting on the polls that are up, and start making posts to populate the boards.
See you tomorrow.
May 3rd, 2009
This Saturday, May 9th in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 from roughly 3:00pm to 10:00pm will be the first showing of the summer months. This showing will in addition have a meeting at the start, this meeting will outline the future of the club as well as to take any suggestions people may have. If you like attending A@C events I strongly advise you to be present for the meeting if you are unable to be there for mid afternoon you may email your suggestions/thoughts to me, the email address can be found under the ‘Contact’ page.
There is no definite schedule for this Saturday’s showing, it will be a random selection of titles. I’ll be bringing some of the new series which are airing this season as well as a few things off the shelf. If there is anything that you would possibly like to have shown please feel free to bring it.
Also this Saturday is the next SOAP meeting which will be starting at 12:30pm in the same room as the showing. If you would like to help SOAP you are welcome to attend.
The Anime@Carleton Forums are online. You can get to them either by going through the navigation menu link to the right or click the image.

See you this Saturday.
April 21st, 2009
The first showing of the summer months is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 9th in St. Patrick’s (SP) 435 from roughly 3:00pm to no later then 10:00pm. The schedule of the showing will be as follows:
Meeting – starting at roughly 3:00pm, this meeting will be to lay out the future of the club and take any suggestions people may have concerning the club
Anime Showing – will be starting right after the meeting and the content of the showing will be random selections (i.e. a loose schedule)
The meeting will basically decide what will become of the club come September, so I strongly suggest if you enjoy attending A@C events that you be present at this meeting. For the Anime showing I’ll be bringing a selection of the new titles that are being aired this season as well as some other titles.
On Saturday, May 9th there will also be a SOAP meeting taking place at Carleton. If your interested in helping SOAP out your welcome to attend the meeting. Details about this meeting can be viewed on the SOAP homepage and I’ll be putting up a notice a few days before the meeting to remind everyone.
See you on Saturday, May 9th.
April 16th, 2009
Well the winter-term is over and all that’s left for the club year is the summer. First so everyone is on the same page the state of the club will be laid out.
State of the Club
Club Elections did not go well this year, hardly any Carleton students were present and the ones that were present weren’t interested in being A@C Executives. Fact of the matter is we have more non-student attendees at the events, it’s nice having non-students coming out to the events but unfortunately they can’t be Executives. Melissa who was one of the Co-Presidents for this year has finished at Carleton and will be moving back west within the coming weeks. Julie who served as Junior Executive resigned. So at present the club only has one Executive, Craig the other Co-President. In addition our Director of Entertainment, D’Arcy, will be remaining with the club and will become one of the Executives. So what that means is the club will need one Executive in order to be able to function/exist come the fall.
Summer Events
There will be summer events this year so check back often to know what’s coming up. The first summer event will be announced in the next few weeks.
The website was had a theme change; hopefully everyone likes the new colours. The text has had its size increased since it was noted that it was somewhat hard to read. The Archive directory has been created; it allows access to both the News archive as well as the Shown Anime archive. The Discussions link has been moved up and relabeled for the upcoming forums. Further updates will be made on the Links page as well as some other minor details within the coming weeks. Plus the Events page has a new calendar on it.
Farewell Melissa
Melissa has served as an Executive in 2006-2007 as Vice-President and again this year as a Co-President. She has completed her studies at Carleton University in the field of Law and will be returning to the west for a year. She hopes to continue her studies at a Law School in the years to come. During the 2006-2007 year she provided her desktop computer, nicknamed Bobo, for the showings since the Executives back then did not have access to a laptop/notebook. We thank her for all the work she’s done for the club over the years and wish her well in her journeys.
That wraps up club affairs for the time being, we hope all those of you who attended the events this fall and winter enjoyed themselves. Good luck on the final exams/projects for those who are students.
See you all in a few weeks time.
April 12th, 2009
The winter-term has come to an end. Yesterday was the Last Showing of the Winter-term which also served as the Final Buried Treasures of Anime Showing. The year went by quickly, in the next couple of days there will be another post detailing the state of the club and what to expect for summer.
For all those of you who are students, good luck on the final exams/projects.
April 5th, 2009
Yesterday was the Last Standard Showing of the Winter-term. This coming weekend on Saturday, April 11th will be the Last Buried Treasures of Anime Showing which will be held in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 from 3:30pm to 11:00pm.
Club Elections, or more properly called who’s interested in being an Executive, happened yesterday. Unfortunately there weren’t any Carleton students who were interested in being Executives for next year, so we’ll be trying again at the showing on April 11th. For more details see the notice above.
See you on Saturday, April 11th for the final showing of the winter-term.
April 3rd, 2009
Tomorrow Saturday, April 4th is the Last Standard Showing of the Winter-term, we’ll be in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 from 5:00pm to roughly 11:00pm. Unfortunately Live-eviL has not yet released the final episode of The Daughter of Twenty Faces and Sora Kake Girl is only up to ten episodes. Unless something happens between now and tomorrow it looks like we’ll be ending on episode twenty-one for The Daughter of Twenty Faces and episode ten for Sora Kake Girl.
Club Elections will be held tomorrow. The election is going to take place shortly after the start of the break period. If you are going to be a Carleton University student next year and would be interested in helping run the club visit the Club Elections page for all the details.
There is one more event to go after tomorrow, on Saturday, April 11th is the Last Buried Treasures of Anime Showing.
See you tomorrow.
April 2nd, 2009
Ok, seeing as its just past midnight.
Yes, Joudan-koukyo Con, is/was an April Fools Day joke. The website is something I threw together in under 30 minutes. For those of you who looked up the meaning of the words it would translate out of Romanji as:
Joudan / koukyo
Kidding / canal
Because the world has a sick twisted way of getting revenge Joudan-koukyo Con may actually become a reality. There have been a few people who have voiced that something on the scale of Joudan-koukyo Con could happen (and some would like it to happen). So with that in mind there may be a large Anime event at Carleton over the summer at some point. I can’t stress may enough.
All I will say is that if Anime@Carleton does go the way of the dodo it will go out with a bang.
See you this Saturday for A@C’s Last Standard Showing of the Winter-term.
April 1st, 2009
We are pleased to announce Joudan-koukyo Con, an Anime Convention that will be held at Carleton University. Please visit the Joudan-koukyo Con website for more information.
On the weekend of August 15th and 16th, 2009 Anime@Carleton will be putting on Joudan-koukyo Con. Joudan-koukyo Con is Carleton’s first Anime Convention, for this occasion the entire campus of Carleton University has been reserved. We will be putting on events in various classrooms around the campus throughout the weekend. For the first time in Anime Con history we will have an Anime Swimsuit Contest at Carleton’s pool, as well as events on the ice rink and tennis court.
March 30th, 2009
There are two more events to go for the winter-term. This Saturday, April 4th will be the Last Standard Showing, where we will be finishing up our Fall/Winter-term lineup. The final event for the winter-term is the Last Buried Treasures of Anime Showing on Saturday, April 11th.
This Saturday we will hold Club Elections. They will be held during the break period, for more information click here.
Since Live-eviL did not release the last episode of The Daughter of Twenty Faces for last Saturday’s showing the final two episodes have been pushed to this Saturday, hopefully the final episode will be released by then. Also, Sora Kake Girl has jumped up to twenty six episodes (since it was decided upon as a show for the winter-term) and is only up to ten episodes at the moment, so we will go as far as possible with this series up until this Saturday.
See you this Saturday for the Last Standard Showing of the Winter-term.
March 27th, 2009
Added the Japanese Speech Contest to the ‘Events’ page.
Two notes for this tomorrow’s showing. First, if Live-eviL has not released the final episode of The Daughter of Twenty Faces with enough time for me to download it by tomorrow’s showing the final two episodes will be pushed to the final showing on April 4th with the hopes that the final episode will be released by then. Second, since D’Arcy is still out of commission the break time tomorrow will be filled with something different.
It’s that time of year again where we hold club elections. Details will be released within the next couple of days which will detail who’s going to stay with the club and what positions will need to be filled.
See you tomorrow.
March 25th, 2009
This coming Saturday, March 28th is our second last normal winter-term showing, we’ll be in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 from 5:00pm to roughly 11:15pm. Club elections are happening soon and if you’re interested in becoming an Executive for next year you must inform me by email or at the upcoming showing. For more details on being an Executive visit this page.
Also, this Saturday is Earth Hour™ happening at 8:30pm. For more information please visit their website.

See you this Saturday.
March 20th, 2009
Tomorrow Saturday, March 21st is our next showing, we’ll be in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 from 4:00pm to roughly 11:15pm. We’ll be in Minto Centre 5050 for the remainder of the winter-term showings, but be advised that there may be some of the dates that have a different start time. Besides tomorrow’s showing the rest of the winter-term events are:
Saturday, March 28th @ 5pm
Saturday, April 4th @ 5pm: Last Standard Showing of the Winter-term
Saturday, April 11th: Last Showing of the Winter-term and Last Buried Treasures of Anime
*The dates with a start time of 5pm may mean we start a bit later then normal, it will all depend on whether the previous group that booked the room will have cleared out by then.
As a side note for tomorrow’s showing, D’Arcy our Director of Entertainment (the person who brings his Wii for the gaming during the break period) has been injured in the line of duty while carrying around his large bag of gaming equipment. As such he will be unable to bring his gaming equipment to tomorrow’s showing. Since this leaves a break period with no normal activities I’ll be coming up with something for tomorrow’s break, it could be more gaming or it could be some random Anime episodes, only time will tell.
With four events left (including tomorrows) the winter-term is nearing its end. Any plans for events over the summer, May to August, will be announced at some later date. If there are summer showings an announcement will be made sometime around the end of April beginning of May which would pertain to any events in the early summer.
See you tomorrow.
March 16th, 2009
This coming Saturday, March 21st is the next A@C Showing, we’ll be in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 from 4:00pm to roughly 11:15pm. This is the third last showing for the winter-term, the main school terms certainly have moved fast.
As a reminder the club will need two new Executives for next year, 2009-2010. You can view the information about becoming an Executive in the ‘Notice’ portion above. If you are interested in becoming an Executive its imperative that you inform me by/at this Saturday’s showing. You can still email me and let me know you’re interested, however anyone who is interested must be at this coming showing or the showing on March 28th in person. The decision that decides the club’s future will be made soon and as such I want to have a good idea of how things may run next year and over the summer.
See you at A@C's Showing this Saturday.
March 10th, 2009
This coming Saturday, March 14th is the SOAP 10th Anniversary Birthday Party. It will be held at Carleton University in Tory Building (TB) around room 215 from 2:00pm to 9:00pm. Admission is just $5 and includes Anime, Video Games including a Street Fighter IV Tournament, Anime Improv with Liz, Artist Tables, and the Anime Flea Market. For more details see the official SOAP announcement.
The next A@C Showing is on Saturday, March 21st. We have three normal showings left and the last Buried Treasures of Anime showing on April 11th which will conclude the showings for the winter-term.
See you this Saturday for the SOAP Party.
March 2nd, 2009
Buried Treasures of Anime is finally back. This Saturday, March 7th in St. Patrick's (SP) 435 from 3:00pm to 11:00pm will be the first of two special showings that is all about Nostalgic and Avant-Garde Anime. The admission to the BToA Showings is free. These showings were originally scheduled to take place in January, but due to the transit strike were postponed. The showings are a co-production between Subterranime and Anime@Carleton. The schedule for the showings can be viewed in the 'Events' section.
See you this Saturday for BToA.
February 23rd, 2009
The SOAP 10th Anniversary Birthday Party will be taking place on Saturday, March 14th from 2:00pm to 9:00pm in Tory Building (TB) around room 215. Admission is just $5 and includes Anime, Video Games including a Street Fighter IV Tournament, Anime Improv with Liz, Artist Tables, and the Anime Flea Market which will have some dealer tables. For more details see the official SOAP announcement.
See you this Saturday for A@C's Showing.
February 20th, 2009
Places to grab something to eat have been brought up a number of times at the showings, so I have decided to add the ‘Eateries’ section to the bottom of the ‘Location and Maps’ page. Hopefully people find the information provided there useful. If you’re attending one of our showings and are unsure of the locations of the various eateries feel free to ask plus there are a number of people who go and grab something during the break period who could show you the way.
So everyone is aware one date for a winter-term showing has changed, the remaining winter-term schedule is:
Saturday, February 28th
Saturday, March 21st (was originally March 14th)
Saturday, March 28th
Saturday, April 4th
See you on February 28th.
February 19th, 2009
Last Saturday was the first normal showing of the winter-term. The new shows for the winter are Kurozuka and Sora Kake Girl.
The next A@C showing in on Saturday, February 28th in Minto Centre (MC) 5050, be advised that the rest of the winter-term showings don’t all have the same schedule, some start at 4:00pm whereas others start at 5:00pm. Please check the ‘Events’ page for each showing’s start time.
Again I remind all those student members that the club will need two new Executives for next year (2009-2010). If you’re interested in becoming an Executive it’s important that you notify me, you may do so by visiting the link in the ‘Notice’ section above. With only four more showings left before the end of the winter-term, we need to know how/if the club will function next year.
See you on February 28th.
February 14th, 2009
The readjusted winter-term schedule is online, to view it please see the ‘Events’ page. Unfortunately due to the transit strike we lost two showings so the new winter-term schedule has been adjusted to work with the five remaining showings. RD Senno Chosashitsu ‘Real Drive’ has been dropped from the lineup due to the tight fitting schedule and the number of people who didn’t want to continue watching it. If your interested in the seeing the rest of it please let me know at the showing today or by email if you can’t make it.
The showing today is in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 with a start time of 5:00pm and running until ~11:15pm. The new shows for the winter-term are Sora Kake Girl and either Chaos;HEAd or Kurozuka, the decision between Chaos;HEAd and Kurozuka will be made at the showing today.
See you this evening.
February 13th, 2009
The official update to the schedule will be online later today. I just wanted to share this with everyone in case you have an opinion about this issue, the deadline for submissions is February 16th.
CRTC investigating Internet throttling
Bell and other corporate giants such as Rogers and Shaw currently have free rein to "throttle" service to their retail customers and those small companies that rent portions of Bell's network to competitively provide internet service to Canadians.
The CRTC is conducting a detailed investigation of this Internet traffic management by Canada's big telecoms. Submissions from the public and hearings later this year are part of that probe.
Canadians must seize this opportunity to tell the CRTC that it must ensure we have an open, fast and accessible Internet in this country.
*From the Open Internet Campaign.
Your submissions to the CRTC will be considered in the "traffic management" hearings held later this year. Please take a few seconds to send your comments to the CRTC before the February 16th deadline. Join people from across Canada in sending a comment to the CRTC calling for access to the open Internet.
*From the Act! page.
For more information about Net Neutrality and the Open Internet Campaign visit
February 10th, 2009
At the showing for this coming Saturday, February 14th we will be resuming our normal schedule. The schedule in the ‘Events’ section will be updated by the end of the week. Because we lost the month of January (two showings) the schedule has been readjusted. Presently the schedule has been adjusted to work with the remaining five showings however it may be reorganized back to seven showings for the winter-term. If we do go back up to seven showings two extra showings will be added sometime before April.
The new shows for the winter-term will be announced along with the updated schedule. The five showing schedule has two new shows but drops RD Senno Chosashitsu ‘Real Drive’. If the seven showing schedule is used then RD Senno Chosashitsu ‘Real Drive’ will most likely continue. If RD Senno Chosashitsu ‘Real Drive’ is no longer shown then I’ll see about making the remaining episodes available to those who liked the series.
The notice section above will be up for the rest of the winter-term, this is due to the fact that the club will need two new Executives for next year, click here for more information.
See you this Saturday.
January 30th, 2009
Tomorrow will be the last Shelf Special Showing, it will be held in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 starting sometime between 4:00pm and 5:00pm. The normal schedule will be resuming in February, the schedule on the ‘Events’ page will be updated within the next few weeks.
See some of you tomorrow and the rest of you in February.
January 29th, 2009
The transit strike is over!!
For news about the now over transit strike visit either CBC News Ottawa and/or CTV News Ottawa.
Check back tomorrow evening for news about the showing this Saturday, because the main route bus service won’t be restored until sometime within the next two weeks this Saturday’s showing will most likely be the last Shelf Special Showing. By the looks of it the normal A@C events will resume in February with only two normal showings to make up.
January 22nd, 2009
Unfortunately the transit strike is still on with no end in sight. For updates visit either CBC News Ottawa and/or CTV News Ottawa.
Thanks to the strike all normal A@C events are on hold until further notice. However just because the normal events are on hold doesn’t mean there is nothing. On the dates that there would be a normal event will be the Shelf Special Showing; it will be offered for as long as the normal events are on hold. The Shelf Special is just that an offering of various movies/OVAs and perhaps a complete series. Check back prior to each date on the ‘Events’ page to see if the Shelf Special Showing will be offered.
Because the strike if affecting the schedule there will be a “point of no return” added sometime within the next two weeks. The “point of no return” will be a date that if the normal events haven’t started back up by then will mean the schedule will change so we finish up this year’s lineup by the end of the winter-term. I’m going to try and avoid having showings each week (if the schedule does get that compacted); also it may mean that the winter-term shows that would have been added for this term may not be added.
An Important Note that will be repeated throughout the winter-term is the club will need two Carleton students to fill two Executive positions for next year (2009-2010). The two students must have a drive to run the club that includes getting the CUSA paperwork in before the deadlines, attending any mandatory CUSA meetings, keeping up to date as to what Anime is coming out, getting any screening permissions, carrying around the equipment, and of course supplying the Anime. It’s important to notify me if you’re interested in becoming an Executive of the club. What happens if two Carleton students don’t step forward you ask, well then the future of the club will be hanging in the balance.
The next possible Shelf Special Showing will be Saturday, January 31st. Check back in a week’s time on either Friday evening or Saturday morning to see if it will be held.
January 16th, 2009
While the transit strike is still on, however the light at the end of tunnel may be coming soon. In the news today the transit union has proposed they would go back to work if the city:
Agrees not to deal with worker scheduling changes for the time being.
Hands the rest of the contract issues over for binding arbitration.
The city is to decide on this today at a closed door council meeting at 9:00pm. For the official news article see the CBC News article Ottawa transit union seeks arbitration to end strike.
The Shelf Special Showing will be held tomorrow, since even if the transit strike ended over the weekend the buses wouldn’t be running again until sometime next week. The Shelf Special Showing will be held in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 tomorrow (Saturday), the start time will be between 3:00pm to 4:00pm. The showing will consist of either movies/OVAs or possibly a 12-13 episode series.
See some of you tomorrow.
January 10th, 2009
As the notices state above the Buried Treasurers of Anime showing that was scheduled for today has been postponed until the transit strike is resolved. This was decided so the most possible could see it. There will be announcements as to when it has been rescheduled when the strike is over.
Because the rooms are booked a small unscheduled showing will be taking place tomorrow, for whoever can make it out. This showing will have no relation to our normal schedule and only last for a couple of hours. The showing will consist of movies/OVAs that will be picked at the last minute. Due to the thrown together nature of this showing there will be no gaming.
Shelf Special Showing today in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 starting sometime between 4:00pm and 5:00pm and running a couple of hours. Admission is free and be advised that this showing is completely unscheduled.
See some of you later today.
January 9th, 2009
Please see the news from yesterday (January 8th, 2009).
The decision concerning suspending A@C events until the transit strike is resolved will be made by midnight.
January 8th, 2009
Today is the day of the forced vote for the OC Transpo Union. If they vote no the transit strike will continue if by chance they vote yes the strike will be over come Monday. If you would like to voice an opinion about the strike visit the Canada Industrial Relations Board and view the “Notice to the Public” concerning the transit strike.
As was posted yesterday, because many of the A@C members depend on OC Transpo to get to and from the A@C events I would like all who are A@C members and those who would be showing up just for the Buried Treasurers of Anime showings to please email me and let me know whether you would be coming out to the events even if the public transit system is not working. Depending on the numbers and what happens with the vote today I may be suspending all A@C events until the transit strike is resolved, which will mean that the Buried Treasurers of Anime showings will be rescheduled and all the A@C showings will be put on hold, and yes that may mean we have a showing every week to catch up.
The announcement concerning the status of the showings will be made this Friday evening and be posted here on the home page. So please check either Friday evening or Saturday morning so you know what’s going to happen.
January 7th, 2009
Classes have started back up and the OC Transpo strike is creating a huge problem with many students not able to get to the university and parking on campus is crazy not to mention the traffic on the roads.
With many A@C members depending on OC Transpo to get around, please email me at Craig (Co-President), if you are going to be unable to make it the showings until the strike is over. Depending on the numbers I will either make the content that was missed available or if there is enough I may suspend the A@C showings until the transit strike is resolved. The decision will be made Friday evening so check back either Friday evening or Saturday morning.
Hopefully see you this Saturday.
January 3rd, 2009
Happy New Year, hope the holidays went well for everyone.
The winter-term starts up on Monday and the First Showing of 2009 will be on Saturday, January 10th. The showing on the 10th will be a special Buried Treasures of Anime and that block will continue for the month of January, check the ‘Events’ page for the schedule as the showings have been extended on the 17th and 31st. By the 10th the new shows for the winter-term schedule will be posted as well.
The website will be back to it original look by the 10th or depending on my time it my have a new look for the winter-term.
See you in a week’s time.
December 24th, 2008: Merry Christmas

Hope your stocking and presents are filled with Anime-goodness.
Hope you all are enjoying the holiday season and we’ll be seeing you again in the New Year. The first showing of 2009 will be on Saturday, January 10th 2009.
Have a safe and happy holiday.
December 21st, 2008
Until early January the A@C site will have a more festive look. Hope you all enjoy.
The exam period is over and the holidays have just begun. Hopefully your stockings and presents are stuffed with Anime-goodness. Just remember to have a safe and happy holiday.
The winter-term lineup will be posted in the coming weeks as well as some possible special showings.
Hope you all have a Happy Holiday and see you in the New Year.
December 10th, 2008
The fall-term has come to an end; we’ll be starting up the winter-term on January 10th, one month from today. In the next few weeks I’ll announce the show selection for the winter-term, so check back to see what’s made it into the schedule.
Currently in the planning stages are some special showings for January, these showings will be announced later this month or in early January.
Hope all your exams are going well.
December 4th, 2008
The 2nd Christmas Showing email went out to those who are on the RSVP List this evening. If you did not receive it please email me, email can be found on the Christmas Showing page or either on the ‘Contact’ or ‘Executives’ pages.
It’s now the exam period and hopefully they aren’t causing too much stress.
For those of you who are attending the Christmas Showing I’ll see you this Saturday, otherwise see you in the winter-term.
November 27th, 2008
The Christmas Showing email went out to those who are on the RSVP List early this morning. If you did not receive it please email me, email can be found on the Christmas Showing page or either on the ‘Contact’ or ‘Executives’ pages.
Classes for the fall-term are just about over and hopefully the exam period isn’t stressing you out too much, may the spirits of all the brainy Anime characters be with you.
Update: Do to the recent sever change the A@C site reverted back to the 25th, since everything should be fully up and running now the site is fully back up to date.
For those of you who are attending the Christmas Showing I’ll see you there, otherwise see you in the winter-term.
November 25th, 2008
The Last Standard Showing of the Fall-term went well, the show selection for the winter-term will be posted in the coming weeks and some further announcements about the winter-term will also be made.
The information concerning the Christmas Showing will be going out in the next day or two to the people who are on the RSVP List. I’ll be posting here on the ‘News’ section when the email goes out, so if you don’t receive it please let me know.
Yesterday all websites under the domain name got switched to a new sever. This change over has hit a few bumps, like the SOAP Forums being down temporarily. Just keep checking back and the forums will be online again soon, at least we hope.
Since Exams are just around the corner we wish you well. For those of you who will be attending the Christmas Showing I’ll see you there, for those of you who can’t we’ll see you in January for the winter-term.
November 21st, 2008
The Last Standard Showing of the Fall-term is tomorrow Saturday, November 22nd from 4:00pm to roughly 11:15pm in Minto Centre (MC) 5050. At the showing we will have four passes to give away to the screening of Death Note II, for more info see the ‘Events’ page. Also, at the showing there will some announcements at the break period.
The 2nd Annual Christmas Showing is coming up on Saturday, December 6th. Because the Christmas Showing is a special event if your interested in attending you must RSVP and it is limited only to A@C members, there will be a sheet at the showing this Saturday or if your not able to make it I’ll be accepting email RSVPs. For more details see the Christmas Showing page. There will be some announcements tomorrow at the showing concerning the Christmas Showing
See you tomorrow.
November 9th, 2008
We have one more normal showing to go until the end of the fall-term, the last normal A@C Showing for the fall is on Saturday, November 22nd. Following on Saturday, December 6th we will be holding our 2nd Christmas Showing, please visit the Christmas Showing page for more details about this special event.
See you on November 22nd.
November 7th, 2008
Tomorrow is the next A@C Showing, we’ll be in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 from 4:30pm to roughly 11:15pm. We’re starting 30 minutes later then normal due to another event being in the room before us.
For those of you who are staying home or have PVRs YTV will be airing Bleach: Memories of Nobody at 9:00pm tomorrow.
Since we’re coming up on the end of the fall-term that means it almost time for our 2nd Annual Christmas Showing. There will be some announcements at tomorrow’s showing and be sure to keep checking back for other announcements regarding the Christmas Showing.
See you tomorrow.
October 31st, 2008: Halloween

On Sunday, November 2nd at the Museum of Civilization there will be Japan Day. Japan Day highlights Japanese culture with displays and demonstrations from various groups around Ottawa. If your interested in attending see the Japan Day Programme. *Updated
Enjoy the weekend and see you at the next A@C Showing which is on Saturday, November 8th from 4:30pm to roughly 11:15pm in Minto Centre (MC) 5050.
October 26th, 2008
Chibi-Cubed was yesterday and hopefully everyone who attended enjoyed themselves. Attendance was around 200. Chibi-Cubed marks the final major SOAP event until 2009.
The next A@C Showing is on Saturday, November 8th.
See you in a few weeks.
October 23rd, 2008
Chibi-Cubed is just a few days away on Saturday, October 25th. The mini-con runs from 10am to 10pm on the 4th Floor of St. Patrick’s Building on the Carleton campus.
The schedule can be found on the Chibi-Cubed website. Tickets will be available at the door for $12 and $10 for A@C members.
As a reminder the A@C Showing for this week is being combined with Chibi-Cubed. Check the schedule on the Chibi-Cubed website or the ‘Events’ section for a timetable with this week’s episodes. All A@C members can gain access to the ‘Video Room’ for free, listed on the schedule as SP 435, as long as you show you’re A@C membership card.
See you at Chibi-Cubed.
October 16th, 2008
The long weekend is over and hopefully everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving.
This Sunday, October 19th at Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street at 7:00pm the Embassy of Japan and the Canadian Film Institute will present Doraemon The Movie: Norbita’s Dinosaur in English Subtitles. Admission is free.
Following on Monday, October 20th there will be screenings of Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody at:
Empire Theaters, 111 Albert Street, 3rd Floor, Ottawa at 7:00pm and 9:30pm
General Admission is: $11.50
SilverCity Gloucester, 2385 City Park Drive, Gloucester at 7:00pm
General Admission is: $16.05
This Saturday, October 18th is the next A@C Showing, we’ll be in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 from 4:00pm to roughly 11:15pm. As a reminder all upcoming A@C events, excluding Chibi-Cubed, will require an A@C Membership. Club Membership is $5 per term and can be picked up at our showings.
Chibi-Cubed will be taking place on Saturday, October 25th on the 4th Floor of St. Patrick’s Building, for maps of the campus see the ‘Location and Maps’ section. Tickets are on sale at our showings, the Comic Book Shoppe (Bank St.), and Toys on Fire. Tickets are limited to just 300. Admission to the one day mini-con is:
$10 if you purchase a ticket on or before October 17th
$12 at the door if any remaining tickets are available
$10 for A@C Members at the door if there are any spare tickets
Ticket sales end on October 17th at the stores around Ottawa and the last chance to purchase a ticket before Chibi-Cubed is at our showing on Saturday, October 18th. Ticket sales on October 18th will be limited to A@C Members.
Our showing on Saturday, October 25th will be combined with Chibi-Cubed. A schedule will be posted as soon as it’s completed.
See you this Saturday.
October 11th, 2008: Thanksgiving Weekend

Hope you all are enjoying the long weekend.
Saturday, October 18th is the next A@C Showing, we’ll be in Minto Centre (MC) 5050 from 4:00pm to roughly 11:15pm. On Monday, October 20th there will be screenings of Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody, more details can be found in the ‘Events’ section.
Chibi-Cubed will be taking place on Saturday, October 25th on the 4th Floor of St. Patrick’s Building, for maps of the campus see the ‘Location and Maps’ section. Tickets are on sale at our showings, the Comic Book Shoppe (Bank St.), and Toys on Fire. Tickets are limited to just 300. Admission to the one day mini-con is:
$10 if you purchase a ticket on or before October 17th
$12 at the door if any remaining tickets are available
$10 for A@C Members at the door if there are any spare tickets
Ticket sales end on October 17th at the stores around Ottawa and the last chance to purchase a ticket before Chibi-Cubed is at our showing on Saturday, October 18th. Ticket sales on October 18th will be limited to A@C Members and yes you can also pick up an A@C Membership that day as well.
Our showing on Saturday, October 25th will be combined with Chibi-Cubed. A schedule will be posted as soon as it’s completed.
As a reminder all upcoming A@C events, excluding Chibi-Cubed, will require an A@C Membership. Club Membership is $5 per term and can be picked up at our showings.
Since the CUSA Clubs & Societies list has been updated the old club email is no longer in use and will not be checked. If you need to get in contact with an Executive of the club you can find all the email addresses in the ‘Contact’ section.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving and see you on October 18th.
October 1st, 2008
The next A@C showing is on Saturday, October 18th, we’ll be in Minto Centre (MC) 5050.
Tickets for Chibi-Cubed are now on sale. They are available at our showings, the Comic Book Shoppe (Bank St.), and Toys on Fire. Tickets are limited to just 300 so if you want to be sure that you get to attend pick up your ticket early. Ticket sales end on October 17th and the last chance to pick up a ticket before Chibi-Cubed is at our showing on October 18th. If there are any spare tickets they will be offered at the door of the mini-con at $12 or if you’re an A@C member the ticket will only cost $10.
As a reminder our showing on October 25th will be combined with Chibi-Cubed. A timetable will be posted as soon as the video programming is completed.
See you on October 18th.
September 27th, 2008
Tonight is the second showing of the fall-term. It’s from 4:00pm to roughly 11:15pm in Minto Centre (MC) 5050.
Website Updates:
The ‘Constitution’, ‘Policies’, and ‘Advertisements’ pages have been updated, also since we are back in Minto Centre the ‘Location and Maps’ page has been resurrected with all the directions to Minto Centre.
See you tonight.
September 26th, 2008
The location for the upcoming showing has been confirmed. We are now back in Minto Centre (MC) 5050, this room has been confirmed for this Saturday, September 27th and the showing on Saturday, October 18th. If the room availability goes in our favour we will be in MC 5050 for the rest of the year.
As a reminder this Saturday’s showing is free due to the number of students who just found out about the club at Clubs & Societies Day earlier this week. This will be the last free A@C event until the winter-term, membership will be checked at each of our events after this. Membership with A@C is $5 per semester.
See you this Saturday.
September 24th, 2008
The upcoming A@C showing is this Saturday, September 27th from 4:00pm to roughly 11:15pm. The location of this showing may change so check back Friday evening or Saturday morning for the location. Because of the amount of interest from students who just discovered A@C, yesterday at Clubs & Societies Day at Carleton, this Saturday’s showing will be free. This is the last free showing until the winter-term, after this Saturday there will be membership checks at our events.
The ‘Events’ section has been updated. First the October 11th showing has been moved to October 18th due to Thanksgiving. Second details were posted about Chibi-Cubed. Lastly there have been a few events added for the fall-term. The details about what’s happening on October 24th will be released soon.
See you this Saturday.
September 12th, 2008
The First Standard Showing of the Fall-term is tomorrow in Tory Building (TB) 217 from 4:00pm to roughly 11:00pm. We will start up our year/fall lineup as well as have a few things to give away.
We have some free passes, only for club members, to the Death Note screening on Monday, September 15th. If the number of people who are interested in going is equal to or less then the number of passes then the passes will just be given out. If there are more people then passes we will raffle them off. The passes are good only at Cineplex Theaters and the only one in the Ottawa area that is showing Death Note is SilverCity Gloucester, 2385 City Park Drive, Gloucester, 613-688-8800. The other theater in Ottawa that has the film is Empire Theaters.
The Mayfair Theater on 1074 Bank Street, Ottawa, 613-730-3403 will be showing Princess Mononoke on September 22nd and 23rd. If our interested in going, this theater only accepts cash at the box office in order to offer better prices on movie tickets, even though their membership program ends on November 30th its still a very good deal with 3 admissions included in the package for only $18 where as the non-member admission is $9.
This year’s membership cards will be available at the showing tomorrow. For those who have already paid the fee, cards will be handed out. If you haven’t already paid the club dues then a year membership is $10 (unless you signed the sheet at Prelude, in which case its $5) and a semester membership is $5. Be advised that after tomorrow’s showing all future club events will require membership, unless otherwise posted.
See you tomorrow.
September 8th, 2008
The first showing of the 2008-2009 year had a good turn out. Unfortunately our Director of Entertainment could not attend which meant that gaming did not occur for the break period. He will be there at the next showing with a selection of games.
The vote to fill the remaining slot in the fall-term timetable went to Natsume Yujin-Cho. This series will start backup at episode 1 this coming Saturday and the series will end at the end of the fall-term.
The ‘Events’ section has been fully updated for all the showings for the rest of the year. The “Christmas Showing” and “Last Showing of the Winter-term” will have more details released as we get closer to the dates. Special Showings will be announced as they come along so keep checking back. Be advised that sometimes the events will have slight changes or sometimes switched dates (rarely) so always check the homepage and the ‘Events’ section for the latest details.
As a reminder, club membership is $5 for the semester (September to December) or $10 for the year (September to April), unless you signed the sheet at Prelude in which case a year membership is only $5.
The Treasurer and Secretary position has been filled, for this year the position will serve as a Junior Executive Training Position. More details about the new Executive will be released soon.
On Monday, September 15th at 9:00pm select theaters around Ottawa will have a screening of the first Death Note film. Viz Pictures has sent the club some free tickets to the film. They should hopefully be here by the end of the week and will be offered to club members. I have no idea how many free passes we’re getting so depending on the amount will depend on how they are given out. For more details and the theater list see the Death Note website.
The next A@C showing is this Saturday, September 13th, it will be held in Tory Building (TB) 215 (social room) and 217 (main room and Anime Showing) from 4:00pm to around 11:00pm. For a detailed layout of the showing see the ‘Events’ section.
See you this Saturday.
September 4th, 2008
The details for the intro meeting and showing on Saturday, September 6th have been posted. It will be held in Tory Building (TB) 215 and 217 from 4:00pm to 11:00pm, for a more detailed layout of the event see the event listing in the ‘Events’ section.
We will show the first episode of Natsume Yujin-Cho and Toshokan Sensou ‘Library War’ and have a vote after showing both. Whichever title receives the most votes will go into the remaining slot in our standard showings.
Later in the evening we will show the small series of Hanbun No Tsuki Ga Noboru Sora ‘HanTsuki’, which is only six episodes.
There will also be gaming and a few prizes to be given away.
See you this Saturday.
September 3rd, 2008: 08-09 Showings Dates
We have announced our lineup and timetable, now its time for the showing dates. This year the showings will be on Saturdays. Without further ado the dates:
September 6th: Intro Meeting/Showing (not part of our standard showing schedule)
September 13th: Start of our standard showings
September 27th
October 11th
October 25th
November 1st: Chibi-Cubed (date and location are not 100% official, yet)
November 8th
November 22nd: Last standard showing of the fall-term
January 10th: Not Official Catch up showing
January 17th: First showing of the winter-term
January 31st
February 14th
February 28th
March 14th
March 28th
April 4th: Last standard showing of the winter-term
So there you have it, our standard showings for the 2008-2009 year. All the dates listed above are for our standard showings; any special showings/events will be announced as they come along.
This year besides various special Anime showings there will be some very special events, the details of which will be released as they are finalized.
We were at Prelude this morning greeting all the new Carleton students, during the orientation event we had 22 new members signup. Unfortunately we were situated at a table out in the direct sunlight, so it was quite hot…the things I do for the club.
This Saturday, September 6th we will be having an introductory showing/meeting. The details will be released by tomorrow night. Club membership will be available at the meeting, the membership fee this year is, $5 for the semester and $10 for the year.
See you this Saturday and enjoy the first few days of classes.
September 1st, 2008: Welcome to the 2008-2009 Club Year
The 2008-2009 Club Year has just started and we have already announced our lineup and timetable. This year promises to bring club activities to new heights and the introduction of a number of special events that will hopefully continue on for years to come.
We are a few days away from the start of the fall-term and that means its Orientation Week at Carleton, otherwise known as Prelude. This year Anime @ Carleton has a table at the Prelude activities. We will be on campus on Wednesday, September 3rd from 11:30am to 1:00pm in Alumni Park (the area just behind Robertson Hall, the park with the fountain). At the table we will have flyers and a membership signup sheet (no membership fees will be collected at Prelude; instead the fee will be collected when the membership cards are picked up). As a special to all the new Carleton students, a full year membership with A@C will only cost $5, but this special price will only apply to those who signup this Wednesday.
See you at the showings.